Audio Message
God’s Basket
Investors often “diversify” their investments because if one venture doesn’t work out, they want to have something else to fall back on. So a common idiom in the business world is, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” That means, don’t put all your resources into one investment because if one of your “baskets” breaks and all your “eggs” are in it, you will lose everything. You may be 50 percent confident or even 99 percent confident, but that small percentage of apprehension is called “unbelief”.
Early in ministry I came to a crossroads where I had to choose between a situation that offered security, financially and otherwise, and following the call of God with all its risks and unknowns. I had an inward conviction that I had to give myself fully to one or the other, but I didn’t want to let go of either option. In prayer I said, “Lord, I don’t want to be foolish and put all of my eggs in one basket.” Then I heard the Lord speak. He said, “You can trust My basket.” I have seen this to be true. God’s basket is the best one; it is fully reliable and never breaks.
James 1:8 says, “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” You don’t need to hold some of your eggs back “just in case.” Cast out the unbelief, put all your eggs in God’s basket, burn your ships, and give yourself to Him and His plan, body, soul, and spirit and you cannot fail.
This is Daniel Kolenda
encouraging you to live before you die.