Harvest News Blog
Did you know there are outreaches happening daily all over the world, in collaboration with CfaN Evangelism Alliance members? Every week, thousands are choosing Jesus.
Reaching nations for Jesus
In 2023, Christ for all Nations reached 81 nations and saw 3,552,818 salvations during 14,020 Gospel campaigns and outreaches.

The magnitude of our work is possible because of the CfaN Evangelism Alliance. Evangelism Bootcamp, School of Evangelism, and Fire Camp graduates are working together to see nations saved. Some just led a Fire Camp in Thailand, others are in Africa preparing for CfaN campaigns, others are leading youth campaigns internationally, and many are training local outreaches.
Graduates on the field
In this update, I’m sharing about an initiative in Biharamulo, Tanzania, led by Bootcamp graduates Daniel and Katrin Smenes. Their team of 16 people held 404 outreaches culminating in a 5-day Gospel Campaign.
The campaign was a partnership between Daniel and Katrin’s ministry, Jesus to all Nations, and Matheo and Hannah Wentland’s ministry, Lands for Jesus. In total, 161,075 attended, 104,658 made decisions for Christ, and 1,461 healings took place – in just two weeks! Bear in mind that this is just one team in one country.
Tanzania shall be saved!
Daniel and Katrin Smenes attended the Bootcamp in 2021, and their initiation trip was in Tanzania.
Then they worked with the CfaN Decapolis team to prepare for five simultaneous Gospel campaigns. Eric Mugwenda, a local bishop, told Daniel that he would love to help with future initiatives, and Daniel took him up on his offer. This is the third Gospel campaign the Smenes have led in Tanzania. Matheo and Hannah Wentland were also trained at Bootcamp and on the field with CfaN. They were thrilled to partner in this Tanzania campaign and get their first opportunities to preach on the Gospel platform.
Collaboration initiatives
During the Bootcamp, students are taught how to start their own ministries, fundraise, and lead their own Gospel initiatives.
These initiatives are part of the CfaN Evangelism Alliance (E.A.) work. Matheo and Hannah started their personal ministry after they attended the Bootcamp in 2022. Daniel and Katrin started their ministry a few years before they went to Bootcamp. For all four evangelists, working with Christ for all Nations was an answer to prayer and a dream come true. All of them are joining in with our 50th Anniversary vision. As evangelists collaborate and build kingdom family, we support each other and minister together. This makes our impact so much greater!
Multiplication and synergy
As we hold more Fire Camps and Schools of Evangelism around the world, our Bootcamp graduates lead and teach in these trainings.
Then, when they plan initiatives around the world, the students they trained are eager to join them. Daniel and Katrin love to train CfaN evangelists and bring them to the mission field. They mentor many young evangelists and have invited several to join their ministry. This Tanzania team included six Bootcampers, five School of Evangelism graduates and four Fire Campers. Matheo and Hannah still remember when they were students at the very first Fire Camp in Austria in 2021. Now, they personally helped train most of the team members on this trip during the Germany SOE and several Fire Camps. They loved watching each person step out to preach the Gospel and see people saved, healed, and delivered by the power of God.
The team spread out through two regions to do youth campaigns. Some SOE graduates were trained to lead outreach teams. They took huge steps from being students to leading teams – the maturity and growth were remarkable. For many, this was their first time in Africa. What they experienced marked them with greater passion to preach the Gospel. This is the power of multiplication!
5-day Gospel campaign

