The Time is Now!
CfaN Bootcamp 2021
cfanbootcamp.org - Find our more information or apply for the 2021 CfaN Bootcamp in January! Space is limited.
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What was your greatest experience at Bootcamp?
Laughing my head off in the Holy Spirit 2 days in a row when I FINALLY received the revelation of how easy this walk is. We can’t do the miracles. We can’t heal anyone. I laughed when the mentality of striving for MORE ANOINTING was broken in my life. He DOES THE WORK THROUGH US! I had 2 supernatural encounters of laughter and joy at school and now I can never hold the glory for any of the work. It's His Spirit, His Life, His Death, His Resurrection, His River of Life and His Gospel. He bids only that we yield our tongue and our soul to that Glory and let Him use it according to His will.
Tyrelle Smith (Canada)
I was the oldest student at Bootcamp!
My name is Sim Yoke Hwee. I am a Chinese Singaporean. At 60 years old, I am likely the oldest at the Bootcamp class. I am a single lady, and is the main caregiver of my aged 88-year old mother. It was not easy for me to take the decision to leave home for 6 months to come to the US for this Bootcamp. I did it out of obedience to God, knowing that my own time is fast running out - “the night is coming when no one can work (John 9:4b)”. There were miracles after miracles, before I finally showed up at CfaN! Firstly, I didn’t know much about CfaN - I got into CfaN’s mailing list because I had ‘forced’ myself to attend the Fire Conference held in Singapore in 2014. Attending such conferences was unusual for me, because I simply didn’t have time for such things in my previous season! But, one thing led to another and when I received the Bootcamp mailer, my heart gripped me so hard I knew God was urging me to drop everything and go!
Sim Yoke Hwee (Singapore)
How has Bootcamp impacted your life and ministry?
Before Bootcamp, I had absolutely no clue about proper administration, organization and leadership. I think one of the great treasures from my time at Bootcamp, is learning and seeing up close just the basics as well as the secrets of how an effective evangelistic ministry is run and what things are important to consider and master in ministry. I believe now I am actually equipped and able to organize and conduct evangelistic crusades, which would have been mere fantasy before.
Matias Toivainen (Finland)
What did you do before Bootcamp?

At 15 years old, God showed me a vision that I would one day serve in Africa. I didn’t know how it would happen – I had never personally known a single person who was serving there – but I believed that if God placed Africa on my heart, He would open the doors, so I simply continued being faithful serving in my church and city. In addition to serving in my church In Riga, Latvia over the course of several years, I started a charitable organization called ‘Healing by Love’. My team and I served children from multiple orphanages, low-income families, hospitals and the elderly in nursery homes. There was a time when I visited a women’s colony. I always wanted to go to places where there was no hope to speak about how there is hope in the name of Jesus Christ! I knew what it was like to be lost and then found. At 23, my feet first stepped onto African soil, in Tanzania. Since that time, God has given me the opportunity to preach the Gospel to thousands of people of other faiths – both in word and in deed – in the most remote African villages.
Eveline Smane (Latvia)
What difference has Bootcamp made to you?
An indelible mark has been left on my life. These are the kind of experiences that don't fade because they are not merely physical or emotional; Instead, they impact one's spirit for life. Bootcamp has altered so much of the way I consider and approach ministry. Namely, to let God be who He says He is in us, for us and through us. Though it sounds abstract, God is willing and wanting to move through any yielded vessel with great power. I've always felt I would go to class during the day to feast on the wealth of knowledge and experience and then, during the evening, God would help me unpack and decipher it. I spent many a night with the Lord as He explained the application of the content from the day.
Jackson-Leigh Rathbone (Australia)
What was the greatest miracle you experienced on the way to Bootcamp?
We heard about the Bootcamp at the Light the Fire Again conference in Pensacola. Kathy and I immediately felt the desire to apply for the Bootcamp but we were also praying for a confirmation from the Lord. Before leaving Pensacola, I remembered getting something about Orlando and thought I’d journaled it. Sure enough, six months earlier I had written we’d be coming to Orlando for ministry at some point. I didn’t know who, what, when or why?
