
Beaten, but not Broken

Maurice Temi was beaten and lost his creative talent. But suddenly a miracle happened
Agbani, Nigeria

Maurice Temi was a gifted artist. His work had graced the halls of African palaces and government buildings. But his artistic ability was brought to an abrupt end one night when he was attacked and brutally beaten with stones and boards.

The worst of the attackers’ damage occurred in Maurice’s right arm, where he suffered severe pain for the next six years. Even the simplest tasks became difficult. The artwork that once brought great joy to him and others became a burden.

Because of the pain, he eventually stopped creating art and fell into depression.

But Maurice found great hope when he heard that a CfaN Great Gospel Campaign was coming to his town. With a heart full of faith he attended the campaign in Agbani, Nigeria.

After prayer for the sick at one of the meetings, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda said, "If you know God has touched you, then do something you could not do before...” So Maurice acted in faith and moved his arm. He was shocked and amazed that the pain was totally gone!

Now Maurice knows with certainty that the same miracles we see in the Bible still happen today. He is a living testimony to that fact. As a result, he has returned to his artwork and is again bringing great joy to himself and others.