The second week of the trip included a 5-day Gospel campaign. Daniel and Katrin always use the effective campaign model they were taught at CfaN. Taking turns to preach, these enthusiastic evangelists saw salvations every night. The fifth and final night started with a weather miracle as God cleared the rain and brought sunny skies! Daniel Smenes preached the Gospel that night, and many were saved. Throughout the campaign, there were mighty miracles reported each night.
- Nelson had reduced eyesight and blindness in his right eye. After he was healed, he could count Lukas’ fingers from afar and was thrilled to see again.
- Odlia couldn’t bend her leg and had knee pain for over three months. We danced and celebrated with her after Jesus healed her!
- Setros came to the platform to testify about her left ear being healed of deafness. On the platform, we prayed again, and she was fully healed!
- Avestina smiled and gave Jesus all the glory as she testified that Jesus healed her back pain that had caused much suffering. She could now rejoice!
Exponential fruit
The vision the Lord gave me for multiplication and collaboration is bearing exponential fruit. We can hardly keep up with where our graduates are preaching and reaching the lost around the world. It is a move of God that is above and beyond our expectations. Before we embarked on our 50th anniversary year, we called all of our Evangelism Alliance members to link arms with us for 50 Gospel campaigns in 2024. It’s already in motion, and the best is yet to come!
As you witness the fruit through reading the testimonies, we invite you to join us! You can participate in an upcoming Fire Camp or School of Evangelism.
You can also join us through prayer and support. As you sow into CfaN, you are taking part in something bigger than yourself, and storing up treasures in Heaven that can never be taken from you. Thank you for your partnership in the harvest, we are eternally grateful!
Together with you for the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(here with the worldwide CfaN team)
Kaisa Fischer and Marita Orevi Tornes
This young man had lost his ability to speak and got very sick when he went to a traditional bull jumping tribal ceremony.

His illness started about a month before our team arrived. We found him lying on the floor of his parents’ hut and prayed for his healing. Within some minutes, he recovered completely, got up, came out of the hut, and started to speak again. His mom was thrilled to see her son well again. In this village, many surrendered their lives to Jesus, including this young man.
Kaisa Fischer and Marita Orevi Tornes
This woman had been stung by a scorpion and couldn’t move her arm properly. Our team prayed for her and her armed was completely healed. She could move it without any problems.

