Evangelist Kolenda
Final message from Kisumu, Kenya
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda reports back to our mission partners, sharing what God has done this past week in Kisumu, Kenya. We've seen tens of thousands receive salvation and healing, and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
A joyful finale
It looked like we were about to be rained out for sure.
We have just returned from the final night of our Gospel Crusade here in Kisumu, Kenya. As we were driving toward the field tonight, we could see ominous black clouds and lightning threatening our open air meeting. The wind was blowing the storm toward the campaign, but we prayed and pushed forward with the meeting. The storm passed over us and everyone stayed dry. The meeting was glorious. Many thousands responded to the Gospel and wonderful miracles happened.
Last night we had an incredible move of God. It is hard for me to adequately describe what happened. When we prayed over the crowd to receive a baptism in the Spirit, the power of God came down in a tangible way. I became so inebriated, I found it difficult to minister. Bodies lay all over the ground. Little children were weeping in the presence of God. I asked a little girl what she was feeling and she said, “Power.” Many received deliverance from demons and many miracles happened. Here are a few of the miracles from the last couple days of campaign meetings:
A woman, crippled by arthritis was totally healed! She could walk and even jump.
Many people with chronic pain, some with pain lasting for years, said the pain suddenly vanished and has not returned.
A tumor that a woman had in her stomach for 10 years vanished.
A girl possessed by demons for 6 years was delivered.
A man with a paralyzed arm – the result of an attack by robbers over a year ago – was totally healed.
A woman whose mother had been insane since 1989 said that her mother has totally returned to her right mind.
I had a word of knowledge about someone being healed from an abscess on the right side of their mouth. Two ladies came forward. One had the abscess and severe swelling and pain for over a year and the other for two months. Both were instantly healed, the swelling and pain vanished.
There were many, many more testimonies – too many to mention. Suffice it to say, Kisumu has been shaken by the power of the Gospel.
Our team of evangelists are already leaving in the morning to the city where our next campaign will be held in Nigeria. They will be ministering over the next six weeks in villages, schools, street corners, marketplaces and orphanages – anywhere and everywhere, leading tens of thousands to Christ even before our next campaign begins. Please pray for them and for us as we continue to press ahead to reap this mighty harvest.
Yours in the Gospel,
Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team
Pictures by O. Volyk
CfaN Gospel Campaign in Kisumu, Kenya
Highlights from Day 3
Day 2
Message from Daniel Kolenda
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda shared a personal video message to our mission partners right from the field during the first night of the Kisumu Gospel Campaign.
Highlights from Day 1
The atmosphere was electric on the first night of the CfaN Gospel Campaign in Kisumu, Kenya. Watch this short video to see highlights of the preaching, miracle testimonies and thousands giving their lives to Jesus.
Kisumu, Kenya - Day 1
For such a time as this
We are back in Africa! Less than five weeks after our last campaign in Kenya and just a few days after the amazing “Light the Fire Again” event in Pensacola, we are back in Kenya for another campaign. Our arrival in Kisumu was marked by an overwhelming reception from the local church leaders and a parade through the streets of Kisumu. There is a tremendous excitement and enthusiasm in the city, and I am sure we are going to experience a real breakthrough for the whole region.
It’s been over thirty years since the last CfaN campaign in Kisumu and a whole new generation is on the scene. There is a great harvest to reap here and the local leaders told me yesterday, they have been praying for someone to come and help them. Other evangelists have been discouraged because of security concerns, but we believe the Lord has sent us for such a time as this. Please pray for us this week and for the many people who will attend the campaign.
More to come tomorrow!
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team
The Gospel Campaign is about to start
Arrival in Kisumu, Kenya
We have arrived in the beautiful city of Kisumu, Kenya and are believing for a mighty harvest! Please continue to pray for our team as we begin the first night of our Gospel Crusade this evening.
19 – 22 September 2019
Kisumu, Kenya
Kisumu City is the largest and most important West Kenyan city, a bustling, thriving port city, situated on the northeastern shore of Lake Victoria.
The Kisumu City metropole is the third largest in all of Kenya, after Nairobi and Mombasa. There are 600,000 people in the city itself, with an estimated 1.5 million in the suburbs and satellite towns close by. Two thirds of the population are under 25 years old, meaning most of the local population was not even alive yet, the last time CfaN was in this area. Kisumu is one of the fastest-growing cities in Kenya.
Trade and Commerce
With an international airport and Kisumu port on Lake Victoria, Kisumu is the commercial, industrial and transportation center of Western Kenya. There are prosperous agricultural sectors, including sugar and rice, as well as brewing and textile manufacturing. Oil is also exported, another factor in making Kisumu a vital commercial center in this region.
Kisumu enjoys a hot and humid climate, with temperatures usually between 30 – 35 degrees Celsius in the day. Being close to the equator, seasons to do not vary a great deal. Because of its proximity to Lake Victoria, Kisumu sometimes experiences violent weather events, such as hailstorms and extreme rainfall.
Anglican missionaries first brought Christianity to Kisumu in the early 1900’s. Currently, over 50% of the population are Catholics, and approximately 10% are Muslim, and most of the rest identify as Protestant. However, “traditional medicine” and ancestor worship are still followed by a large percentage of people (approximately 70%), despite their stated religion by census.