Harvest News Blog

Did you know there are outreaches happening daily all over the world, in collaboration with CfaN Evangelism Alliance members? Every week, thousands are choosing Jesus.

Let those who have ears hear!

Youth outreach efforts by Karin Hugo are making a significant impact in Africa.

Karin Hugo

Youth outreaches from last week! Please pray for more helpers and open opportunities.

Karin Hugo

The first of 8 youth outreaches from today!

Karin Hugo

Some outreachs from yesterday were a great experience! God bless you.

Jako Hugo and Team

Kindly keep the CfaN youth outreach in your prayers this week, asking for God's favor and guidance.

Jako and Team

A team of CfaN-trained evangelists are celebrating today, having successfully led thousands of people to Jesus in Africa over the past few weeks. Praise God for this incredible achievement!


Steve Osembe is just one of the many inspiring figures leading youth outreaches.


CfaN Teams in Africa

Jako and Karin Hugo

Karin and I successfully completed 21 of our 59 outreach efforts this week.

Karin Hugo and Team

Some youth outreaches from last week.

Laura and Team

Congratulations to Laura and her team doing CfaN firewave orientation today in Kenya.

Jako Hugo and Team

CfaN evangelists used these speakers to bring more than a million people to Jesus in Kenya.

Jako Hugo and Team

Youth Outreaches from last week

Exciting Updates from Uganda!

Bootcamp Initiation - Week 2

Bootcamp Initiation

Week 2 – Highlights from Uganda!

During the first two weeks of Bootcamp initiation, we have held 795 outreaches and seen 79,079 decisions for Christ! Hallelujah! All of that, alongside the first week of Mass Campaigns in the following three cities: Hoima, Busia, and Lira. Right now, we are preparing for the next set of campaigns in Uganda. We are not stopping or slowing down but going, going, going for the Gospel!

Youth Outreach Across Africa Last Week!

Bootcamp Initiation – Kampala, Uganda

As part of their initiation trip, our Bootcamp students are traveling through cities in Uganda and doing an outstanding job spreading the Gospel.


Bootcamp Initiation

Michael Job and Team

Coaching the Christ for All Nations Bootcamp students in Uganda!

Trudy Makepeace and Team

I have just arrived back in the UK, and we are truly celebrating all that Jesus has done in Zambia.

This year, I am so grateful to have been able to go to Nigeria, Uganda, and Zambia to preach the Gospel. Next week, I will have the honor of helping out with a Fire Camp here in the UK to train and equip evangelists and those with a desire to preach the Gospel.

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)

Dora Orozc, Trudy Makepeace, Michael Job and Team

Thousands of youth received Jesus as their Lord this week in Zambia! Hallelujah!

Trudy Makepeace and Team

We have had a wonderful time in Zambia. Thousands and thousands have heard the Gospel and responded to salvation.

We've witnessed many wonderful miracles of healing and youth being baptized in the Holy Spirit. We give God all the glory!

"And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." (Mark 16:17-18)

Trudy Makepeace and Team

Today, we saw thousands of youth responding to Jesus. The fields are ripe here for harvest!!! Praise God!

Trudy Makepeace and Team

Thousands are receiving Jesus as their Lord at the Ndola, Zambia Great Gospel Campaign. Jesus saves, heals physically, and set thousands free!

Fire Camp – Marseille

“The Fire Camp in Marseille was a resounding success.

With 45 new decisions for Jesus in just a few hours and deeply transformed participants, the event demonstrated the importance of such initiatives for spiritual growth and evangelism. The positive outcomes of this camp will be felt for a long time, both among the evangelists and those who were touched by their message. We will organize other fire camps in the future to continue training and inspiring evangelists in the French speaking world.”

Manuel Reichör (CfaN Bootcamp Graduate)

Karin Hugo

Teaching at CfaN Bootcamp today, and it has been an amazing experience.

Trudy Makepeace and Team

For God so loved the world that HE gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would believe on Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Jako Hugo and Team

CfaN trained teams in Africa last week, and we saw incredible results. Can you please pray for this week as we continue our mission?

Dora Orozco

I miss Malawi ... the Lord moved in such a mighty way ... thank you Jesus!

Michael Job and Team

Our teams in Zambia preached at 81 youth outreaches this past week, reaching 83,754 people.

Over 58,366 made decisions for Jesus during this time. Last night alone, we saw 1,034 people come to Christ at the Gospel Campaign! Praise the Lord! We give all the glory to Him!

