Evangelist Dr. Roselyne Ayeola reports from the Christ for all Nations Operation Decapolis Campaign in Iringa, Tanzania.
“On June 11, 2021, my story and David’s story in the Bible collided because you can say, God called and chose a little girl like me among many accomplished and seasoned evangelists to go into Iringa to take down the giant of darkness. All I have is my trust in Jesus and the slingshot of His word in my mouth. God truly does not call the qualified; He qualifies the called.
As a young African female evangelist trained by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda at the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp, I had the precious privilege of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ on African soil on a mass scale. As I preached on POWER OF THE BLOOD OF JESUS in the city of Iringa, Tanzania, I saw for the first time in my life almost every hand go up in response to the call for salvation.

I am still blown away by the breakthroughs I witnessed. Many demons manifested, the deliverance tent was full, and several people fell out under the power of God as I prayed, breaking generational curses off the people’s lives. Many hands went up when I asked how many people received the evidence of their healing. It was truly mind-boggling. I could not believe what my eyes were seeing, and to think this is only the beginning!
- A young man named Isaac (15 or 16) was completely deaf in both ears for 3 years, which made things challenging physically, mentally, and emotionally. I tested his hearing as I walked behind him, counting 1,2,3, and asked him to repeat what I said, and he did! Tonight, Isaac was completely healed!
- Margaret wasn’t able to move her wrists for 2 months, making it difficult to perform basic, daily tasks. But tonight, she was healed and able to move her wrists freely, without restriction!
- A Mama with a baby on her back (named Imaculeta) was healed of a cyst on her stomach.
- One man wasn’t able to bend his back for 2 months because of pain, but tonight he was healed, and the pain left completely!
Heaven is rejoicing! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
My heart was filled with expectation as we drove to the field for the fourth night of the CfaN Gospel campaign in Iringa. The theme of my message for tonight was REDEEMED. After preaching a powerful message, many people received salvation and redemption as they surrendered their lives to Jesus.
Not too long after witnessing mass salvations, I prayed for the people to be baptized in the power of the Holy Spirit, receiving His power and fire. As the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit covered the field where we gathered, many people cried out to God as they were being touched. Several people started manifesting demons, and they were carried to the deliverance tent. The devil cannot stand the power of God!

Tonight, Jesus blew my mind again! When I asked how many people received the evidence of their healings, the number of hands that went up was too many to count.
- For 2 months, an older woman couldn’t sleep well. She had a fiery sensation in her arm every night. She said Jesus healed her on the first night of the campaign, and she has been sleeping soundly ever since.
- A little boy named Godwin couldn’t walk for 2 months. After I prayed for the sick tonight, he began to walk. I asked if Godwin could dance, and he said he doesn’t know how to. How precious! I told Godwin that I would dance with him, and together we danced and sang praises to Jesus! I asked Godwin who healed him, and he answered, Jesus.
- A young lady had a tumor in her stomach for 2 years. Tonight Jesus healed her after we prayed! She wasn’t able to bend before, but now she can, and her tumor is gone!
- A young boy, of about 12 years old, had puss coming out of his left ear for 4 years. Tonight Jesus healed him! No more puss!
- A man named Halid said he was tied up like a cow to the campaign field tonight because he was mentally ill for over 20 years. Halid’s neighbor came up to the platform with him to testify to the greatness of Jesus. Jesus healed him! Now Halid is in his right mind.
- An older woman named Takesia was paralyzed in her right arm and leg for 3 years, and tonight, Jesus healed her. She lifted her right arm as she praised Jesus and walked with her two legs for the first time in 3 years. Takesia began to cry as she thanked Jesus for her healing. I was deeply moved to see this beautiful mama set free from paralysis. Jesus is AMAZING!
- For 4 years, an older woman had tumors in her legs and couldn’t wear her shoes or run because her legs were swollen with these tumors. Tonight Jesus healed her, and the tumors vanished. She had her shoes on as she walked on the platform, and together Mama and I ran! Hallelujah!
Jesus is both Lord and King in Iringa!
Something historic is taking place in Iringa, and I am truly honored to witness Jesus do what He loves to do; save, heal and deliver all those who come to Him.
I am so grateful for my heroes in the faith, evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda. They have paved the way for me and many other young evangelists to preach the simple yet powerful Gospel of Jesus Christ, where it has never been preached before.
I am not usually this sentimental, but please indulge me. This is my first time at a CfaN Gospel campaign, and it is also my first time being a guest evangelist at a campaign. This is not just a milestone for me; it is also a milestone for every female evangelist who has answered the call of God to preach the good news of Jesus with boldness and fire!
Blessings from Iringa,
Evangelist Dr. Roselyne Ayeola”

It is truly remarkable how our CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp graduates are laboring shoulder to shoulder with us in our CfaN Gospel campaigns, and witnessing the same results! I am so proud of them, and this is proof that the strategy we are implementing is from the Lord. I am especially pleased to see so many female evangelists in our Bootcamp, such as Dr. Roselyne! In our most recent class, nearly 50% of all accepted students were females! The Lord said He would pour His spirit out on ALL flesh, and I know the Lord will continue using these mighty women of God!
Stay tuned for impactful reports coming soon!
This is all possible because of you! Thank you!
Together in the Harvest,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with Peter Vandenberg and the whole CfaN team)