And then soon after that I had a dream I knew was significant. I saw myself with a Bible in my hand walking behind a man, up the steps onto a platform. Although I couldn't see the crowd in the dream yet, somehow I knew at the top of the stairs was a stadium full of people that I was going to preach to. I also knew I was in Africa. But I was following behind the man. So we knew the Lord had shown me we were being called to mass campaign evangelism in Africa, but it would happen in a way where we would be serving another ministry. We had no idea how much that vision aligns with Daniel Kolenda’s vision for the Decade of the Double Harvest until long after arriving at the Bootcamp.
Jim and Kathy Leamon (USA)
What was your greatest experience at Bootcamp?

Bootcamp has completely changed my life in just about every way imaginable. My greatest experience I’d say is something that one may not expect. CfaN has equipped me with skill sets in evangelism that have far surpassed my greatest expectations. From evangelistic preaching, crusade organizing, marketing/promotion, working with church leadership to donor development and administration, CfaN has given me the tools necessary to carry out the call God has in my life. With that said, my greatest experience is much more personal than that. I had to face some things that hurt me to the core. In the end, I let go and am now laying my head on the Lords chest and don’t want to ever leave His presence. What was my greatest experience at bootcamp? Resting in the arms of my Father as His son.
Jacob Ebersole (USA)
Which Vision do you have now after Bootcamp?
After Bootcamp my desire is the serve the vision of CfaN. I know that the vision CfaN carries isn’t just a good idea thought out by man, but rather, it is the very thing God is wanting to do in this world today. I don’t want to just follow a good idea; I want to follow Jesus. My heart’s desire is to go to Africa and organize multiple campaigns, finding a need and bringing along others to help meet the need. There is no “Plan B” for my life; I gave up the American dream 6 years ago and I’m ready to give my life for the gospel, both living it to its fullest and if needed laying it down for the sake of Jesus. I’m really grateful and honored to be a part of the first Bootcamp that has prepared me physically as well as spiritually. I am ready to win souls.
Denis Artyushevskiy (Ukraine)
How do you see God’s calling on your life now?

Though I didn’t come to Bootcamp to learn how to evangelize, how to do campaigns, or to launch my own ministry, I have found, right from the beginning of our time here, much within my life and ministry has been taken to another level. Though becoming a student again has been a humbling experience for me in many ways, I am impressed by the caliber of ministries we have sat under, and my ministry tools have been sharpened significantly.
My passion and calling is to preach the gospel and win millions of souls. I can’t say at this stage what my future relationship with CfaN looks like, as that is not for me to say. However, ideally, I would love to be an associate evangelist preaching in Decapolis campaigns, while at the same time training budding evangelists and helping them kickstart their own campaign ministries, particularly in Africa. At the same time, I anticipate a continuation of our ministry in many other nations doing campaigns, speaking in pastors’ conferences, winning souls, healing the sick, imparting faith and stirring the church to revival.
Carl Butler (New Zealand)
Gain practical experience for preaching
Students continue to gain practical experience for preaching, rain or shine! God is raising up an army of evangelists for the #DecadeofDoubleHarvest! Find out more about our next Bootcamp.
Lukas Repert – Week 16
Daniel put up a scoreboard, which shows the remaining teaching modules, and which is updated daily. To our huge amazement, this table shows that there are 26 modules left, and there are two modules every school day, so basically, we only have 13 teaching days left. It’s hard to believe how fast the time has flown by here in the school and in the USA!
What we’re learning right now is extremely important. Daniel is training every single one of us in how to preach and encourages us to share our stories passionately. Each one has 5 minutes to get their story across in the best way they can. After that, we analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each Bootcamper together. It’s quite wonderful to see through this what liveliness each student has inside them, but also to see once again what diversity there is here at Bootcamp. The Bootcampers come from many different countries: Argentina, USA, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Latvia, Ivory Coast, Finland, China and others. Every single one brings a great variety to the table, which makes it exciting to hear from all the students.
In the coming weeks, I’ll try to introduce some more of the students to you, because their testimonies and stories of how God brought them to Bootcamp are way too good to miss. I hope you’ll enjoy them!
Lukas Repert – Week 15
Lukas Repert – Week 11
This week, we had a very full teaching schedule, and although we had to meet online, that didn’t reduce the intensity one bit.
From 8am to 10am, we had our devotions with Eric Gilmour and Levi Stewart, and after that, our normal lectures. Okay, calling this teaching “normal” is an understatement, when you look at who has invested their hearts and souls in us, just this week. Our teachers were: Daniel Kolenda, Dr Michael Brown, Nathan Morris, Bernie Moore and Paul Maurer.
