Day 4
Ghana is being Saved!
Day 4
On the last two nights, I also worked with a number of Bootcamp graduates, most of whom are now part of our leadership team, to minister to the sick.
On Saturday night Roselyne Aaron, Evelina Smane, and Gary Smith, and on Sunday Jared Horton, Eliot Morgan and Macoby Donaldson ministered powerfully with signs and wonders following.
Day 4
The students have all returned home now and they will graduate on Saturday evening.
I’ve heard so many amazing testimonies that it’s almost overwhelming. It has been a completely life-altering experience for so many of them and their upcoming graduation is not the end, it’s just the beginning of many years of fruitful Gospel impact.
Day 4
A young man fell from a tall height one year ago. As a result of this accident, he had to get surgery.
He showed us an X-ray of screws in his spine. He couldn’t bend or turn his body from side to side. This condition affected his job. Jesus healed him on the second night of the campaign; he can now turn from side to side and bend his back.
Kumasi, Ghana – Final Report
Multiplication in Kumasi
We’ve just finished the long journey home from our Gospel Campaign in Ghana (10 – 13 November) and I want to take a moment to give you the final, amazing report.
Our last Gospel campaign of the year ended on a very high note. The crowds more than doubled the last night. There were many tens of thousands of decisions for Christ documented (the team is still counting the decision cards) and so many amazing miracles took place!
As I’m sure you know by now, one of the big mandates on this ministry in this season is “Multiplication.” At this point, it plays a part in everything we do as we work to train, equip and deploy laborers into the harvest. In this campaign, the impact of these multiplication efforts could be felt.
The whole city was reeling from the 2,862 separate outreaches that shook the region in a three-week period leading up to the campaign resulting in 350,693 documented decisions for Christ!
We heard many reports from local pastors that they have been stirred and convicted by the passion of these Bootcamp evangelists – so much so that many are continuing to conduct the same kinds of outreaches after we’ve gone. We even heard from one major denomination in Ghana that sent representatives to learn what we are doing so that they can implement the Bootcamp outreach strategies across the entire nation.
The students have all returned home now and they will graduate on Saturday evening. I’ve heard so many amazing testimonies that it’s almost overwhelming. It has been a completely life-altering experience for so many of them and their upcoming graduation is not the end, it’s just the beginning of many years of fruitful Gospel impact.
On the last two nights, I also worked with a number of Bootcamp graduates, most of whom are now part of our leadership team, to minister to the sick. On Saturday night Roselyne Aaron, Evelina Smane, and Gary Smith, and on Sunday Jared Horton, Eliot Morgan and Macoby Donaldson ministered powerfully with signs and wonders following.
One final request– we have some very serious end-of-year financial needs at the moment. Because of severe inflation in Ghana, our campaign cost about 40% more than we had anticipated. This has put us in a very difficult, even dire situation financially. At the moment, we are trusting the Lord to help us supernaturally. If you feel led to help us, we would appreciate it right now more than you can imagine.
Yes, I can helpThank you for pressing forward with us in this great harvest.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with Peter Vandenberg and the whole CfaN team)
Day 3
Marked by the Blood of Jesus!
When you surrender your life to Jesus, His blood will mark you! Evangelist Daniel Kolenda proclaimed that the blood of Jesus is the answer to everything you need.
People came forward to testify of the miracles, signs and wonders that took place across the campaign field as the blood of Jesus brought healing and deliverance!
Day 2
Healings follow the Good News
Day 2
Growth on leg disappears
Tonight, we heard from a woman who came to the campaign last night with a growth on her leg, which has since vanished. She brought pictures of the way her foot looked last night, and we were able to compare it. It looked like a totally different foot. In fact, the shoes she was wearing tonight she said she was not able to wear on that foot yesterday at all!
Day 2
There was also a 24-year-old young lady who had never spoken before in her life. Tonight, she began to utter sounds – not fully formed words yet. It is miraculous, however, considering she’s never been able to do this in her entire life!

Day 2
A woman with painful fibroids said that they suddenly vanished during the prayer tonight! She has no more pain.

Day 2
A young man who had fallen from a tall tree (he said it was “taller than a coconut tree”) said he had been suffering with severe back pain for the last 11 years. Last night he was totally healed. All pain is gone!

