Lomé campaign ends
Freedom in Jesus
We’ve just concluded our Gospel Campaign in Lomé, Togo. It’s been a remarkable experience. This is the part of the world from which voodoo originates – so there is a lot of witchcraft and animism here. Each night many people received deliverance from demonic power. On Saturday night, before I preached, as usual, we burned witchcraft paraphernalia, charms, fetishes, amulets and “juju.” But that night, something happened that I’ve never seen before. By the time I finished preaching, both drums, which had just burned earlier were both filled again. So, we burned both of them for a second time in the same night!
As the campaign ended on Sunday night, I recorded a “live” video message for our dear mission partners, right from the campaign field. You don’t want to miss this exciting wrap-up of the week’s events. Click on the link, and hear what God has been doing. No wonder the enemy tried to keep us from getting there!
Yours in the Gospel,
Daniel Kolenda
together with the whole CfaN team
Final Report from Lomé is coming shortly!
Since yesterday, our team has been struggling to get information uploaded to share with you. There are many challenges to working in the heart of Africa, and this is sometimes one of them. We’re excited to share with you the last report from the Lomé campaign, and we’ll be updating you just as soon as we can.
In the meantime, take a couple of minutes to watch this short video – and get a glorious glimpse of Holy Spirit Night from Saturday evening. It will bless you!
The Fire Conference ends
Early on Saturday morning, Peter Vandenberg and Daniel Kolenda were out in the morning sunshine to give the final session of the Fire Conference in Lomé, where over 1,500 pastors and church leaders had gathered. First, Peter preached a message on 'Final steps in receiving the power of God', reading from 2 Kings 2, about the prophet Elijah and the young man Elisha, who took up his mantle.
After he prayed for the crowd, Daniel took over, teaching from Acts 2, and preparing hearts for the baptism in the Holy Spirit, which swept through the crowd as Daniel pressed in, laying hands on leaders and praying for them personally.
Highlights video from Day 2
This inspiring highlights video is from Day 2 (Friday) of the campaign. You will see that, once again, many, many people brought witchcraft charms and amulets to be burnt. People do this of their own volition, when the truth of real freedom in Christ outweighs the fear they have of the witchdoctors and ancestors. Every single item burnt represents someone who has grabbed hold of their salvation in Jesus’ name, who is standing up in faith to be free.
As you can imagine there are many challenges involved in getting the videos from our campaigns out to you, our partners, and we want to say thank you to our video team for working long hours so that we can get a taste of what God is doing on the ground, with minimal delay.
Lomé – Day 2
Curses Broken
Last night was the second night of our gospel campaign here in Lomé, Togo. It already appears that the field is going to be far too small. I preached about the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit demonstrated its power. After the prayer for salvation, we burned drums filled with demonic trinkets, charms, fetishes, amulets, “juju” and idols. Often these items have been given to people by witchdoctors. They instill great fear and superstition in those who possess them. Tonight, the people renounced them and the witchcraft behind them. I took authority over every curse, broke them in Jesus’ name and the people rejoiced in freedom.
Our Gospel Trucks have been preparing the way…
Many of you are probably aware that for the last year or so, we have been training and equipping young evangelists who we send into cities for weeks ahead of our campaigns to do local evangelistic outreaches. They go to many places that our main campaigns cannot reach. They minister in schools, villages, marketplaces, on street corners, on church properties and football fields – anywhere they can attract an audience. Our technicians have built custom trucks equipped with retractable sides, a stage and sound system that constitutes a portable campaign platform that can go anywhere. Using these trucks, our evangelists will conduct up to three meetings per day. For the last eight weeks, our evangelists have been on the ground here in Togo preaching the Gospel. Two of those evangelists, Paul Maurer and Jared Horton, are still here with me. Last night, Paul prayed for the sick and wonderful testimonies followed.
- A woman who was involved in a car accident and could not walk for one year as a result, was healed.
- A woman who was paralyzed and carried to the field tonight can now walk.
- A young lady whose foot was twisted to one side was healed as her foot straightened out and she can now walk normally.
- A woman testified that in one of the village outreaches, a lump in her breast vanished.
Today the Fire Conference will conclude as we pray for the people to receive a mighty outpouring of the Spirit. Please pray for us and for Lomé. The best is yet to come is Jesus name!
Yours in the Gospel,
Daniel Kolenda
together with the whole CfaN team
Pictures by O. Volyk
This is a short video of highlights from the first day of our CfaN Great Gospel Campaign in Lomé, Togo. Share in the joy, the testimonies, and the power of the call to salvation.
Lomé, Togo – Day 1
Double for the Trouble

