Audio Message
Several years ago I saw a new convert talking to a deacon of a church where I was ministering. I heard the young man saying, “I’ve only been saved for a short time, and I struggle with prayer.” The deacon said, “Young man, prayer is easy. It’s just talking to God. Talk to Him like you would talk to a friend.”
“Yes, I do that,” the young man said, “but after about five minutes I’ve said everything I know to say. Yet I hear other people saying they pray for hours. How can someone pray for so long? What do they talk about?” The deacon began to explain. “First,” he said, “you need to make a list of all your friends and relatives. Then you need to list everything you need. Then you need to list everything you can be thankful for . . . ” And the catalog of things to talk with God about went on and on. After the deacon finished giving his advice, I pulled the young man aside and said, “Do you really want to know the secret to prayer?”
“Yes” he said, “please tell me.”
I said, “I can give it to you in one word: listen.”
My friend, perhaps this is what your prayer life is missing. When was the last time you sat quietly before the Lord with no other agenda then just to be with Him? If you want to hear God’s voice, give Him an opportunity to speak to you.
This is Daniel Kolenda
encouraging you to live before you die.