Dora Orozc and Team

I read these verses this morning, and they truly explain the reason why I do what I do. The reason why I left everything I was comfortable with is to go and tell everyone what Jesus has done.

Michael Job and Team

Yesterday, we had a Youth Outreach here in Zambia, and the students went out preaching the Gospel on the streets, resulting in many being saved!

Fire Camp Stuttgart

“The Fire Camp in Stuttgart made many students realize that preaching the gospel is one of the most beautiful things we can do.

Joy and passion have broken out, fear of man and other fears have been overcome. Full of courage, the students preached the gospel on the street and many hearts were touched and they opened their hearts to Jesus.”

Michael Job in Zambia

"Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." - Romans 10:9

Michael Job in Zambia

Numerous young Zambians are embracing Jesus as Lord today. Please pray for their salvation, healing, and freedom in the coming weeks. Thank you for your prayers!

Lesotho last week was incredible!

We witnessed the power of the Gospel transforming lives.


Asia is open to the Gospel. If you would like to join a team and participate, please sign up for CfaN Bootcamp, SOE, or Firecamp while you still can.


One of many recent youth outreaches.

Dora Orozc

So thankful for this week here in Uganda! We have seen thousands of salvations on the streets and at youth outreaches. Make His name famous! Tell everyone how wonderful He is. Share the Good News of our Great Savior.

We partnered with the locals, who we trained a few weeks ago at CfaN Fire Camp, and went out every day to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We saw drunkards come and repent. As they knelt down, they began to cry and ask Jesus to change them and set them free. Others witnessed the power of God heal their bodies. People with years of illnesses were healed in a powerful way! Hallelujah! A paralytic began to walk for the first time in years!


Youth outreaches in Asia last week!


Youth oureaches in Asia

1 – 6 April

Fire Camp in Aarau, Switzerland

Fire Camp – Japan

In February, we held the first Japanese Fire Camp in Tokyo with around 40 students.

The students were mainly from Japan. 10 leaders that came from several different nations to train and equip the Japanese evangelists. Twice during the week, we preached the gospel out in the open with a microphone and had countless individual conversations with the people. Many had never even heard the name of Jesus but wanted to know more, and by the end of the Fire Camp, around 50 people had accepted Jesus into their lives in the nation with just around 2% Christians.

Fire Camp – Thailand

This year’s first Fire Camp in January was in Chiang Mai, Thailand – our biggest Fire Camp so far!

At the end of the training, we graduated nearly 170 students! 72 of the students came from Myanmar, and the majority of the remaining students were Thai. We also graduated a few European students, plus one from Cambodia and one from Pakistan. During the training, they went out into the streets of Chiang Mai and preached the Gospel, leading 235 souls to Christ in only a few hours during two afternoons of outreach!

Training Evangelists

Fire Camp in Szeged, Hungary

Fire Camp – Germany

Fire Camp 24 – Kassel (Germany)

CfaN Bootcamp

Bootcamp graduate Dario Giustino with Daniel Kolenda.

Dario Giustino in Nigeria
Bootcamp – Dario Giustino with Daniel Kolenda

CfaN Bootcamp – Dora Orozco

I will definitely miss Nigeria

CfaN Bootcamp

Bootcamp 6 kicked off today. Karin and I are honored to be coaches once again. Please pray that these students will become mighty evangelists of the Holy Spirit, to the glory of God.

CfaN Bootcamp Graduate Justin Konietzki

The biggest Title I bear is being a Son. My identity is not in a certificate.

Aba region, Nigeria

During our Aba Gospel Campaign, we had our gospel truck drive into nearby villages and cities to reach the locals. With the trucks being so compact and mobile, they are able to go all kinds of places we would usually not be able to reach!

The Word of God is no different whether it’s preached in a marketplace or in front of a crowd of thousands. His promises are always the same. So, when the teams preached the Gospel, they also prayed for the sick, and God showed up with the miraculous, proving His word over and over again. People were healed, saved, and set free! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is powerful regardless of location!

CfaN Bootcamp

CfaN Bootcamp Graduate Nathanael Ehn

Nathanael Ehn
Nathanael Ehn with Daniel Kolenda


Yesterday in Africa. Please pray for the CfaN teams conducting outreaches today.


Gospel Outreach with Dora Orozco in Nigeria


Travis Fehr sharing stories with young people about God's love and grace.

