Peter and Evangeline Vandenberg – A race well run – 43 Years of Service

Today I have some news to share with you that makes me (and all the CfaN team) a little sad, for all the right reasons. The time has come for our beloved Vice President, Peter Vandenberg, to officially retire. Where do I even start to honor this man, who has given 43 years of his life in service with Christ for all Nations? He has set a standard of godly leadership that I have learnt so much from over the years. We are witnesses to his life of faith and service. We have seen him and his wife, Evangeline, lay everything on the line for the sake of the Gospel. Let me tell you a little about Peter and his huge effect on CfaN.

The “Rufaro” – evangelistic Gospel band.
The “Rufaro” – evangelistic Gospel band.

“I need a mechanic, not a preacher.”

Peter felt the Lord tell him, “You will work with Christ for all Nations,” and reached out to Reinhard. But the evangelist told him, “We already have preachers. What I need is a mechanic for our fleet of trucks.” What he did not know was that Peter was a qualified diesel mechanic who had been the general manager of his family’s motor business. Without hesitation, Peter accepted that position. Within months, the Vandenberg family had relocated to South Africa, where Peter was put in charge of the CfaN vehicles.

He very soon had the trucks fixed and the workshop running efficiently. It took just six months for Reinhard to march over to the workshop and make Peter CfaN’s General Manager. His mechanical engineering skills would again be useful, as Peter took over managing the enormous project of building the famous Big Tent, then the largest mobile structure in the world.

A talent for organization

From then on, Peter applied his considerable organizational talents to the day-to-day running of the entire ministry. He became Reinhard’s righthand man – the Joshua to his Moses – supporting and assisting him at home and abroad. When they were in the field together, Peter took on many roles and tasks. For many years, he took photos of the campaign crowds. And at every meeting, it was Peter who would walk the length and breadth of the field, counting people in different areas to come up with an accurate crowd estimate. Despite being CfaN’s General Manager, and then Vice President, he never saw his title as a reason to let others do the work. On the contrary, he was always willing and eager to do whatever was needed, wherever he was needed. This is what true servant leadership looks like.

A mentor and friend

Peter Vandenberg, Daniel Kolenda and Reinhard Bonnke
Peter Vandenberg, Daniel Kolenda and Reinhard Bonnke

When Reinhard decided it was time to pass the torch to the next generation, I was only 27 years old. As Reinhard began to step back from campaign preaching, and I started taking on more and more of that responsibility, Peter was by my side. Just as he had done for Reinhard before me, he supported and helped me, traveling with me almost everywhere the Lord was sending me. With his great love for the people of Africa, and his understanding of cultural differences there, he helped me navigate the protocol and politics we encounter. While Reinhard mentored me as an evangelist, it was Peter who helped me learn the nuts and bolts of running the ministry. He became not only a mentor, but also my dear friend.

Peter Vandenberg, Daniel Kolenda and Reinhard Bonnke in Lagos (Nigeria) – 2017
Peter Vandenberg, Daniel Kolenda and Reinhard Bonnke in Lagos (Nigeria) – 2017

Lives of love and sacrifice

Peter’s gift for leadership has shepherded CfaN through countless difficult situations, always with kindness and often with his distinctive sense of humor. But we cannot honor his service without also giving thanks for the woman by his side, his wife Evangeline. For decades, Peter was away from home for as much as two-thirds of the year. Evangeline has offered up that sacrifice with grace and generosity of spirit. She is known by us all at CfaN for her tremendous love, patience and wisdom, gifts she shares generously. Over the years, Evangeline has also served at CfaN through leading worship, writing and editing for our publications, and in recent years, mentoring many Bootcamp students.