School of Evangelism – BLOG
Training evangelists in Germany
The first ever European CfaN School of Evangelism has launched in Hanau. Check out what’s happening!
Recap 2023
School of Evangelism 2023
At CfaN SOEs, you will be equipped to preach the Gospel effectively, learn Gospel campaign planning, and join one of the largest networks of evangelists worldwide. You will be trained by top evangelists including Daniel Kolenda, Levi Lutz, and others. Our unique and comprehensive training will prepare you to step into your calling as an evangelist. If your heart is burning, apply today!
On October 1, our 81 School of Evangelism students graduated. SOE Europe Director Lukas Repert preached a final message to the students: never give up.
No matter what comes, keep running your race and sharing the Gospel. The ceremony took place on the Nights of Hope campaign field with students receiving their certificates on the stage in perfect CfaN fashion. The cheers of joy erupted as each name was called out. We have become a close-knit family of evangelists ready to reach the harvest together. This is only the beginning. The students are now part of a global network of evangelists leading initiatives all over the world. The harvest is ready, and we have to go!
On Saturday of Nights of Hope, we had a Fire Conference for the local churches in the morning.
Lukas Repert, Benji Morf, and David Rotärmel preached with passion and conviction. It’s time to be all in for Jesus and the Gospel. Bootcamp graduate Kent Aus did an evangelism training. Then our SOE students paired up with local church members to share the Gospel one on one in Friedrichshafen. It was hard to find someone who didn’t have a bright red Nights of Hope invitation in hand!
Saturday night, the park was full of people hungry for Jesus. Lukas preached his personal testimony of how Jesus completely transformed his life. So many people ran forward to be saved. The evening ended with baptisms in the lake. New life is found in Jesus!
The momentum continued to grow at Nights of Hope as many came together to worship the Lord.
Lukas Repert preached a message of freedom and urged people to come receive Jesus. Tomorrow is not promised, now is the time of salvation. The altars were full of people choosing Jesus and choosing freedom!
Polina Sagaydak and Hannes Jakobi, Nights of Hope leaders and CfaN Bootcamp graduates, led prayer for the sick. Many were healed. One woman’s tennis arm was healed. Another young woman was healed of shoulder and back pain. A gentleman could stand without back pain for the first time in a long time!
Our School of Evangelism concluded with a Gospel Campaign, Nights of Hope.
This was a collaboration initiative led by Bootcamp graduates David Rotärmel (Reviving the World) and Lukas Repert (God’s Power). CfaN provided the sound and technical equipment and team. Our SOE students served in many areas including set-up, hospitality, ushering, and prayer ministry.
The first night started off powerfully. David Rotärmel preached a clear Gospel message, and many ran to the altar to receive salvation. Jean-Luc Trachsel, leader of the Europe Shall Be Saved movement, prayed for the sick with many specific words of knowledge. The presence of God was thick as people received their healings. Jesus is the Healer!
Maurizio, SOE Student
“Our squad went to the mall in Constance to do one-to-one evangelism. There I met Anna, Tanja, and Peter.

I explained the Gospel to them and shared what it means that God loves them. I told them that He wants a relationship with them, an intimate friendship. We cannot stand before God by ourselves, but Jesus has made the way free for us. He is the way to God; He is the way to the Father. It was so beautiful to see how open they were to everything I was sharing. Because we came on this SOE initiation trip, these three young people heard the full Gospel and the Good News that God really loves them! I invited them to Nights of Hope, and they said they would probably come. I hope to see them there and talk more with each of them.” – Maurizio, SOE Student
Luz, SOE Student
“Jesus is not just in the streets, He is everywhere. Today we felt to bless businesses and share the love of Jesus.

A certain coffee shop was highlighted to us, so we spoke with the employees there. As I was sharing the Gospel with Cagla, one of the servers, her heart was tender and open to hear more about Jesus. I asked her if she wanted to give her life to Jesus and surrender everything. She said yes! As she was getting ready to come pray with us, the Lord started speaking to me prophetically about her future. I saw a picture of many papers written by her and a lady of justice statue. Cagla came to sit with us and gave her life to Jesus. We prayed and prophesied over her, and I shared the impressions I had. She said that she is studying law for international relations and writes many papers. She wants to bring justice on the earth. We praise Jesus for speaking through our lives and reaching the lost!” – Luz, SOE Student
Kima, SOE Student
“At the end of an outreach, I met three young girls. I asked them if they knew Jesus, and I told them that Jesus loves them.

