2025 Planning
Faithful in every season
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22–23
Happy New Year! Isn’t it wonderful that we can step boldly into the new year with this glorious promise to stand on? No matter what challenges, triumphs, joys or sorrows await, every day ahead comes with a never-ending supply of His great love and compassions – they never fail. This is the Rock we stand on. Though the world may shake, He will not be moved. He is faithful, always faithful in every season.
As I look back, not only at 2024, but at the past 50 years of CfaN’s ministry, let me tell you there’s a giant shout of praise in my heart! We have seen His faithfulness throughout the years – He has never, ever failed us. And He never will. “Your faithfulness continues through all generations” (Psalm 119:90).
This unshakable truth allows us to dream big and move forward boldly in faith – and that’s exactly what we’re doing right now. As I write this letter, the CfaN team and I are praying and planning and dreaming big for 2025. So, today I want to invite you to be an active partner in this crucial planning phase by praying with us and for us for the initiatives you’ll see on the next page.
Thank you for your faithfulness in supporting and praying for this ministry. We thank God for you!
Together with you for the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(here with the worldwide CfaN team)
Coming up in 2025
Gospel Campaign Planning
CfaN teams are currently scouting for 2025 Gospel Campaign locations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia and Mongolia. Pray for favor with local authorities, the right locations to be secured, and protection for our team as they travel in remote and often dangerous places.
Fire Conference
Exciting news! We are planning to hold a big CfaN Fire Conference in Germany in May/June and are currently deciding where it will be held and when. It has been difficult so far to find a suitable venue, so pray that the Lord will release the perfect location at a reasonable cost.
School of Evangelism
The next School of Evangelism in Germany will take place from 26 May to 6 July. Pray for the Lord to draw the students that He wants there, preparing their hearts and increasing their faith. Pray for the provision of the right venue and for the Lord to send more people to join the organizational team.
Fire Camps
Last year, CfaN conducted 45 Fire Camps in 25 countries all around the world! There are many more camps being planned for 2025 in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa. Pray that we would hear clearly from the Lord as we choose this year’s locations.
CfaN School of Ministry
The new CfaN School of Ministry will launch in the Fall of 2025 in Orlando, Florida! The vision for this 2-year college is that it will be a place where world-changers are equipped in the 5-fold ministry and launched into service for the Kingdom of God. Please pray for the faculty, for the students who will come.