Paula Saari with Olukotun Tayo

Our first Gospel Truck outreach from today was great success.

Karin Hugo with Team

Following last week's successful outreach events, we invite you to join us in prayer for the upcoming week's activities as we continue to share the message of Christ with young people.

Karin Hugo with Team

First outreach yesterday

Paula Saari and Áron Szabó

In Nigeria, the Gospel is being shared with the younger generation.

Karin Hugo with Team

Youth Outreaches

From Cape Town to Cairo!

50th Anniversary Launch in Cape Town

On Sunday 18 February, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda was in Cape Town, South Africa for the launch of CfaN’s 50 anniversary campaigns in 2024 at Hillsong Church. It was a powerful and glorious night!

Cape Town, South Africa

50th Anniversary Banquet

Friends and partners of CfaN gathered to celebrate this historic milestone, and also to raise funds to sponsor one of the 50 Gospel Campaigns happening this year.

School of Evangelism

Over 40 CfaN-trained evangelists (graduates of Bootcamp and School of Evangelism) are in Cape Town, South Africa.

Over 57,000 people have given their lives to Jesus in the past two weeks there. This week there will be a mass campaign on the field where the Big Tent was pitched in 1984!

Aba, Nigeria

Billboards have been put up everywhere in the city, advertising the four big Gospel Campaigns that will be happening in the end of February and beginning of March, where Daniel Kolenda and other CfaN evangelists will preach.

Karin Hugo with Team

Youth Outreaches in Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town Gospel Invasion

CfaN-trained evangelists are conducting youth outreaches, hitting the streets, markets, and malls with the Good News of Jesus Christ, marking the beginning of our 50th anniversary celebrations this year.

Paula Saari and Team – Aba, Nigeria

This week in Nigeria has been powerful! Thousands of young people embraced Jesus. Effective evangelism and favor are moving us to new places. Our goal: reach as many with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Emmanuel Afolabi and Team – Aba, Nigeria

We preached about Jesus and witnessed mighty salvations and healings.

Karin Hugo – South Africa

Last outreach of Friday, please pray for Monday

Paula Saari – Aba, Nigeria

Our last outreach of today with the Gospel Trucks was awesome! Precious people of Nigeria came to listen the message, “Now is the time of Salvation” and hundreds of them received Jesus as their Lord and Savior!

Emmanuel Afolabi and Team – Aba, Nigeria

Gospel Trucks in action in Aba

Gospel Trucks in action in Aba, Nigeria

Nathanael Ehn

At this one Gospel Truck outreach we preached the Gospel of Jesus and many came to the front to surrender their lives to Jesus. Afterwards we preached on healing and prayed for the sick.

Many came to testify of their healing, but one lady who was actually one our counsellors came to testify that she was healed of 25 years of throat pain. She said that all the pain is gone.

Paula Saari and Emmanuel Afolabi and Team – Aba, Nigeria

On the second day of ministering here, people are so hungry for Jesus! Today, we started preaching with Gospel Trucks.

Emmanuel Afolabi – Aba, Nigeria

It was a privilege to preach on the Gospel-Truck as a leader and lead many to Jesus today in Aba, Nigeria. I preached the crystal clear Gospel, and hundreds of people came forward to receive and follow Jesus.

Karin Hugo and Team

This was today, praise God, please pray for supernatural favor and safety for the teams for tomorrow

Karin Hugo and Team

First CfaN-Outreach today, please pray for open hearts and doors in Jesus name

Jako and Karin Hugo and Team

Spending time with these wonderful Swiss evangelists today. Please pray for the mission starting tomorrow. God bless you.

Nathaniel Manning

Good News makes everyone happy

Some smiles from today after preaching the Good News of Jesus and what He has done for us all. This is changing thousands of lives daily. My friends, the harvest is truly ripe!

I want to invite you to join me on this trip here in Nigeria. I have very little time to post, message but I would like to invite you to sow into this trip as I am out here entirely by faith.

I said yes to this knowing it would be absolutely impossible, but with a word from God to go. I just gave Him my yes and did my best to trust Him. Well, He got me here, and I know He is faithful to complete what He has started.

Karin Hugo and Team

This was last week, please pray for supernatural open doors this week

Nathaniel Manning

Let’s go, team! Thank you, Jared Horton, for flying out to ensure that this Gospel Invasion is a success. I really appreciate you believing in us.

Dora Orozc

Sharing the Gospel