Operation Decapolis – Zambia
Toddler’s paralyzed arm healed
For the people of Mansa, the CfaN Gospel Campaign from 26 – 30 April was an answer to two decades of prayer. It had been over twenty years since that region had experienced anything like a campaign, and the people were so hungry for a move of God.

Before the campaign had even started, the Gospel Truck was pressed into service, spreading the word about the campaign – but most importantly, preaching the Gospel and praying for the sick. Thousands came to know Jesus before the main event began!
Already on the second night, the crowd had grown so much, people were sitting on roofs and climbing trees, so eager to hear the Gospel.

We praise God for everything He did in Mansa. Thank YOU so much, because this is what your donations do! Your prayers and support are crucial to this ministry, and we appreciate you.
Together with you for the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(here with the worldwide CfaN Team)