This book is a gripping account of endurance, highlighting the miraculous and harrowing escapes of Winfried Wentland, as he sought to bring light and life to the continent of Africa.
By Life or by Death
Carrying the Gospel through Africa

Behind the unprecedented Gospel outreaches across Africa, are the tales of courage, danger, drama, and practical aspects that make it all happen. This gripping story of love, family and the determination to overcome is a compelling testimony of Winfried Wentland and his God-given calling. Propelled by initiative and faith, this book relays harrowing escapes as he sought to bring light and life to the continent of Africa.
With a background of driving tanks in the German Special Forces, 'Wini', as he is known to his friends, found a new drive fueled by a passion for souls. Now armed with little more than a Bible and the promises of God, Wini risked death at the hands of rebel warlords, traversed disease infected jungles, and was even trapped in a truck cab at the bottom of a swollen river. For over thirty years, Wini promoted the Gospel and literally cleared the ground for what many have said are 'the greatest evangelistic initiatives in Africa.'
A must-read for any who have a heart for the lost. A testimony that will inspire and challenge all to do greater things for God.
About The Author
Laboring under some of the toughest conditions on earth, risking death at the hands of rebel warlords, traversing disease infected jungles and crossing seemingly impossible routes across Africa, Winfried has learned from the example of missionaries who have gone before while blazing a trail for others to follow. From a background of driving tanks in the German Special Forces, yet now armed with little more than a Bible and the promises of God, ‘Wini,’ as he is known to friends, has for over thirty years promoted the gospel, literally cleared the ground and built the stage for what many have said are ‘the greatest evangelistic initiatives in Africa.’
You will walk away alive