Day 2 – Kumasi, Ghana
Double Harvest
The second day of our Gospel Campaign in Kumasi, Ghana, has just come to a close.
Tonight dark, ominous clouds threatened our program and torrential rains soaked the area surrounding our field, but thankfully, we remained dry. The gospel was preached. The power of God touched thousands of people, and Jesus was glorified!
In addition to our Fire conference (in the mornings) and the Gospel Campaign (in the evenings), the Bootcamp students have continued their local outreaches as well. As of today, they have conducted 2,862 separate, individual outreaches and have documented 350,693 decisions for Christ!! Again, this is all in addition to those being saved at the campaign (the numbers from which have yet to be tallied). This means that we will certainly surpass 3 million documented decisions for Christ this year before the week is over! This truly is the season of “Double Harvest.”
When I asked the crowd tonight how many people had received a physical healing in this campaign, literally thousands of hands went into the air.
Tomorrow morning Reverend Peter Vandenberg and I will conclude the Fire conference, which will culminate in an impartation service. Please be praying with us for a mass outpouring of the Holy Spirit in both the morning and evening services.
Together with you for the harvest,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with Peter Vandenberg and the whole CfaN team)
Day 1 - Kumasi, Ghana
Miraculously touched by the Power of Jesus!
Welcome Back to Ghana!
We have finally made it to the city of Kumasi in the nation of Ghana for our final gospel campaign of 2022.
Day 1
We also have more than 120 CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp students that have been here for nearly three weeks completing their training (what is called their “Initiation”).
In less than three weeks, they have conducted 1,801 outreaches and seen 340,174 documented decisions for Christ! And that is before the campaign even started!
Day 1 – Kumasi, Ghana
A man with severely limited mobility due to a back injury was able to move freely tonight, bend down and touch toes and move with perfect freedom!

Day 1 – Kumasi, Ghana
A little girl who suffered with epilepsy and had not been able to speak was healed!

Day 1 – Kumasi, Ghana
A man with terrible, debilitating chest pain was healed during the prayer!

Day 1 – Kumasi, Ghana
A man who had been on crutches for the last eight years as the result of a semi-truck accident was healed tonight and walked without his crutches!

Day 1 – Kumasi, Ghana
Our campaign director John Darku said ...

“When the bulldozers arrived to prepare the field, the caretaker, a practicing witchdoctor, called the police, and a long standoff took place. After further negotiations, they (finally) agreed for the work to proceed… as long as we erected four pedestrian bridges across their ‘holy stream’.”
Day 1 – Kumasi, Ghana
Dangers, Toils and Snares
We have finally made it to the city of Kumasi in the nation of Ghana for our final gospel campaign of 2022. Have a look at the video of our arrival yesterday:
The road to get here has been fraught with many dangers, toils, and snares. Actually, it is miraculous that we have made it this far. One of the biggest challenges we had was with the campaign field. There was simply no place in Kumasi large enough to hold the massive crowd that we are expecting to gather – except for one. It’s a 29-acre field (equivalent of 22 American football fields) in the center of Kumasi, but it has been a “sacred” ground and has been off-limits…
“Sacred” ground – now the campaign field
The major reason for the opposition is that this field has never been leveled or prepared for a mass gathering (even though it’s in the center of the city), and there’s an eleventh-hour reluctance to allow it. Furthermore, it is the center of the Ashanti kingdom. (One the largest kingdoms in Africa, reaching far beyond Ghana.) For centuries, this has been the traditional venue for spiritism and animistic witchcraft practices… But (thank the Lord) the current king, and many others, did want it to be used for other purposes (like our Campaign). And after extensive deliberations and negotiations, we prevailed.
Our campaign director said: “When the bulldozers arrived to prepare the field, the caretaker, a practicing witchdoctor, called the police, and a long standoff took place. After further negotiations, they (finally) agreed for the work to proceed… as long as we erected four pedestrian bridges across their ‘holy stream’.”
Miraculous setup in two days
Another problem that we faced was getting our eight trucks filled with campaign equipment (speakers, sound equipment, lights, platform, etc.) across three international borders. At one of the borders, our team was stranded for nearly 10 days. This means that they only arrived on Monday of this week, forcing them to compress five days' worth of setup into two! The team looked exhausted tonight, but they have pulled off the Herculean feat. This is why they are the best on the planet. Where others would give up and go home, they rise to the challenge and do the impossible.
We also have more than 120 CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp students that have been here for nearly three weeks completing their training (what is called their “Initiation”). In less than three weeks, they have conducted 1,801 outreaches and seen 340,174 documented decisions for Christ! And that is before the campaign even started!
Now, the first night of our Gospel Campaign has just come to a close. More than 100,000 people attended this opening service. The atmosphere was electric. The faith and expectation of the people was palpable. As I preached, the response to the gospel was overwhelming, and many tens of thousands surrendered their lives to Jesus tonight.
Right before it was time to pray for the sick, lightning began flashing in the distance, and rain began to pour on the field. The vast majority of the people never moved. I prayed for the sick and took testimonies in the pouring rain. Some wonderful miracles happened tonight. A man who had been on crutches for the last eight years as the result of a semi-truck accident was healed tonight and walked without his crutches!
This is only the first night of our campaign here, and I’m sure that over the next three nights, we will experience a mighty move of God. Please continue to pray for us and for our entire team on the ground.
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with Peter Vandenberg and the whole CfaN team)

