Inspiration - Testimony - Teaching
Hernia healed instantly
Reginald Lambert had arrived in Owerri, Nigeria to have his hernia surgically repaired. But before he could get to the doctors, he found out about the…
Broken bones healed!
Do the miracles that happen at CfaN campaigns last? Ochuko Eboh received a miraculous healing in 1988, and shares her story over 30 years later.
A Turkish family meets Jesus
Koray Sahin graduated from the CfaN School of Evangelism in Germany last year. Watch him tell an amazing testimony of a whole Turkish family who…
He couldn’t walk
Michael Nziku was a teacher, father and entrepreneur until a motorcycle accident damaged his leg. Unable to walk unaided, he lost his job and…
I didn’t think He would heal ME!
When Koffi heard about the CfaN Gospel Campaign, her first reaction was skepticism. She was born deaf in her right ear, and she didn’t think a miracle…
From a Wheelchair to His Own Two Feet!
Witness the healing power of Jesus! At a Christ For All Nations Crusade in Kasama, Zambia, a man who had been wheelchair-bound for 13 years was healed…
From “cheater” to “chosen”
When Benjamin Ella went to a CfaN Gospel Campaign in Cameroon, his life and family were in turmoil. But Jesus is the restorer of broken families.
Blinded by war – healed by Jesus
William was a soldier, blinded by a bullet to the face. He knew his only hope was Jesus…
From Darkness to Light
John Hallie was blind and completely dependent on his family to take care of him. Then someone told him about the Christ for all Nations evangelistic…
Back completely healed!
This is the testimony of Olaniyi Segue Israel, who was completely healed by the power of Jesus Christ. The Lord healed his back and set him free.
The Story of Alfonso Myar
Only Jesus can satisfy
When Alfonso’s parents were killed, his life spiraled out of control. He stopped believing in God and pleased himself by turning to a variety of…
Blind Woman Healed in front of 200,000 People!
Have you ever witnessed a miracle? Watch as this woman receives her sight in front of 200,000 people! Tonight (1/26/13) is the 4th night of the Christ…
Matthew’s Story
Pain and witchcraft gone
Matthew, from Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, suffered with such extreme pain from his hips to his knees that he couldn’t sleep or get up. He told his…
Mercy Twenewaa's story
Jesus restores sight
Going to the market to make a living was crucial for Mercy, who lived in Sunyani, Ghana. But then she began to experience such severe head and eye…
Awehmami Fromil's story
Outcast but not overlooked
Awehmami suffered with a terrible discharge oozing from his left ear, and it resulted in hearing loss. In school and around others, everyone noticed…
Jovita B., Uganda
Hospitals and Witchdoctors failed me
In 1979, then 16 years old, Jovita became completely, profoundly deaf. For the next 36 years, she heard absolutely nothing. She says, “I went to the…
Not too young for a miracle - Emma's story
At the age of two years old, Emma lost the ability to speak. She could hear and comprehend normally, but suddenly lost the ability to speak. Hear the…
The toughest job you'll ever love | CfaN Bootcamp
Listen to this inspiring and raw video from Robbie Leaf, as he opens up about his experience at the Bootcamp Initiation in Tanzania. So many times we…
Elizabeth M., Cameroon
Many gave up on me, but God did not
“Every morning was the same. I would wake up and take over 10 different pain medications. Then my friend would help me pull on pressure pads to help…
You are handpicked by God! | Augustina’s story
With age comes more independence. But for Augustina the opposite happened. Severe back and leg pain caused her to be bedridden, and at 48 years of…
Broken bones made whole | Atuganile’s story
After a horrible car accident, Atuganile suffered from many broken bones. Pushing through the pain, she decided to come to a Gospel Crusade in Mbeya,…
Siblings healed, 70 and 74 years old | Dorothy’s story
At 70 years old, Dorothy had extreme back pain, and also contracted malaria which resulted in her being deaf in her right ear. When she and her…
Coulibaly, Ivory Coast
Paralyzed and helpless – until God called him
Coulibaly was the leader and primary breadwinner for his entire extended family, so when serious illness and paralysis suddenly came upon him, it was…
Year in Review
CfaN’s 50th year was a remarkable year. This video looks at CfaN’s first 50 years and the year-long celebration in 2024 which resulted in over 6…
Behind the Scenes – Part 5
We Need a Bigger Field! – Abuja, Nigeria
Take a look behind the scenes of one of Christ for all Nations’ massive evangelistic campaigns with Evangelist Daniel Kolenda. Hundreds of thousands…
Daniel Kolenda
Big News
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda made a BIG announcement on 6 December about something that will change the future of Christ for all Nations and position the…
Behind the Scenes – Part 4
The Dusty Road – Abuja, Nigeria
This is a behind the scenes look at the fourth night of our gospel campaign in Abuja, Nigeria. Today BJ, the producer, will travel with the crowds…
Behind the Scenes – Part 3
Smashing Idols – Abuja, Nigeria
This is a behind the scenes look at the third night of our gospel campaign in Abuja, Nigeria. Tonight we burn idols, and break curses. This is the…
Behind the Scenes – Part 2
Hand in Hand With Jesus! Abuja, Nigeria
Since 1974, we have witnessed over 93 Million Documented Decisions for Christ!
