Founder’s Day
Reinhard Bonnke Memorial Campaign
You may recall December 7th, 2019, the historical day in CfaN’s history when our beloved founder, Reinhard Bonnke, (one of God’s greatest generals) went home to his eternal reward.
And this memorable day is just after Founder’s Day, December 6th, which we celebrate every year at Christ for all Nations. The timing is truly remarkable.
We not only want to pay tribute to the memory of the man who responded to God’s call with fervent obedience and faithfulness – but to always give thanks to God for His historic mandate and mantle He has clearly placed upon this worldwide evangelistic ministry.
Reinhard would repeatedly remind me that we were not called to maintain his legacy (the epic levels of soul-winning and discipleship-building that we’ve already witnessed over the years together). Rather, we must allow the Holy Spirit to lead this ministry to do “even greater” things in miracle outreach to this world.
In other words, we know we’ve been tasked to accelerate the adoption and implementation of even greater effectiveness (in evangelism) to all the nations of the world.
It’s in the spirit of this mission mandate that I’m pleased to announce the start of the “Reinhard Bonnke Memorial Campaign” project, where every gift, every donation is dedicated to the “soul-purpose” of Campaign Evangelism (on every level) to the world.
And I’m inviting you to join me in being among the first founding contributors to this special project.
Every cent contributed for this will be dedicated to our campaign evangelistic outreaches, which was the motivating vision that reverberated in the heart of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. In fact, we’d love to be able to have one entire major campaign a year be totally furnished from the proceeds of this Memorial Campaign project.
It’s the echo of the Lord’s very own words that He left us just before He departed this earth. “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, AND they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12 NIV).
And “even greater things” are happening right now!
For example:
- The training and deployment of multiple platoons of Bootcamp Evangelists who go directly from our classrooms to the fields in Africa to win souls.
- The ongoing work of our field evangelists before and after all campaign events.
- Many collaborative evangelistic outreaches from Pakistan to Finland to Haiti to South Africa and more.
It would take pages to convey all that’s happening, but I can tell you that already it’s even greater than anything we’ve seen before.
Together, we’re moving full-throttle into that next era with our God-given vision of the “Decade of Double Harvest” – from 75 million (in 35 years) to 150 million individual decisions for eternal salvation (in the next 10). Andwe’ve just now crossed over the 81 million recorded salvation mark these past few months.
My dear friend, on this Founder’s Day 2021, we invite you to buckle up and go with us… into all the nations of the world!
Celebrating what God has done and will do – together with you!
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(here with the worldwide CfaN Team)