2 Campaigns in Week 3
In our final week in Congo, CfaN is preaching the Gospel in Kananga and Mwene-Ditu.
During three weeks from 30 July – 18 August, CfaN is conducting six Gospel Campaigns in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo). There are two campaigns happening simultaneously each week. Evangelist Daniel Kolenda will be preaching, alongside several Bootcamp graduates and CfaN-affiliated evangelists.
Day 5 – Kananga and Mwene-Ditu, Congo
The final night of our last two campaigns in Congo was a time of great celebration and blessing.

In both Kananga and Mwene-Ditu, the evangelists prayed over the region, commissioning the churches to disciple the new believers, and encouraging them to continue in the unity they have built in these weeks. The effect on the local churches has been profound and will continue long after we are gone. We believe this is just the beginning for these cities – a revival has been ignited!
Right now, our team are on their way home after weeks and even months away from their families. I thank God for their faithful service and sacrifice, all for Jesus. Won’t you pray for them, for health, rest and recovery? Because the job is never done! Even as we rejoice over what God did in Congo, we already have our eyes on the next set of campaigns coming up in Ethiopia in just a few weeks.
Day 5 – Kananga, Congo
In Kananga, Evangelist Nathan Morris preached a final salvation message, and once more, the response was overwhelming.
He said, “My heart is full of thankfulness and gratitude to our God who is faithful. There were many challenges to overcome to bring the Gospel to this region of the world. Because of the hard work and sacrifice we can say that the Name of Jesus was lifted high in Kananga!” The Lord confirmed His word with remarkable miracles.
Day 5 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
In Mwene-Ditu, the final meeting was nothing short of a miracle explosion!
The field was packed, with more than half the crowd indicating it was their first time there. The word of what God is doing here has spread far and wide. When Evangelist Rubens Cunha gave the altar call, 36,650 made the decision to follow Jesus!
During the healing session, Rubens felt led to pray for specific ailments, and the results were extraordinary. A wave of miracles swept through the field and hands went up all over, indicating they had received healing. Here are just a few that stood out:
Day 5 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
Tshibola, blind for five years due to high blood pressure, regained her sight. Her healing was confirmed by many who knew her in the crowd.

Day 5 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
Ndaya, suffering from insanity and epilepsy, was restored to full mental health.

He said he could not recognize people before, so Rubens asked if he had a family member in the crowd and a niece came up to testify. He recognized his niece immediately, recalling her full name and her father’s name, and they joyfully danced together.
Day 4 – Kananga, Congo
Kananga is a place that has seen much war and violence, but the name actually means “Oasis of Peace”.
This week, the Prince of Peace has brought salvation, deliverance and healing to these people. After Evangelist Nathan Morris gave the call to salvation tonight, he shared, “My heart was full as what seemed like an ocean of people raised their hands to give their lives to Jesus Christ!”
Tomorrow is the final night of these ground-breaking campaigns. What has happened here will reverberate for years to come! God bless you for your faithfulness, for holding us up in prayer and giving of your own resources to send us. We love you and thank God for you.
Day 4 – Kananga, Congo
Jeannette (2) fell into a ditch a year ago and had been paralyzed ever since. During the campaign, her mother placed her on the ground in faith - and she started walking!

Day 4 – Kananga, Congo
Betu (23 years) had a tumor in her stomach and suffered from excruciating pain for two months, unable to eat. Last night, she came to the campaign and God healed her.

She felt something moving in her belly. Today, she went to the hospital, and they confirmed that the tumor was gone. Now, all the pain has disappeared, and she was able to eat two meals today.
Day 4 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
Evangelist Rubens Cunha shared, “Following the healing prayers, I invited the Holy Spirit to fill everyone present.
The response was electric – demons manifested and were cast out, numerous people received their healing, and many spoke in new tongues for the first time. It was a powerful sight to behold!”
Day 4 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
Four years ago, Elize suddenly became dizzy, fainted, and fell, and from then, her lack of balance prevented her from walking normally.

She experienced dizzy spells and fainting daily. On Thursday, after the Evangelist prayed for the sick, she was healed. She returned tonight to testify that her balance is completely restored, with no more fainting!
Day 4 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
Penyela had tumors in both arms for 8 years.