I shared my testimony and the Gospel with them, then two of them wanted to give their lives to Jesus. One of the girls, Michelle, almost started crying because my testimony and her life were very similar. I felt connected to her, so I decided to take her aside and pray for her. I felt it on my heart to pray against suicidal thoughts and depression, and after the prayer she felt free! She exclaimed that during the prayer she received freedom and that what I prayed for was exactly what she was dealing with in her life.” – Kima, SOE Student
Here is a testimony straight from one of our SOE students, Dorothea

“This woman was mightily touched by God’s presence. She was already close to death eight times. We could hardly understand her speech because her lungs and airways did not work well. She said she had COPD, and due to an accident, her lungs were damaged. You could hear loud breathing sounds when she breathed. She was also struggling with spasticity, hopelessness, depression, and lack of strength.
God touched her while I was preaching, and she cried the whole time. I had such a great love for her. With firm conviction that God would touch her that day, we prayed for her. She suddenly felt a strong peace and relief in her lungs, heart, and body. After we prayed, she said that the pain had receded. I ministered to her, loved her, and prayed for quite a while. I clearly saw Jesus standing before her with open arms as I prayed. I know with all my heart that He will personally take care of her. And I am grateful to God for His great love.”
Our students were preaching on the streets in Tettnang, and this woman stopped to listen. Two of our coaches, Stephanie and Engeles, prayed for her after they noticed she was holding her knee.
She received prayer and was completely healed from all her pain! After this miracle, they continued to pray. Engeles asked her if she believed in Jesus and shared the Gospel with her. The woman wasn’t sure if she was saved, but she knew right then and there that she needed salvation! She received Jesus as her Lord and was filled with the Holy Spirit with tears of joy running down her face. Then she shared that she felt peace in her heart she had never felt before that she couldn't explain! “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” - Luke 19:10
The Lake Constance region is being impacted by the Gospel! Our 81 SOE students are divided into 9 squads.
The students are staying in three locations near Singen, Ravensburg, and Lindau – covering the west, central, and east sides of Lake Constance. Each squad is being coached by Bootcamp graduates from around the world helping them to sharpen their preaching skills and leading them through the initiation trip. The testimonies of salvation and healing are pouring in every day from every group!
Our students shared the Gospel with this woman using the Jesus at the Door app.

This is a great tool for one-to-one outreach. This precious woman was saved and healed from years of back pain. Jesus is the Savior and He is the Healer!
Our students were preaching on the streets. This man was listening to our sermon on healing and stopped, so students asked him what he needed healing for.

He told us that he has had headaches, knee pain, and hip pain for a long time. After the students prayed, the knee and hip pain were completely healed. He could even move his knee again. This is one of many healing testimonies!
The SOE Initiation trip has begun! Over two weeks, the students put what they learned into practice!

They are preaching with fire, praying for the sick, and reaching the lost one by one. Our initiation trip is in Friedrichshafen and the surrounding areas, all leading up to the Nights of Hope Gospel Campaign on 28 September - 1 October. Website: nightsofhope.de
God is moving through our students, and the testimonies are special. Yuliia shared the Gospel with these two sweet young girls. They gave their lives to Jesus, and she gave them Bibles. One girl said to the other girl, “You need to read this book, it is a very good book.” Yuliia was pleasantly surprised at how open people are to Jesus in this region!
Jako and Karin Hugo lead youth campaigns for CfaN.
They see children and youth run to Jesus by the thousands all over Africa. They came to our SOE to train students on how to do youth campaigns. We believe our students will minister throughout Europe, and we also know many will go to Africa to share the Gospel. We look forward to hearing all the testimonies!
One moment in God’s presence changes everything.
Psalm 84:10 says, “For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere.” Throughout the SOE, we have had so many moments in God’s presence, hearing His heart and receiving vision for our lives. Matias Toivainen ministered on the Holy Spirit and prayed for students to be filled by God. He urged students to let God get a grip of their lives and use them for His glory. God wants to flow through us to reach the lost and broken, but we must be filled with and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Jean-Luc Trachsel is an anointed healing evangelist passionate for unity in the body of Christ.
He is the primary vision carrier for the Europe Shall Be Saved movement, working to strategically bring together different denominations to reach Europe for Jesus. It was an honor to have him minister at the SOE!
Winfried Wentland has been driving trucks for CfaN for over 30 years, crossing dangerous terrain, even risking his life, to transport equipment and set up Gospel events.