Last night marked the beginning of our first Gospel Campaign of the year here in Lomé, Togo. You may remember that we were scheduled to be here several weeks ago, but due to some insurmountable difficulties at the border, we had to postpone the event last minute. We were all very sad, but we knew that somehow the Lord would make all things work together for good. Now we’ve come to collect double for our trouble!
The first meeting last night was amazing. Many thousands received Christ and many were healed. There was a special move for of God for people who had experienced immobility in their limbs due to pain and injury.
I will continue to send reports through the week of what Jesus is doing. Please pray for an unprecedented outpouring of the Spirit here in Lomé.
Yours in the Gospel,
Daniel Kolenda
together with the whole CfaN team
Here’s a quick video clip of the CfaN team’s arrival in Lomé this week, before the campaign began.
Just after giving birth, this mother was hit by a motorcycle in an accident.

Her injuries left her unable to stand well, and with breathing difficulties. Now she can stand up easily, has no pain and can breathe unrestricted.
This woman had had great difficulty with her back for 3 years.

During the prayer, she said she felt as if something left her body via her feet. Immediately, she was able to bend at the waist without pain.
Strong pain in this man’s neck and shoulders immobilized his arm.

After prayer, all pain has left him and he can move his arm again.
For 4 years, she could not lift her arm because of the pain in her shoulder.

Doctors couldn’t help her, but Jesus healed her, and now she can lift her arm easily.
Lomé - Arrival
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, Peter Vandenberg and the CfaN team arrived in Lomé yesterday, ready to start the campaign meetings tonight.

News about our next campaign in Lomé, Togo
Lomé campaign postponed
We rejoice in every opportunity to reach out with the life-giving message of salvation and we so value your participation in prayer and support to help us do it. It is harvest time for sure, but we also know that it is not always easy to attack the gates of hell. And right now, we are in yet another battle in the great commission of preaching the gospel.
Our technical team are on their way with the big trucks and crusade equipment to Lomé, Togo in West Africa for our campaign this week, but they have met with what has become an insurmountable problem. An unannounced change in the customs procedures at a border crossing has resulted in a long delay in getting the equipment to the campaign venue and time has now run out for this upcoming campaign. They just will not make it in time for the setting up of the campaign equipment and so we have had to postpone the date of the event.
We ask you to join us in prayer as preparation continues and we believe that the enemy of the gospel will not prevail or prevent us.
Together with you in Jesus,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
and the entire CfaN team
Sometimes, it’s slow going on the African roads. Winfried and the team have learnt to have plenty of patience.
CfaN’s first Gospel Campaign in 2019 is just around the corner. It’s time for the team to get back on the road and drive the equipment from Lagos to Togo.

Strongholds of Religion
Animism or fetishism is practiced by a large number of Togolese – even those converted to other religions such as Islam and Christianity. About half the population is Animist, 10% identify as Muslim, and about 30% are Christian. Only 10% of the population is Protestant. This is an area where witchcraft still has a strong hold on many.
Agriculture is the backbone of the economy, and Togo is generally self-sufficient in food production. Mining is also important, as Togo has the fourth biggest phosphate reserves in the world. Most of the population (65%) lives rurally, in villages dedicated to agriculture and livestock breeding.
28 – 31 March 2019
Lomé, Togo

CfaN’s first Great Gospel Campaign of 2019 is planned for Lomé, the capital city of Togo. This small West African nation has a population of only 6 million people, and more than 1.5 million are concentrated in the greater Lomé area, making this an ideal place to have the greatest impact with the Gospel in this fast-growing country.