The tumors caused swelling and intense pain which prevented her from doing household tasks like cooking or cleaning. After prayer, the tumors disappeared, a fact confirmed by a childhood friend who testified to her healing.
Day 4 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
Martin came up on stage to testify that he had been healed of chest pain, and in his joy, he exclaimed, “God is truly in this place!” What a perfect summary of what is happening in Mwene-Ditu and Kananga this week!

Day 3 – Kananga and Mwene-Ditu, Congo
Tonight was the third night of our campaigns in Kananga and Mwene-Ditu, and God moved mightily.
I have no doubt that what is happening here will have a lasting impact on these cities, with multiplied thousands receiving the gift of salvation and witnessing God’s power in signs and wonders. Every challenge, every attack from the enemy that we’ve faced is worth it when we see how the Gospel is received with such hunger and joy here!
Day 3 – Kananga, Congo
Musawu’s mother shared that her daughter (8) was lame and could not even stand by herself. As the evangelist was praying for the lame to walk, she put her daughter down and she could stand. By the time they got to the stage, she was able to walk!

Day 3 – Kananga, Congo
For 7 years, Mputa had a tumor in her womb that caused her pain and constant bleeding. She testified that she was healed the previous night, and all bleeding and pain had ceased – completely healed.

Day 3 – Kananga, Congo
When Nseya (60) got up on stage, the crowd went wild, because she is well known to many and had been blind in both eyes for 20 years! Tonight, God opened her eyes. The evangelist tested her sight on stage as the crowd roared with joy.

Day 3 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
At the campaign in Mwene-Ditu, the crowd swelled to over 50,000 people. When Evangelist Rubens Cunha invited the people to be born again, the response was tremendous.
During the prayer for the sick, the Lord laid it on Rubens’ heart to pray specifically for people who could not walk, and several people in the crowd received their healing right away where they stood on the field.
Day 3 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
Alphonsine was unable to walk unaided for 4 years and had pain in her legs. During the prayer, she says she felt a strange sensation in her legs and tried to take some steps. As she moved, she realized she could walk and threw away her walking stick!

Day 3 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
Sarah was disabled by hip pain and would shake when she tried to stand.

She, too, exercised her faith during the prayer. Her first steps were shaky, but as she walked, her strength increased and the shaking left her. She walks freely now without help, healed by Jesus.
Day 2 – Kananga, Congo
In Kananga, the momentum from the first night grew even stronger.
Evangelist Nathan Morris preached from Isaiah 53, asking the crowd a powerful question: “Whose report do you believe?” With resounding conviction, the people declared they believed the report of the Lord. In a region where witchcraft holds sway, these declarations have the power to break chains and usher in freedom. Miraculous healings followed.
Day 2 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
In Mwene-Ditu, Evangelist Rubens Cunha preached on Jesus’ forgiveness and freedom from guilt, drawing thousands to Christ.

Day 2 – Kananga, Congo
Teresa, who had a tumor in her mouth for 12 years, testified that it vanished after prayer.

Day 2 – Kananga, Congo
Fransua returned with confirmation from his doctor that the tumors in his abdomen had disappeared.

Day 2 – Kananga, Congo
Marcel, who had difficulty hearing since childhood, and Baka, deaf in one ear for 10 years, both had their hearing restored.

Day 2 – Kananga, Congo
Marie, suffering from a tumor near her hip since 2016, was healed and ran pain-free across the stage.

Day 2 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
Bishop Ilunga, using a crutch for 20 years after a broken leg, threw it aside and walked freely.

Day 2 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
Majilie, unable to walk without assistance, stood and danced, completely healed.

Day 2 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
The most striking testimony came from Yerro, deaf and mute since birth, who received her hearing and began learning to speak. She repeated words on stage, leaving the crowd in awe of God’s power.

Day 1 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
Evangelist Rubens Cunha preached from Hebrews 13:8, declaring that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Many raised their hands to receive Christ, and miracles followed.

Rubens prayed for those suffering from deafness, and numerous testimonies of healing came in.
Day 1 – Kananga, Congo
Kabubya had a hernia for six years. He experienced total healing, testifying that the hernia had disappeared during prayer. The night was filled with testimonies of God’s goodness.

Day 1 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
This woman, deaf for nearly five years, was able to hear clearly after the healing prayer.

Day 1 – Mwene-Ditu, Congo
A man deaf for six years received his hearing, bringing joy to the crowd.