Behind the Scenes – Part 1
Africa Belongs to Jesus! Abuja, Nigeria
Follow BJ Faircloth as he travels to his very first CfaN-Campaign in Africa. In this multipart, behind-the-scenes mini-series, you will experience a…
Abuja, Nigeria
Full Recap of Abuja Nigeria
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and the CfaN team gathered all their resources to conduct a massive Gospel Campaign in this bustling city, expecting a huge…
Day 4 – Abuja, Nigeria
Highlights from Abuja, Nigeria
Tonight was unforgettable in so many ways. During the testimony time, a woman stepped forward, and I immediately recognized her face.
9 Gospel Campaigns in Ethiopia
In October 2024, CfaN conducted 9 Gospel Campaigns, with hundreds of thousands giving their lives to Jesus. CfaN is celebrating their 50th anniversary…
Gospel Campaign
Hawassa, Ethiopia
CfaN kicked off the Ethiopia campaigns with simultaneous Gospel Campaigns in the cities of Hawassa and Dilla. Evangelist Daniel Kolenda shared the…
Democratic Republic of Congo
Mbuji-Mayi Women's Campaign (DRC)
It was a week of many firsts, as Evangelists Jana Bielava and Kathy Leamon became the first women to preach publicly in this region of the Democratic…
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Gospel Campaign in Mbuji-Mayi
My heart overflows with gratitude for the entire CfaN team and for you, our partners around the world. It is a profound honor to be part of this…
Uganda 2024
Gospel Campaign in Mbale
Christ for all Nations (CfaN) recently conducted 15 Gospel Campaigns in Uganda. In Mbale, a town where the name of Jesus was proclaimed with signs and…

Evangelism Training
School of Evangelism in Hanau
There is an extraordinary move of God happening all over the world. God is calling workers for the harvest, and you can be one of them!
The next…
Gospel Campaign in Busia, Uganda
This is a small place (relatively speaking) and the Gospel Campaign is literally in the middle of town. I could walk to the field from my hotel. It…
Harvest In Uganda!
We have just concluded the second week of our Gospel Campaigns in Uganda, completing the first seven events. The response has been nothing short of…
Operation Decapolis
Solwezi, Zambia - Day 2
Watch this powerful recap of our second day in Zambia during our “Operation Decapolis” campaigns! We are witnessing multitudes answer the call of…
Hanau, Germany
Apply for the next School of Evangelism
Lukas Repert (School of Evangelism Director – Europe) has an invitation that could change your life! Watch this short video about the next School of…
Gospel Campaign
Umuahia, Nigeria
In our second week here in Nigeria, we preached the Gospel to the city of Umuahia. Nearly 20 years ago, Evangelist Bonnke was on the same field and a…
Gospel Campaign
Aba – Ngwa, Nigeria
This week marks a historic moment in the ministry of Christ for all Nations. CfaN was founded by Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke in 1974 making this the…
Aba, Nigeria
Arriving in Aba, Nigeria for FOUR Gospel Campaigns!
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda has arrived in Aba, Nigeria for the first 4 mass Gospel Campaigns of 2024. We are expecting revival to break out in the Aba…
Launched into the harvest at SOE
Wicher Knol had a vision to lead Gospel campaigns in Europe. Attending SOE launched him into his calling. Watch his testimony and apply today
Recap 2023
School of Evangelism 2023
At CfaN SOEs, you will be equipped to preach the Gospel effectively, learn Gospel campaign planning, and join one of the largest networks of…
Campo da Fapa, Angola
Day 1 – Second Gospel Campaign in the north of Luanda, Angola
Join us for our Second Gospel Campaign in the north of Luanda in Campo da Fapa, Angola. See the preparations and people turning to the Lord. Hear…
Spreading the Gospel
11 Gospel Campaigns, 11 cities, 2 weeks
We’re still in awe of what the Lord did in Zambia, and we still can’t get enough!!! We saw healings, salvations, encounters with Jesus and so much…
Week 1 – Operation Decapolis
Recap of the Gospel Campaign's first week in Zambia
Souls have been saved, healings have taken place, and hearts have been transformed through powerful corporate worship! We have another week of Gospel…
Honoring the Life and Legacy
Today we honor Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke
Reinhard, along with his wife, Anni, lived their lives wholly submitted to God and to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Day 4 – Kumasi, Ghana
Ghana is being saved!