It was truly a week that ignited a fire in every single one of us. The fire of the Holy Spirit spread amongst us and we experienced a new passion for preaching the Gospel, especially in such a time as this. I’m looking forward to keeping you up-to-date with a video next week.
Until then, please know that we pray for all of you, that the Lord will give you strength and protection. But most of all, that He will give you the fire of the Holy Spirit, so you can be a light in your own surroundings.
Heartfelt greetings,
Lukas Repert – Week 10
No matter how old you are, school vacation never stops being cool. And that’s what we just had. We had a scheduled holiday week last week, and most of the students traveled home to spend time with their family and friends. I made good use of the break to spend more time with my wife and my little baby boy.
And then we got back to work this week. Unfortunately, the corona crisis has also reached the USA, and we’ve had to switch to an online format for the lectures. But that didn’t stop us having an intensive and rich learning time. This week, we started “Rhetoric Training” as a new subject. As a prelude, Daniel made his favorite evangelistic sermons available to us for discussion and analysis. For me personally, there were some really heart-wrenching moments that spoke powerfully into my own life.
He showed us some of those sermons on his YouTube channel, and if you’d like to, you are also welcome to watch them. At the moment, you can find 5 of them here (uploaded 23.03.2020):
Right now, I’m looking forward to the coming weeks, when I’ll have the privilege of preaching in front of Daniel Kolenda himself, and then we’ll receive honest feedback from him about our sermons.
Until then, we continue to pray for you and your families, that God will be your protection, your joy and your provision – in Jesus’ name.
Until next week!
Lukas Repert - Week 9
Bootcamp challenges each student on many levels - spiritually, emotionally, physically. We're training for a whole lifestyle of evangelism, and nothing is left untouched about who we are and how we live.
Lukas Repert - Week 8
In every way, this is an intense time of learning. The pace is very fast, and there is a great deal of literature to get through. There's nothing easy about doing this course!
Lukas Repert - Week 7
Thank you for being so involved and following the blog!
This week, there was a whole lot going on in Bootcamp. We had several different speakers, and the morning devotionals really helped us to grow. On Tuesday morning, Michael Koulianos led the devotions, and the way he illuminated the love of Jesus helped us all to rediscover that first love for Him.
For me personally, I really enjoyed the morning sessions with Brian Guerin. He has a prophetic ministry, which is also highly evangelistic. His main theme was family and ministry; how we can fruitfully engage with our families, our ministries and our own time, and what we should prioritize. That was of particular interest for me this week, because on Friday morning at 3:57am, our first child was born! Lisa and I are incredibly happy.
In the afternoons in Bootcamp, Dr Daniel King introduced us to the subject “Anatomy of a Sermon” and helped us understand what parts an evangelistic message should have. As a guideline for that, he used Daniel Kolenda’s “5 S Model”: Scripture, Story, Substance, Structure and Solicitation.
Another highlight was the Outreach, which I helped lead this week as a group leader. We went out into the streets with a small megaphone, and were able to witness people accepting Jesus into their hearts. It went a long way to helping us break that fear of people once again.
I hope you’re enjoying this blog. Until next week!
Practical, inspired teaching
This week at Bootcamp, we once again had a packed program. Every week, you have the feeling that it just can’t get better than this – and then Daniel surprises us again with awesome subjects.
During the mornings this week, it was very practical. We had Ilka Johnnie, the travel coordinator for CfaN, teaching us exactly how to organize our mission trips. She took us into deep detail on how to organize visas, how airlines function, and all the other very important “incidentals” that go into preaching the Gospel to every nation.
In the afternoons, we got intensive, practical teaching. For two afternoons, we had Dr John Shiver as our lecturer. He ministered to us with his wisdom and his expertise, as well as his experience and spiritual authority. Besides that, we also had Jerry Hill, the wife of Evangelist Steve Hill for one afternoon, to teach and minister to us.
I think I can speak for all the students when I say that we are being changed in the very core of our hearts and characters.
It's intense, it's deep and it's exciting. At the end of his third week there, Lukas Repert tells us all about what he's learning and experiencing at Bootcamp.
Week 3
Another week has gone by, and it feels like everything is going super quickly. This week was our first official school week with the regular program. The theme for the next three weeks is “The theology of Evangelism.”