Kaisa Fischer and Marita Orevi Tornes
Ethiopia Outreach Update
Kaisa Fischer (founder of Awake the Nations) and Marita Orevi Tornes (founder of Eagle’s Ministry), both CfaN Bootcamp graduates from the second Bootcamp, did a campaign in Omo Valley, Ethiopia in 2022. This region is known for its 16 unreached people groups. While there, they felt a deep burden to reach out to all the 16 tribes one by one.
In November, the two of them, together with six other CfaN evangelists, did an outreach to the Hamer tribe. Within five days, they witnessed 420 salvations among a tribe that previously had only around 1,000 believers. The population of the Hamer tribe is around 50,000 people.
Fire Camp 2023 – Southeast Asia
Enjoy this testimony from our recent Fire Camp in Southeast Asia!
Right from the start, I was touched by the open and friendly people. It quickly felt as if we had known each other for a long time. We left our shoes outside the hall and sat on the floor. We started early in the morning and ended late at night. It was hot and stuffy in the small room with about 90 people, but hardly anyone paid attention to the circumstances: the training was far too engaging and intense. In the initial days of the Fire Camp, foundational teachings were laid, such as “from slave to son,” “How to hear God’s voice,” or “What is the Gospel?” One call stood out to me: “Who is willing to give EVERYTHING for Jesus?” Most came forward. There was much crying. For them, it could truly mean EVERYTHING. Their life, their family, their freedom.
Then, in the middle of the camp, we were divided into groups and practiced preaching the Gospel. Most students were very shy and uncertain. But the transformation was astonishing! Because after three days of intensive training, there were suddenly lions in front of us, boldly roaring, full of strength to proclaim the Gospel. Now they were almost unstoppable, eager to apply what they had practiced “outside.” Since it would be too risky to simply set up a stage and proclaim the Gospel to the entire city, the local pastors suggested going from house to house in groups or gathering smaller groups at shops to talk with people.
Oh, the wonderful testimonies we had! Many people were very interested in what we shared. Many even said they believed in Jesus and believed He is the only true God. But most were driven by fear that they might be excluded from their families or that this decision would make their lives too difficult. However, we quickly realized that when healings occurred, people became completely convinced and wanted to follow this God instead of their thousands of man-made Hindu gods. We were carried through and protected throughout our time. However, we continue to ask for prayers for the Christians on-site who are now so zealous for their country and spreading the Gospel. Pray for protection and a bountiful harvest!
Testimony from Lisa Repert
Bootcamp Initiation
Our 2023 CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp class has been in Uganda for 15 days and they’ve seen incredible amounts of healings, testimonies, and salvations!
In fact, over the last 15 days they’ve seen 135,311 documented decisions for Christ across various outreaches. We’re so proud of the work they have been doing for the Lord, and there’s still more to come. The Lord is moving mightily and we know many more will come to know Jesus! Join us in prayer for our Bootcamp class as they finish up their last few days in Africa!
Bootcamp Initiation Uganda
Our 123 Bootcamp students have hit the ground running in Uganda for their initiation trip!
For three weeks, they will preach the Gospel in marketplaces, at youth campaigns, and wherever else the Lord leads them. Bootcamp graduates are coaching them as they go. The students are already leading many people to Christ. As they preach, God is moving with miracles and healings. They are full of joy to be on the field putting what they’ve learned at Bootcamp into practice. Pray with us for a mighty harvest!
Nights of Hope: Friedrichshafen
The same power
“Lord, do not pass us by!” So many Europeans are desperate for a move of God. The hunger is increasing for true revival and transformation. Pastors in the Lake Constance region saw what God was doing through Nights of Hope and knew they needed the same fire. Bootcamp graduates David Rotärmel (Reviving the World) and Lukas Repert (God’s Power) responded to the call and planned Nights of Hope in Friedrichshafen from 28 September to 1 October. Jesus came and transformed lives with the same power we see in Africa. For four nights in a row, the altars were full of people surrendering everything to King Jesus. People young and old threw things like cigarettes or new age items into the burn barrels, no longer willing to live in compromise or bondage. Some new believers even got baptized in the lake. They didn’t care how cold it was, they needed Jesus!
Nights of Hope: Friedrichshafen
Reaching the region
Leading up to Nights of Hope and during the campaign, the team flooded the streets sharing the Gospel, praying for people, and inviting everyone to NOH with bright red fliers. Our Germany School of Evangelism students joined the team for their two-week initiation trip. Everyone rallied together on Thursday for a Jesus March throughout the city to proclaim the name of Jesus. We ended with street preaching on the main promenade by Lake Constance. Momentum built as we worshipped and declared that Jesus saves.
On Saturday, we had a Fire Conference for local churches. Lukas Repert, Benji Morf, and David Rottärmel shared messages for the church. It was a time of encouragement, but also a sobering time. There is no room for hypocrisy or religion, we need the pure Gospel and full commitment to Jesus. Bootcamp graduate Kent Aus led an evangelism training. Then School of Evangelism students paired up with locals for street outreach. Evangelism training is a strategic part of Nights of Hope during and leading up to each campaign. The goal is for local churches to be equipped and empowered to reach their cities with the Gospel.
Nights of Hope: Friedrichshafen
Glory nights
This NOH campaign had four nights full of God’s glory and power. David and Lukas brought the fire as they preached with clear, sharp Gospel messages and altar calls for salvation every night. When David ministered the Holy Spirit, the altars were full. As we worshipped and cried out to be filled, the Holy Spirit came with such a sweet presence. We also saw God deliver and heal so many. On the first night, Jean-Luc Trachsel, leader of the Europe Shall Be Saved movement, prayed for the sick with many specific words of knowledge. The presence of God was thick as people received their healings. Bootcamp graduates on the NOH team gave words of knowledge and prayed for the sick throughout the campaign. We saw many miraculous healings.
Nights of Hope: Friedrichshafen
Healing Evangelist Jean-Luc Trachsel praying for the sick with power.

