Peter Vandenberg writes: The Lord laid it on the heart of Evangelist Randy Roberts to return to Angola after the successful dual city campaigns last year in the Angolan capitol of Luanda. This time the venues for three campaigns in succession would be cities far from the capital in places not often visited by evangelists.

The Holy Spirit knows what is needed

The Holy Spirit knows in advance what is needed. The second city was Huambo, a place largely overlooked because of its role in past civil wars.But the Holy Spirit knew about the people there and their need for the Gospel, healing and deliverance.

During the campaign week, a Fire Conference was held each morning aimed at pastors and church workers. These events, though not massive like the campaigns, have proved to have an impact far beyond our expectations. Usually, they are attended mostly by the senior leaders of the church with a smaller number of younger pastors attending. 

In Huambo, it was to be different.

On the first morning when we were greeted by many bishops, elders and pastors, what stood out immediately to us was the great number of very young pastors present. My spirit was touched before we even began, by their bright eyes, smiling faces and exuberant enthusiasm for the Gospel, and I knew that this was an event planned by the Lord.

The average age of the whole nation of Angola is 15.9 years, so you can easily understand that a new and young generation is there to be reached. And here, for the next six events in the mornings, we had before us the most energetic and spirit driven young men and woman, who were at the forefront of their own generation.

As the Fire Conference meetings progressed, we experienced a move of the Holy Spirit across the thousands of pastors gathered, and it was clear that these young servants of the Lord were hanging on every word delivered. Daily it felt as if they were ‘pulling’ the word out of us and by the final conference meeting, the fire of God fell and they were all released into their churches and the city, to demonstrate the power of the gospel.

I know that the apostle Paul would have called this ‘in season’ preaching and it was - not just for us, for the ‘season’ is now theirs as the city of Huambo will continue to be shaken by these precious servants of the God.

Peter Vandenberg