Daniel Kolenda introduced the theme himself on Tuesday and shared his groundbreaking thoughts as well as his own realizations about evangelism, with deep Biblical insights. After that, we had to analyze all the sermons of the apostles in groups, as homework, to see what was efficient about them, and what the core messages were.
Also on Tuesday, Russell Benson spoke to us, as the leader of the CfaN international offices. We got deeper into the theme, and received some book material, which is compulsory reading and lays a foundation for the upcoming subjects.
Then came Wednesday with KC Craichy, a world-renowned nutritional scientist, who taught us more about the secrets of good nutrition. He stressed the importance of living healthily in order to overcome the stresses of everyday evangelism.
All in all, it was a wonderful week in which we students learnt what an all-encompassing task it is to live as an evangelist for Jesus. I can’t wait for the next week, especially because then I’ll be able to tell you about out first outreach! This week, we’ll be ministering to the people of Orlando and telling them about Jesus.
Week 2
Saturday 25th January was the first official day of Bootcamp. All the visitors who came for the School of Evangelism have gone home – and after a very short night, we Bootcamp students realized how the school got its name.
“Get ready for early morning sport at 5am” was the motto of the day!
For the start of the course, we all got together at 5am on a football field to do some sporting activities. Michael Dow, an evangelist who is also a high-performance athlete, put together a morning exercise program. We did squats and sprints to increase our fitness.
It was a great teambuilding experience, but most of all, it was made very clear to us how important it is to be fit, as an evangelist. The days in the field in Africa will be long and challenging, where we’ll also have to be up before dawn, and we need to be able to stand it well.
Week 2
This week was the second week of Bootcamp. And right away, it was full steam ahead! For this week, the whole of Bootcamp attended the School of Evangelism. We, as the Bootcamp students, were learning alongside 75 other visitors on how to live evangelistically, in all areas. Daniel Kolenda personally invited some of the most experienced people in the world in this subject, to share their experiences and most especially, their love of Jesus.
On the first day, Daniel Kolenda opened the school himself, and set out the vision that God has given him for the next ten years. During the day, there were other speakers who continually encouraged us to let Jesus work in our lives, and to work through us in our own surroundings.
On the second day of the School of Evangelism, we got to hear from great evangelists like Daniel Kolenda, Nathan Morris, Daniel King and Peter Vandenberg. But it wasn’t only about hearing from the pulpit. In the afternoon workshops, it was time for a look behind the scenes, when the CfaN team gave us an intimate look at the most important departments, such as Planning, and “How do I lead an evangelistic campaign?” and “How do I start my own ministry?”
On Thursday, the third day of the SoE, things got really exciting.
After Nathan Morris, Daniel King and Todd White spoke to us in the morning, it was time to put what we’d learnt into action: Off to the mall to share Jesus’s love!
The entire school went together to the mall and proclaimed the Good News to people there. And we experienced amazing signs and wonders right there. So many people were open to prayer and we saw healings happen. A woman who couldn’t walk without crutches for 30 years was healed by God. And several people gave their lives to Jesus. It was amazing.
The final day came, with a very special highlight in the last session, as all the speakers laid hands on the participants – and the Holy Spirit worked in the most breathtaking way. Everyone felt filled with the Holy Spirit and received power to minister.
Week 1
A warm welcome to my blog! I am Lukas Repert, and I have the privilege of taking part in the first Bootcamp that Christ for all Nations is running to train more evangelists. From today, I’ll be taking you with me. And I’ll try to give you a glimpse into what we’ll be learning during the training here in Orlando.
Today was Orientation Day!
We had a wonderful time with Russell Benson and Levi Stewart, who once again shared with us the vision for Bootcamp, as well as the vision Daniel Kolenda has received from the Lord for the Decade of Double Harvest.
In this vision, God showed Daniel Kolenda that in the coming ten years, another 75 million people can be saved by the preaching of the gospel, and that this is only possible if more evangelists are introduced to the ministry and trained.
Besides that, it was super to get to know some of the other students and spend time with them. We were put into teams with whom we’ll be going through the training. Part of the purpose of these teams is to organize weekly outreaches (evangelism of every kind), and also to function as a cellgroup to encourage each other spiritually and to stand for one another in prayer.
All in all, it was a very informative day that gave us everything we need to do well in the next 5 months. And it was great to get to know the army of evangelists that God has put together for this Bootcamp. People from such different places around the world, spread over the continents, who all have the same goal: to plunder hell and populate heaven.