Audio Message


It’s no coincidence that the first word of the Great Commission is, “GO…”When Jesus used fishing as a metaphor for Evangelism, he revealed to us something about his chosen model and paradigm. What does evangelism mean to Jesus?  The answer to this question should inform all of our efforts to reach the lost.

To be a “fisher of men” implies releasing the moorings from the bollard, pulling back the anchor, pushing away from the shore and launching out into the deep.  “The Son of Man”, He said of Himself, “Has COME to SEEK…” Now, to us He says, you “GO” and seek.

Contrast the Jesus way to the preferred method of most Christians today.  It is what I call “Spider web Evangelism” because as the spider loiters in her web, many Christians crouch in their churches every Sunday waiting and praying that some hapless sinner might wander in so that the pastor can pounce on them.  But the word, “GO” necessarily implies action, initiative and movement.  There is no way to “Go” while we stay! 

To “GO” requires less talk and more walk, less intention and more action.  There is no shortcut, free-ride or easy way to evangelism.  Ultimately we will either “GO” to win the lost or we will supplement our disobedience with a myriad of programs, seminars, conferences, excuses and explanations.  In the end we may discover that working so hard to appear artificially effectual was a greater expenditure of energy than actually going would have been.

This is Daniel Kolenda
encouraging you to live before you die.