The Start of the Vision
The Lord called me and my family to the Caribbean during covid in 2020. Having served with a Missionary Society in Vancouver, Canada for 25 years, I moved with my wife and three teenage children to the area. We had a clear Word from the Lord to go, but other than making the move there, God had not shown us what we were to do. The months following were miraculous and a story worth telling on its own. To abbreviate it, God reconnected me in the Cayman Islands to Christ for all Nations, and I moved for several months to Orlando, Florida, to participate in the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp.
God had shown me a vision of the Caribbean that is not unlike the vision Nehemiah had of Jerusalem. There are old foundations of faith there, but the Lord showed us they are crumbling. I believe it is on the Lord’s heart to rebuild these foundations, especially amongst the youth. At Bootcamp, I communicated this vision and to my surprise, several Bootcampers either were from the Caribbean, had ties there, had experiences with Jesus there, or had received a Word from the Lord for the region.
As I was sharing with my fellow Bootcampers, many shared with me the visions they had received. Manuel Reichör and his wife Jana were among those who had received a Word from the Lord that they were to move there part-time. Things became very exciting as the Lord was confirming his Word, and by the time we went to our Bootcamp Initiation trip in Ibadan, Nigeria, we were making plans to hold our own campaign in the Dominican Republic.

Juan Lucas received a name during prayer: Edgar Winter. He looked up the name and, lo and behold, Edgar Winter came up on Facebook as a Pastor and worship leader in the Dominican Republic. So, six weeks after our Bootcamp graduation, Manuel, Juan Lucas and I found ourselves in Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic, where Edgar Winter and his translator spent a week with us touring from city to city, seeing where the Lord would have us start our first campaign. Many places wanted us to come to their city. A few weeks after, we returned a second time to the Dominican Republic and it was clear that La Romana, where we were so warmly welcomed, was the place to start.
We held a breakfast meeting in the capital to garner support from the national leaders of the various denominations and the Lord gave us favor. Soon after, we had an advisory committee formed with the heads of various denominations in the country.
Implementing the Vision
Manuel Reichör and his family had received a word from the Lord regarding partially moving to Dominican Republic. He moved there and was joined shortly after by his wife and children. A member of Nations Church connected me with a translator in La Romana by the name of Daniel Rodriguez. He turned out to be a man sent from God, who became Manuel’s right-hand man. Juan Lucas, our only native Spanish speaker, came to help Manuel several weeks prior to the campaign.
During this time, I went through some serious trials. My children were attacked by the enemy, and my father in Germany, who is alone, had a serious fall and broke his hip which required an emergency operation. Two days after the operation, things got worse as he then suffered from a stroke, leaving the left side of his body partially paralyzed. As the only child, I conferred with my Christian brothers, and we agreed they would handle the campaign preparations, allowing me to fly to Germany to care for my dad. By the time I was able to join them again in the Dominican Republic, they had their tasks well under control. I focused on alleviating their workload as much as possible by taking care of all the radio and TV interviews, the social media campaign, and ministering in various churches. It was all coming together beautifully.

5,000 came on the first night
What a blessing when you stand on an empty square an hour before the start and all of a sudden, the square fills with thousands of people. There is no way to describe how good it is when you see a vision and a work of faith fulfilled before your very eyes. Approximately 5,000 people attended our first night. Evangelist Manuel preached a clear, gospel message. Juan Lucas prayed for the sick, and a man with a metal plate in his knee testified of his healing. By the third night, the crowd had grown in attendance, and I spoke on the woman caught in the act of adultery, and preached salvation. I had it on my heart to take my time with the altar call as Evangelist and CfaN Bootcamp Director Levi Lutz had taught us in Bootcamp. 120 people gave their lives to Jesus!
Evangelist Alexander Wurm (Bootcamp Graduate)