Mama Theresa’s faith and patience
Randy shared this testimony: Mama Theresa’s two children, a boy and a girl, were both born with deformed left arms that were shorter than their right arms, permanently bent and non-functioning. She took them both to the Benguela campaign two weeks before because she heard how God was doing miracles there. They went and heard many testimonies from others who received their miracles, but unfortunately, they did not. While I’m sure they were disappointed, they didn’t stay that way or give up on God. Instead, Mama Theresa said, “What God has done for one, He will do for me and my children” and she brought them to the campaign on Friday night in Lobito.

Hebrews 6:12 says “We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.”
This is exactly what she did! She didn’t lazily stay home and complain about how unfair and bad things were for her children. She rejoiced with those that rejoiced and traveled the 40 minutes, with son and daughter in tow, to Lobito. Praise God she did, because that night they received the miracle they had been believing God for. After the prayer for healing, I told the crowd to test themselves and when the boy did, he realized his arm was straight, normal length and fully functional. He excitedly told his sister to do the same and sure enough, both had received this gift from our King Jesus!
Pray for those who labor in the harvest
Just a few years ago, we could not have imagined what God had in store for us, how He would call people and commission them for the harvest through CfaN’s training programs. But now we are seeing it with our own eyes. The time is short, so we must do all we can while “it is yet day”. Please keep praying for CfaN and for every evangelist out there preaching the Gospel in this harvest season. God is raising up laborers for the harvest, and He’s also raising up a generation who will send them and support them. Thank you for being part of that!
Together with you for the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(here with the worldwide CfaN team)