The Fruit that Remains
We wish we had the space to print all the wonderful testimonies and stories that you, our beloved mission partners, have sent us recently. You have blessed and encouraged us! We love to see how God moves in each of your lives, and we marvel at His goodness in bringing us all together. Thank you to each and every one of you for standing by our side, and faithfully serving the Lord in the harvest field. Enjoy this “family album” of some of our precious CfaN mission partners!

After about 25 godless years in this world, the Holy Spirit convinced me that this is all worthless, a chasing after the wind. The soul can never be satisfied by the pleasures of this world! I cried to the Lord for help and forgiveness. He heard my pleas and filled me anew with His love and mercy. Then I remembered the sermons of Reinhard Bonnke, and the times I had been to an outreach in Augsburg, as well as a Fire Conference in Lisbon. Now I am always deeply moved when I see the evangelistic campaigns with Daniel Kolenda in Africa – and if God allows it, I want to travel to Africa to take part in a Gospel Campaign.
F.C. - Switzerland

How did I get to know CfaN? There was a booklet, “From Minus to Plus” by Reinhard Bonnke. And not only that, but I also got a newsletter from you. Through these stories, printed paper reports with impressive pictures of mass evangelistic campaigns, I became your “fan”, you could say. My heart’s desires connected with your activities in the same direction, and so I was always with you from then, in my heart and in prayer. It became extremely clear to me how much “a righteous prayer” can do, as James says.
R.F. - Germany
We attended the Fire Conference in Winterthur as a family in 2016, and that’s where we really got to know CfaN. What we really love is how your team keeps us informed in such a detailed and consistent way, bringing us in into your projects, so that we can make them our projects – especially how projects are prepared. For example, that means where you are going, what the aim is, what is needed, how long the preparation takes and what it looks like, how the event goes and how the team is doing, with regular updates and end reports. And always, the spiritual perspective behind it all, how God is working.
A.M. - Germany

I became a CfaN mission partner after I participated in the School of Evangelism 2019 in Orlando. God has put in my heart to use dance as a tool of evangelism. At the moment, I’m developing and praying for a dance workshop that I want to organize with the purpose of letting people know Jesus.
L.T. – Switzerland
In September 2013, I was driving my car near Amsterdam and suddenly the name of Reinhard Bonnke was in my mind. I didn’t know him that well, but I shared this with my pastor, and he said, “Maybe the Lord wants to show you something.”. I started researching his ministry, and I was amazed, because I was already evangelizing on the streets. In 2014, I went to a School of Evangelism in Rotterdam. And since May 2018, I have been going to Nigeria to hold small campaigns, and I’ve also been to Busia in Uganda. I love your ministry and all that you are doing for God. My heart is also to reach out to souls.
H.G. – The Netherlands

I come from Germany and I’ve been living in Vancouver for the last 55 years. I was born again in Canada and after my training, I went into missionary service, for which Germany and the former DDR were my primary focus. So, I heard about CfaN in Germany, and attended many meetings and Fire Conferences. By now, I’ve been connected to CfaN for over 40 years, and that’s given me so much encouragement over the years and helped me to grow.
H.G. - Canada
Something that made a huge impression on my wife and me was the mission partner conference in Bregenz in the fall of 1992. We were there with our then one-year-old daughter, and my wife experienced a healing commitment of her life to the Lord. And our daughter said her first word during a fiery sermon from Reinhard Bonnke: “Hot!” That word was said over and over in the sermon, loud and clear! We will never forget that sermon, about Peter following Jesus onto the water. It came full circle for us in May last year when we were able to experience Reinhard Bonnke’s farewell at the conference in Hamburg. People like Reinhard Bonnke, Peter Vandenberg, Suzette Hattingh, the Wentlands and now also Daniel Kolenda, have helped to shape our faith.
F.P. – Germany

I was born in Ukraine and become a Christian in 1999. Since my first steps in my Christian life I had a great desire to preach the Gospel, I tried to share good news everywhere. I found the book “Evangelism by Fire” by Reinhard Bonnke in my church in 2000. I was so inspired by this book and read it many times. This book is my favorite.
V.T. – Israel
When I was still a small child, my parents were not saved yet. My mother was seeking, so she went to a CfaN meeting in Zurich (about 38/40 years ago). My father got some very bad news from his doctor at that time. Because he had a hole in his spine and strong pain, the doctor advised him to give up his work as a roofer and go on to 100% disability. For my father, as a daddy of 2 small children, this was not easy. Because she nagged him, he accompanied my mother to one of the last of the CfaN evening meetings. At the meeting, there was a word of knowledge that a young father was there with this problem (precisely my father’s diagnosis) and that God wanted to heal him. My father went to the front thinking, “If it doesn’t work, it won’t do any harm.” He didn’t feel any change straight away, but on his way home, he felt something like two hands massaging his spine in circles. He said to my mother that he was now healed. Since then, he was completely healed and worked into old age as a roofer. From that moment, my father and mother accepted Jesus. Naturally, they always followed and read the CfaN reports with great interest.
M.K. – Germany

About 2 years ago, I had a crazy life crisis that really tested my faith. At that time, I had massive problems in my marriage and with my health. And for health reasons, I was forced to give up my job. I had no idea what to do next. I had so many questions for God, and I urgently needed His help, power and comfort. But the dear Lord heard my cry and I was able to experience His presence, love, and grace like never before in my heart and life. All of this happened at the Fire19 Conference with Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda in Hamburg. Jesus baptized and filled me with the Holy Spirit. He touched me and gave me a new beginning. Jesus changed me and gave me a whole new perspective for so many things, and ignited in me a love for poor and needy people.
B.F. – Germany

I've always been intrigued by books written by the late Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, and the one book that has had a really huge impact in my life is “Evangelism by Fire”. I always dreamt about meeting Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke in person and in 2009, this dream became a reality. I had the privilege of being selected as a driver to Evangelist Bonnke, his family and Evangelist Daniel Kolenda during their stay in Cape Town for the Fire Conference. Both Evangelist Bonnke and Evangelist Kolenda phenomenally impacted my life, after they both laid hands on me at the conference. A great experience indeed, one I will never forget. My heart was set on fire and today, it still burns with a fiery passion for the lost. After being ordained as a pastor in 2007, God called me into full time evangelism, which then gave birth to Lightlife Evangelistic Ministries in 2011. At present, Lightlife travels across South Africa, launching campaigns, school outreaches, street evangelism etc, in co-operation with local pastors.
E.A. – South Africa

A few years ago, Winfried Wentland came to my church and spoke about his ministry with CfaN and about the adventures that he’s had with Jesus for the Gospel. I was excited, bought his biography and informed myself more about CfaN. Now two wishes were burning in me: to support the work of CfaN through donations, and to be used for the Gospel myself. So, I became a CfaN Monthly Partner. I also attended evangelism training and camps and took part in outreaches. I am always learning, since then, to recognize and use those everyday opportunities to make Jesus known. God has put it on my heart that I should always put my relationship with Him in first place. And from that relationship comes the desire to always tell more people about Jesus, the Savior.
H.B. – Germany