Nights of Hope: Friedrichshafen
The greatest love
In one of his altar calls, David said that every drop of the blood of Jesus is crying out His love for us. Jesus died to redeem humanity, but there are still so many who do not know Him. We have to respond. His love is our motivation and our purpose. The world needs to know the One who died to set them free, so we will continue to preach the Gospel with signs and wonders! The harvest is ready.
“Come Alive Helsinki,” a 3-day Gospel campaign led by CfaN Evangelists Matias Toivainen and Lukas Abildsten, embraced the Decade of Double Harvest MULTIPLY and COLLABORATE vision.
The plans started developing after Petri Kankkunen came home from Fire Camp Oslo on fire. Petri and Lukas led evangelism trainings full of people hungry to reach the lost, which sparked vision for an open-air Gospel event. Matias had also been plowing the ground in Finland for years, but something felt different this time. They found fresh unity and passion among the churches, a desire to run together.
CfaN Evangelist Lukas Repert bought a Gospel stage for Europe with his ministry God’s Power. He preached on it for the first time in Finland!
CfaN brought the sound system and tech team. When we bring our gifts and assets together for Kingdom purposes, the results are fantastic. The event broke new ground as the first open-air Gospel event in Helsinki with churches unified for Jesus in this generation. Many expressed their amazement at what God was doing — it was a fulfillment of decades of prayer.
“Come Alive Helsinki” is more than a name, it is a declaration of faith. The prayer first came out of tragedy when the pastors of Love Story Church lost their son in a horrible tram accident. Many came to pray for resurrection. It was a prophetic moment where churches gathered around the dry bones of lost destiny and prophesied, “Come Alive.” The pastors buried their son, but they believed God would bring redemption through greater miracles and salvation in their city. The churches continued to declare, “Come alive, Helsinki.” To all the lost, come alive in Jesus. To all the Christians, come alive to the purposes of God.
At the event, hundreds of people heard the Gospel each night. We worshipped with local worship teams, danced for joy, prayed for the sick, and preached the Gospel.
Many ran forward to give their lives to Jesus, 41 in total! And God healed people every night. He healed feet, ankles, backs, shoulders, necks, serious digestive issues, depression, and more. Each miracle means someone is set free from pain — years of suffering can end in a moment. This never ceases to amaze us. The “after party” was worship and baptisms at a nearby lake with even more salvations.
Matias was reminded of the young boy with five loaves of bread and two fish. God is looking for someone who will give their simple yes to His vision. Then God is the One who blesses, multiplies, and does wonders among us!
Jako and Karin Hugo
Some of the 637 youth outreaches Karin and myself was at so far this year with many interns in Africa.
We have spoken face to face to 278 079 students and saw 194 653 respond to Jesus, Hallelujah. Today we pack to go and help with the 5th CfaN-Bootcamp in Orlando. Please pray for us, God bless you.
Jako and Karin Hugo
Children at one of the 26 schools we visited this past week were filled with joy as they received Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Maureece captured the heartwarming moment on video using his new drone, which he received as a gift. Thank you for your prayers, and may you have a blessed weekend.
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
Nights of Hope

Southern Germany is being transformed by the Gospel through Nights of Hope. Salvations, miracles, and healings rocked Freiburg as teams flooded the city for several months and then led an evangelistic event on 15-18 June 2023, in collaboration with the local churches. 501 people gave their “yes” to Jesus. This is the greatest miracle!
Karin Hugo
Today, we'll do whatever it takes to preach the Gospel during outreaches – car or bike, we're getting there!

School of Evangelism in South Africa
The second batch of students at CfaN School of Evangelism have completed six weeks of their program.
During this time, they have fearlessly spread the word of God in a variety of challenging locations such as shopping malls, high-risk areas, and between nightclubs on late nights and public holidays.
Jako and Karen Hugo
It's been a solid 10 weeks since we first arrived here, and during this time, our team at CfaN has been privileged to witness over 500,000 young people making decision to Jesus Christ. It's truly a moment of overwhelming gratitude to God!
As we gear up for the upcoming week, we would appreciate your prayers to help us continue spreading the gospel and leading more young minds to accept Jesus into their hearts. Thank you in advance!
Michael Job and Team
During our mission in Kenya, our team conducted 373 outreaches, reaching 132,166 individuals, and resulting in 91,688 people choosing to follow Jesus
With gratitude to Evangelist Paula Saari, Evangelist Ziyad and Kathy Ibrahim, Evangelist Joel Stunkard, Evangelist Elijah Jean Baptiste, Evangelist Maddie Noll, and Evangelist Julie Earl for their remarkable preaching and service to Jesus.
Fire Camp in Zambia
We have concluded our Fire Camp with over 80 graduates
The first ever Fire Camp on African soil, raising up soldiers to win souls for Jesus. All our Gospel Campaign Directors, our operations team as well as our Campaign Managers were able to participate. We preached the Glorious Gospel in compounds of Lusaka and saw thousands of salvations! The nation is incredibly open and we are believing God to move powerfully.
Karin Hugo
First outreach from today

Jako Hugo
Some of the CfaN teams that led thousands to Jesus in Kenya

Collaboration project with "Jesus to All Nations" and "Eagle’s Ministries"
Youth Campaigns, Village Outreaches, and a four day Gospel Campaign in Maralal where the preaching was split between four Bootcamp Graduates, including Evangelist Kaisa Koistinen.
In one week there were over 22,000 salvations, and over 200 healings! (This was a collaboration project with Jesus to All Nations and Eagle’s Ministries.)