The first night of the Flagship campaign saw over 100,000 people in attendance as Evangelist Daniel Kolenda preached a clear Gospel message. And as…
Day 2 – Kumasi, Ghana
Healings follow the Good News
Day two in Kumasi, Ghana, and WOW, is the Lord moving in our CfaN Gospel Campaign! Even though dark clouds surrounded the campaign field last night,…
Day 1 - Kumasi, Ghana
Miraculously touched by the Power of Jesus!
What an amazing night in Kumasi, Ghana, where more than 100,000 people attended the first night of our CfaN Gospel Campaign! Tens of thousands…
Arrival – Kumasi, Ghana
Welcome Back to Ghana!
We are excited to be back in Kumasi, Ghana, for our CfaN Gospel Campaign. The last time we were here was in 2014, when there were over a million…
Operation Decapolis
Kanyama, Zambia – Day 5
It was our final night and Evangelist Daniel Kolenda was preaching in the city, Lusaka (the District of Kanyama), where Evangelists Jacob Ebersole and…
Operation Decapolis
Kasama, Zambia – Day 4
History was made this week in Kasama! Lives were changed forever! Children, men, and women received the fire of the Holy Spirit. One precious girl was…
Operation Decapolis
Kitwe, Zambia – Day 3
Day 3 of the “Operation Decapolis” campaigns in Zambia (CfaN has 5 Campaigns happening in 5 Zambian cities – simultaneously!) , Evangelist Daniel…
Operation Decapolis Begins
Kabwe, Zambia - Day 1
Take a moment today to watch this recap video from our first day of the CfaN Operation Decapolis Campaigns! This week we're holding 5 campaigns…
Evangelist Randy Roberts
'Partnership Campaign' in Beira, Mozambique
Just last week, we had a CfaN partnership Gospel Campaign in Beira, Mozambique, with 420,000 in attendance! We partnered with a CfaN Evangelism…
School of Evangelism
Taking the Gospel to the toughest areas
In Week Two, we had great teaching sessions with Peter Vandenberg, evangelist Randy Roberts and Evangelist David Rotärmel - and the SOE students…
School of Evangelism
How can anyone preach unless they are sent?
The CfaN School of Evangelism in Cape Town, South Africa, launched on 29 August – and within the very first week, over 100 people gave their lives to…
Revival Tour 2023 Germany – Recap
Revival happens when we align ourselves with the Holy Spirit and take action. When we start being who God says we are, and doing what He calls us to…
Evangelist Randy Roberts
Gospel Campaign preparation in Jinja, Uganda
We know that Jesus is going to “reveal Himself” to thousands upon thousands more here in Jinja this week. It is only possible because you partner with…
Kigali, Rwanda
1,145 Kids Campaigns
In just nine weeks, 1,145 outreaches were organized in Rwanda and 695,699 young people made a decision for Jesus.
Korokwe, Tanzania
Bootcamp graduates hold their own Gospel Campaign
We are still in awe of all the wonderful things we have seen first hand in Korogwe. There is no doubt, we serve a wonderful Savior, Healer and…
A New Day is Here!
South Sudan
It has been exactly 15 years since the last CfaN Gospel Campaign was held in Juba, South Sudan. This took place during the struggle of the South…
Ibadan, Nigeria
On the third morning, we had the largest attendance of a CfaN Fire Conference!
And at night, the crowd for the Gospel Campaign grew substantially again!
Ibadan, Nigeria
The word about what Jesus is doing has gone out across Ibadan, Nigeria.
From deaf ears opening to cancer going, Jesus is moving!
Ibadan, Nigeria
Rain Can't Stop Jesus!
Not even rain on an open crowd can stop Jesus! No one was phased or moved— they simply went after Jesus harder.
CfaN Bootcamp Initiation
Winning the Younger Generation for Christ
We’ve witnessed 203,838 salvations during the CfaN Bootcamp Initiation the last two weeks! Hallelujah! The Bootcamp students have been in West Africa…
Bootcamp Initiation 2021
CfaN Bootcamp students are out in West Africa
One boy could not see out of one of his eyes and Jesus miraculously healed him!
Bootcamp Initiation Fall 2021
The Gospel Trucks are out in the cities of West Africa spreading the Good News!