He is faithful and fearless for Jesus. As he shared testimonies from Africa, our students were deeply inspired to run hard for God no matter the cost.
Jesus is worthy of all the glory. We spend time in worship and prayer throughout the school week. We’ve had many special moments of experiencing God’s presence together.
Before outreach, we pray for many people to receive Jesus, to be healed and to be set free. There is power in our corporate prayer. Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matt. 18:20)
This Saturday our students preached the Gospel on the streets of Frankfurt and Hanau.
They have been trained in Gospel stories, sharing the Gospel, altar calls, and praying for the sick. After all the training and practice, they were ready to preach. They did an amazing job. As they preached, people received Jesus. We also saw people healed and touched by God’s power. We are so proud of all the students!
We are expecting (and already hearing) many testimonies of supernatural healing as our students put into practice what they are learning.

When the Gospel is preached, signs and wonders follow. Lukas Abildsten, one of our CfaN evangelists, practically prepared our students to lead testimony times at Gospel events. We enjoyed some role playing to get ready for any situation we might experience on the field.
Brother Yun and his son Isaac Liu have a unique history from their lives in China and their journey to Germany.

Brother Yun spent 14 years in Chinese prison, but his love for Jesus could not be extinguished. He and his son go to any length to share the Gospel with reached and unreached people all over the world, including here in Europe. They encouraged our students to live one hundred percent for Jesus and fulfill their callings in the nations. God marked the students through their teachings and prayers.
Bret Sipek is a hero at CfaN. He leads our Decapolis Initiatives, a strategy where we multiplied from one campaign to ten campaigns simultaneously.

This has been a monumental increase for CfaN! Our Decapolis teams have organized 32 campaigns with over 2 million decisions for Christ. Bret shared wisdom and strategy from decades of experience planning campaigns in Europe and Africa. He is a man of great faith, and he encouraged our students to receive vision from God and go after that vision in faith.
Lukas Repert, our SOE Europe Director, taught an impactful session about integrity in ministry.
As Christians, we are called to demonstrate integrity in our personal lives, our finances, and our ministries. We represent Christ to the world in everything we do. Lukas shared that Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke encouraged him to read 2 Corinthians 6 each month to constantly remember the ways ministers of the Gospel should act. Lukas and the SOE staff also shared about fundraising for ministry with faith-building testimonies and practical tips for the students. Faith changes everything!
This weekend, our SOE students joined Chris Schuller for the Encounter Tour in Frankfurt.
Encounter Tour is taking the Gospel to cities across Germany so people can encounter Jesus on the streets. The students overcame their fears and insecurities and preached with boldness on the streets. They also did one-to-one evangelism with many testimonies of salvation and healing. We love to collaborate and multiply for the Kingdom!
Ben Fitzgerald taught about the fear of man, urging students to be their authentic selves and build on the firm foundation of God.

We must not compare ourselves to anyone else or conform to people’s opinions. We need to be bold and free. It is for freedom that Jesus set us free!
On the last night of our Mini Fire Conference, Daniel Smenes preached about the anointing.
We are anointed to preach Good News, heal the sick, and cast out demons. The Holy Spirit flows through our lives for God’s purposes on the earth. Through worship, the message, and ministry time, students encountered the Lord!
Throughout the Bible, we see women playing a significant role in the Kingdom of God.
In our session on Women in Ministry, Kaisa Fischer highlighted the Biblical roles of women and shared from her personal experience on the field, including preaching at a recent CfaN partnership campaign in Indonesia. Dieter and Diana Wagner presented their perspective as a couple in ministry running together, and Patrizia Camnasio testified of the freedom we have in God!
The SOE is starting off strong with a Mini Fire Conference. Matt McCluskey, our CfaN European Outreach Director, shared on how to practically hear God’s voice.
Students participated in prophetic activations. Matt also taught about how we can grow in receiving our sense of value from the Father directly, not on how gifted we are as evangelists. Our identity is based on being sons and daughters of God, not on our giftedness. Our evening Fire Conference sessions are “Jesus Parties” with worship and prayer, enjoying God’s presence together.