2024 Preparations
Tools for the Task
Today I am writing to you about some very practical things. Recently, I shared our vision for 2024 with you. There’s no better way to celebrate CfaN’s 50th anniversary than to push for more salvations than we’ve ever seen in a single year before – and we’re going to do that with 50 campaigns. We are so excited for what is to come!
But of course, these Gospel Campaigns don’t just suddenly happen. It takes months and months of preparation beforehand, by multiple teams. It takes hard work and diligence, often under the most difficult of circumstances. You’ve heard me sing the praises of our team many times, and with good reason! And right now, those teams are forging ahead to lay the foundations for many events in multiple countries.
I am not being glib when I say that every department is vital. We can’t have a Gospel campaign if no one knows about it (marketing) or there are no church volunteers (training). And there is certainly no mass evangelism without the stage, the speakers, and the lights. The technical side of CfaN is crucial, and the man who shoulders that responsibility is Derek Murray.
If I were standing on a stage right now, I would hand the microphone over to the expert now! Derek has been our Technical Director for nearly 40 years. He knows exactly what’s happening on the technical side, and he has some important updates to share with you today.
Derek Murry
CfaN Technical Director

What are CfaN’s technical challenges for 2024?
Derek: To accomplish 50 campaigns next year, we will need to conduct multiple campaigns at the same time. That’s something we have managed to do very well in East and Southern Africa, in Tanzania and Zambia. Next year, we want to do something similar in West Africa too. In February we will go to Aba, Nigeria, where we will hold two campaigns simultaneously. A week later, we’ll do two more, so that’s four events instead of one. Right now, we have one large sound system in West Africa that can reach a million people at once. We need to temporarily split that system in two – and then put it back together again for larger events later in the year.
How far along are these preparations?
Derek: We are making excellent progress. In West Africa, we already have two stages, two sound towers, two generators and two giant LED screens. What we do not have yet is two sets of stage equipment. We need more electric motors, more cables, more microphones, and various other pieces. So, we are almost there with the two complete systems for West Africa, and we will have those ready by the end of this year.

What happened to our East Africa equipment recently?
Derek: Unfortunately, one of our trucks was in a serious accident while traveling from Zambia back to our base in Kenya. We thank God that the driver was unharmed. But the truck trailer and axle were badly damaged. Not only that, but we lost our big generator in the accident. It is irreparable, and the insurance has refused to pay for it. That has to be replaced immediately, at a cost of over €25,000. The truck repairs also need to happen right away. Every vehicle we have is vital – we can’t afford to lose a single one!

Repairing and replacing
Derek: African conditions are extremely hard on everything. The state of the roads is a major factor, as this accident demonstrates. They are generally shockingly bad, so our trucks and equipment take a pounding when traveling long distances. The equipment gets shaken and bounced around, so, inevitably, there is breakage, no matter how carefully we pack. That’s why all our tech team can do repairs on the field. There’s no waiting for a technician to come and help you out!
Then there’s the weather – often extreme heat and rain, dust, and dirt. Electronics don’t like any of that. We’re always looking for ways to better protect the equipment, but nature is out of our control. We could have torrential rain in the dry season, or a sudden early harmattan blowing tons of sand into every nook and cranny. All of this shortens equipment lifespans. It’s a constant battle.

Fix it, repurpose it, use every resource!
Derek: We are so very aware that we’re dealing with money that’s been donated, and this is not something we are casual about at all. We take this extremely seriously. We’ve been entrusted to use the money wisely, which we definitely do in terms of how we keep equipment going. One example is the very first loudspeakers we bought back in 1986. We’re still using them today, nearly 40 years later, because we maintain and care for the equipment diligently. These are God’s tools in our hands.
Conclusion from Daniel:
This is how we bring the harvest in – with prayer and faith, yes, but also with sweat and hard work! This is part of what your donations do, putting tools in the hands of the harvest field laborers. Thank you so much for helping us do that. Please also keep our technical and organizational teams in your prayers. They have a tremendous task before them and need your love and support in the months to come.
Together with you for the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(here with the worldwide CfaN team)