INITIATION HAS BEGUN! Our CfaN Bootcamp students are traveling through West Africa, spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Jesus is King in Kawe!
Last week during Decapolis, Evangelist Macoby Donaldson was stationed in Kawe, Dar es Salaam (with Evangelist Levi Lutz, the USA Bootcamp Director.
Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Our third Operation Decapolis begins HERE. Five Nights. Six Locations. All at the same time. God is already healing, doing miracles, and filling up…
6 – 10 October 2021
Countdown to Decapolis Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Ain't No Grave
Have you seen this yet? It’s straight FIRE! This is a track off the new Nations Church worship album.
Dar es Salaam
Operation Decapolis Preparations
We are in Africa RIGHT NOW preparing for six simultaneous campaigns to reach over four million people living in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania! Instead of…
From the Nations Church launch!
Nations Church has released their first worship album ...
Gospel Campaign
Bukoba, Tanzania Recap
Our Bootcamp graduates, Evangelists David Rotärmel and Denis Artyushevskiy, are out on the fields of Bukoba, Tanzania running with us in the “Decade…
Decapolis Recap 2021
5 Days. 5 Cities. 5 Gospel Campaigns. 553,300 reached with the Gospel.
This is the "Decade of Double Harvest" where the strategy of God is not just addition, but MULTIPLICATION.
In June 2021, at our Operation Decapolis…
Decapolis Recap
Evangelist Roselyne Ayeola
"Make Jesus Your Everything!" - Check out this recap from our CfaN Operation Decapolis Gospel Campaigns last month. Guest Evangelist Roselyne…
Operation Decapolis
Jesus Heals Cancer! – Evangelist Daniel King
"Crying tears of joy after being healed from breast cancer!" Check out this recap from our CfaN Operation Decapolis Gospel Campaigns last month. Guest…
A Historic Milestone
Tunduma, Tanzania | Day 1
We have passed another historic milestone! For the first time in the history of the CfaN ministry, we have successfully initiated five simultaneous…
“It doesn’t end here!”
The CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp Initiation is near the end, and the team in Mbeya finished strong! Students now head to Dar Es Salaam for one final push…
Seize Every Opportunity!
As week three of the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp Initiation is underway, 20 Bootcamp students and the CfaN Evangelists seize every opportunity to preach…
Week 2 is complete of the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp Initiation!
One of five cities students are ministering in, where they preached in villages and market places. Dodoma shall be saved!
First week complete- CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp
The first week of the CfaN Initiation trip is complete! Challenges were overcome and thousands responded to the Gospel. Watch this recap from…
CfaN Bootcamp
Arrival Update and first day in Tanzania!
After hours of traveling and multiple flights, the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp students arrived in Tanzania for their Initiation Trip! Hear a quick…
Worthy CD/DVD
"Way Maker" recorded live at a Gospel Campaign with Eddie James!
God is a Way Maker and Miracle-working God! Don’t miss this powerful song recorded with Eddie James (Official) at a Gospel Campaign.
2020 Year in Review
80 Million Documented Decisions Because of You!
Looking back on 2020, we accomplished so much because of you and the grace of God! Watch this video as we recap the year that saw us cross the…
Operation Decapolis
Five Gospel Campaigns in two weeks in Tanzania!
For the first time ever in the history of Christ for all Nations, we held five Gospel Campaigns in two weeks! Operation Decapolis took place in…

Founder’s Day
Honoring Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke
This day will go down in history as the day one of God’s greatest generals went home. Anni Bonnke shared her heart with Daniel Kolenda in a special…
Kahama, Tanzania
“We turn to Jesus!”
In Kahama, Tanzania, I preached on the final night of the Gospel Campaign on the spiritual laws of sin, death, and salvation. We also prayed for the…
Bootcamp Initiation
This is what it’s all about.
God is raising up an army of evangelists to reach the next for generation for Jesus! This is what it’s all about.
Day 4 – Abuja, Nigeria
Complete Meeting
Hundreds of thousands gathered to hear the Gospel at the massive CfaN Gospel Campaign in Abuja! This meeting was recorded on the fourth night,…
The Living Tomb
Watch two great sessions of Daniel Kolenda preaching at Holy Spirit Night in Stuttgart recently…
Activation for Ministry
Watch two great sessions of Daniel Kolenda preaching at Holy Spirit Night in Stuttgart recently
Short message
There is power in the blood of Jesus!
Evangeist Daniel Kolenda on a Gospel Campaign in Mwanza, Tanzania in 2016
Who is your God?
Our God is real and able to deliver us! Recently I spoke to a youth conference on the importance of a choice we all have: who is our God, and who will…