From 29 July to 1 August 2021, the city of Bukoba in Tanzania was shaken by a Christ for all Nations Gospel Campaign in collaboration with Bootcamp graduate Evangelists Denis Artyushevskiy, David Rotärmel, Lilliana Alvarado and Isabela Borges.

A first for CfaN
This was a ground-breaking moment for CfaN. For the first time in the history of the ministry, the CfaN technical and media teams were on the ground working with CfaN Bootcamp graduates to preach the Gospel.
The vision to hold this campaign was birthed in the hearts of Denis Artyushevskiy and David Rotärmel, both Evangelism Bootcamp graduates. We are truly seeing the first fruits of multiplication and collaboration that are such a vital part of the Decade of Double Harvest.
With much prayer and scouting research, the decision was made to host the campaign in Bukoba. Nearly six weeks of preparation – marked by numerous challenges and last-minute changes – lead to a phenomenal Gospel Campaign that saw 25,000 people in attendance over the four nights.
Nail-biting challenges
With covid regulations changing daily, there were some nail-biting moments. The campaign was canceled by the authorities twice in 48 hours – and then finally reissued with permits just three days before the first night of the campaign. The initial plan for 5 nights was reduced to 4, various new regulations for covid safety was introduced at the last minute, and it was non-stop for our teams.
It was clear the enemy was doing everything to try to stop the campaign. But with much prayer and hard work, the first night took place.
A desperate cry for salvation
That night, Evangelist David Rotärmel preached a powerful message with the title “Exit Now!”. He spoke about the fallen state of sin that everyone is bound in, chains that every sinner is wearing, not around their limbs but around their hearts. H spoke of the cry of the Lord Jesus Christ to the souls of men to let Him break the chains of sin.
Before the message was even concluded, something happened that none of the evangelists had ever seen before. The people were so desperate for salvation, they collectively interrupted the preaching and started crying out to Jesus for salvation. David realized this was the time to transition into the altar call. Bukoba was truly convicted of the Gospel’s truth and thousands of souls repented that night and experienced new birth in Christ.
Breaking the curse of sickness
On the second night the crowd grew by over 50% to around 8,000 people. Evangelist Lilliana Alvarado preached a powerful message on Zacchaeus. This message is an original message of Evangelist. Reinhard Bonnke that has led millions into the kingdom of God. The bishops and pastors were amazed by the power of that message and were clapping, shouting and celebrating nearly throughout the whole message. That night, something very special happened. The evangelists were breaking the curse of HIV over the region of Bukoba. The very first HIV case in Tanzania started in the city of Bukoba and we truly believe the curse of that sickness has been broken.
While we were praying for the sick, a lady who was paralyzed for many years and who was not able to walk got radically healed and took her first steps that night. Another miracle was a young boy who could neither walk nor talk for nearly 6 years. That night, he came with his mother on stage, jumping around like an athlete and shouting the name of Jesus. His mother stood there in tears and in awe of how Jesus had changed the life of her son forever. What a mighty Jesus we serve!

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
After the Gospel message given by Evangelist David Rotärmel on the third night, we gave a short teaching on the baptism in the Holy Spirit and how important a life is saturated by the Holy Spirit. The hunger on that field was unmatchable. When David transitioned into a moment of stillness for the Holy Spirit to have His way, the Holy Spirit started breaking into that place like a mighty rushing wind. There is nothing like the moment when the Holy Spirit starts filling his people. When this happens, deliverances are taking place, chains are being broken, true freedom starts to saturate the whole being of people. As the Bible says, “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom”. This scripture becomes vivid when thousands of people are being baptized in the Holy Spirit and power.
Tumors vanish and thousands are saved
On the fourth and final night of the campaign, the crowd grew again by over 50%. It was evident that everyone in Bukoba knew by then that Jesus was moving in this city. Evangelist Denis Artyushevskiy preached a powerful message on the blood of Jesus, and thousands surrendered their lives to Jesus. Witchcraft and curses were being broken over that city and region and true freedom was filling every area of the field.
When we started praying for the sick something extraordinary happened. During the testimony time, one person after the other testified how tumors had vanished from their bodies. The night was marked with so many testimonies of tumors disappearing. One lady had two tumors in her belly under her chest. During the prayer, she literally felt them completely melting away. When she was testifying, both tumors were completely gone. It was a wonderful end to a remarkable week that saw the city of Bukoba unforgettably shaken by the power of the Gospel.