CfaN Flagship Campaign – Kumasi, Ghana
Time for the Combine Harvester!
In the earliest days of Christ for all Nations, the Lord gave Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke a vision of Africa, soaked in the blood of Jesus. “From Cape Town to Cairo!” was and is the rallying cry of this ministry, and the passion and commitment in that statement continues to this very day.
While I surely rejoice at all the Lord is doing across the globe, I can tell you that my heart beats a little faster when we’re on our way to a campaign in Africa. And so it should, because Africa is at the very heart of the CfaN vision. God has not told us that we’re done yet, and so long as He keeps telling us to go, we will go!
So it thrills my soul to tell you that we’re heading to the city of Kumasi in Ghana in November, for our next CfaN Flagship Campaign. I personally cannot wait to be there, because I can feel in my spirit what God is preparing for the people of that region. We know exactly what plans He has for the people there – to bring salvation and healing, to see brokenness made whole and lives transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We preach Jesus – the Lord of lords!
Kumasi is a sprawling, huge city, with over 3.6 million people. And interestingly, it is one of the most important locations in Ghana for ancestor worship. Adherents of traditional African religions do believe there is a supreme being. However, they believe this “god of gods” is remote and uninterested in them. And so, they pray to the “lesser gods” of places and things, and their own ancestors, hoping they will intercede with the spirit world for those still alive.
Well, we preach Jesus, the Lord of lords and the King of kings! He alone is our intermediary, our High Priest who intercedes with the Father on our behalf. And far from being uninterested in us, we know the Father loves us so much, He gave His only son to die in our place. Through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, we are brought into relationship with God, creator of the universe, the One who reigns above all. In Jesus, there is freedom – freedom from our own sin and freedom from the enemy’s lies. And that’s news that must be shouted from the rooftops. We cannot keep it to ourselves!
It surely is no accident that the Lord is sending us to a place with these historical ties. He is calling us to break strongholds and set the captives free – and the time to act is now.

Join us in prayer during the Kumasi Campaign
Every year, the CfaN Europe team holds a “Day of Prayer for Africa” in November. This year, we’ll be praying specifically for the Flagship Campaign, right as it’s happening in Kumasi. On Friday 11 November, the second day of the campaign, our staff and partners will be interceding for Kumasi and for the entire CfaN team. We would love for you to join us on Facebook for the livestream prayer session from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.
I’ll tell you more about that in my next letter, but please mark the date in your calendar now. Prayer is the bedrock on which this ministry is built, and we covet your prayers.
Which part are you?
Reinhard Bonnke often spoke of our mass campaigns as being like a combine harvester, and I love that picture. When you look at one, what you see is a big, impressive machine that gets the reaping done. But get up close, and you’ll see that it’s actually made of many moving parts. And as any farmer can tell you, if one of those parts doesn’t work, the entire job can’t be done. The harvest remains in the field.
It's the same with an evangelistic campaign. Our combine harvester is made of many different parts, and all of them are essential to bringing the harvest in. All of them! The praying, the preaching, the finances, the technical side, the follow-up, the organizing – all of these must be in place for the combine harvester to roll out into the field.
Does the farmer prefer one part of the combine harvester to another? Does he think the engine is more important than the reaping blades, or the exhaust is more important than the gears? Of course not! He knows that every part must be in place and fulfilling its function for the harvesting to be accomplished.
Being the preacher does not make me more important than any other “part”. It’s simply where the Lord has placed me. It’s up to me to obey the Lord and be in the spot He needs me in, fulfilling my function. It’s up to each one of us to ask, “Which part am I?” and then to do what the Lord needs us to do.
When you pray for us, you are part of this team. When you support this ministry with your finances, you are part of this team. Each part operating in obedience makes it possible for all the parts to fulfill their role in bringing the harvest in.
We thank the Lord for you, and deeply appreciate the part you play in this great venture, bringing souls to the feet of Jesus. Nothing in this world compares to that joy.
Together with you for the harvest,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(with the whole CfaN team)
Your donation makes a difference!
We believe that every seed planted into this missions work in this year will be blessed as never before and will bear fruit for you manifold. We thank you for standing on our side in God’s harvest!