Operation Decapolis
Kitwe, Zambia – Day 3
Day 3 of the “Operation Decapolis” campaigns in Zambia (CfaN has 5 Campaigns happening in 5 Zambian cities – simultaneously!) , Evangelist Daniel Kolenda was in the city of Kitwe. After preaching a powerful gospel message on the Law of Salvation, multitudes, including many children, responded to the Gospel!
Evangelist Roselyne Aaron (Bootcamp graduate), one of the evangelists stationed in Kitwe (along with Evangelist Braidwood Rathbone), shared about the night, “There was an eruption of joy across the field as we burned the witchcraft items brought by the people to the campaigns field tonight. The devil is gloriously defeated in Kitwe, and no longer will witchcraft work here. After we burned the witchcraft items, I prayed for the sick, and mighty miracles took place across the campaigns field. I’m truly undone by all that Jesus is doing! I am so honored and grateful to Jesus because with my mortal lips, I’m seeing God’s Kingdom established in Kitwe.”