Gospel Truck Update
When the Lord puts something on your heart, something you know He’s telling you to do, then the only option is obedience. You step out in faith, and you start doing whatever it is He’s called you to do. And no matter what that is, if the vision is from God, then every need is provided for, every obstacle is overcome, and you see results no human hand could manufacture.
That’s exactly what’s been happening at CfaN with our newest African initiative, the Gospel Trucks and village outreaches, through which we can take the Gospel to the people, wherever they are, and not only wait for them to come to our big events. We want to saturate entire regions with the Gospel!
Since we first shared this vision with you, just a few months ago, so much has happened, and today, we want to share this good report with you, and answer some of the questions our partners have been asking. As a mission partner of CfaN, you are very much a part of this ministry, and you have helped to send these evangelists out. We want you to know all about it!
What do the Gospel Trucks do?
Before a major CfaN campaign in Africa, we send out 2 evangelists at a time on each fully equipped truck, which doubles as transport and a mobile stage with all the equipment needed for an open-air outreach. These village campaigns happen anywhere we can get permission; village squares, markets, schools, jails, open fields and so on. Local churches are involved, supplying counselors and ushers to support the evangelists. The simple Gospel is preached, an altar call is given, and the sick are prayed for. People who make decisions for Jesus receive a follow-up booklet, fill in a form with their details, and are immediately funneled into the local churches.
How many Gospel Trucks are there?
CfaN currently has three Gospel Trucks, one in Europe (recently in Hamburg) and two in West Africa. We have used one truck at a time in Ogbomosho and Port Harcourt in Nigeria, as well as Lomé, Togo. We have already had fantastic results with the new schools’ evangelism program in East Africa, but we could do so much more if we also had trucks in that region – we we’re looking to expand this program there, with trucks customized for the region’s specific needs.
How do we choose and train young evangelists?

CfaN conducts a School of Evangelism in Orlando, Florida, and this is where Evangelist Daniel Kolenda first tells students about the Gospel Truck program, and opens the door to those who feel they have a calling to Africa. But that’s only the first step…
Each young evangelist goes through a rigorous interview process, during which some hard questions are asked, such as, “Are you willing to lay down your life for the Gospel?” Many of the places we minister in Africa are not very safe. This is not for the faint-hearted or those who love luxury. It’s tough, it’s tiring, and it can be dangerous.
The training is intense
Those whom Daniel Kolenda and the CfaN executive team feel have the calling and the potential, are then invited to join the program, and attend our “Village Outreach Evangelism Training” in Orlando. Each candidate pays their own way, both for the training and for the actual outreach time in Africa. That includes their flights and accommodation, as well as passport, visa and vaccinations. It’s important that they are invested in their training, and show commitment to their calling.
In Orlando, these students undergo intensive training with Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, Dr. Daniel King and Rev. Peter Vandenberg, CfaN’s Vice-President and veteran of hundreds of African campaigns. Dr. King covers practical subjects, the nuts and bolts of campaign evangelism, like “How to preach the Gospel,” “How to work with a translator” and “How to pray for the sick.” Peter Vandenberg teaches on cross-cultural interaction. And Daniel Kolenda makes sure the students know how to preach the pure, simple Gospel message. When the lessons are done, the speakers pray for and anoint each evangelist.
Preaching on African soil
For a moment, put yourself in these young people’s shoes… Fresh from training, they step off the plane into a completely unknown world. Africa is so very different from America or Europe. “Culture shock” is too tame to describe it. There are challenges at every turn. The environment is often volatile, and many times, systems and arrangements just don’t work. There are so many different languages, sometimes hundreds in one region, so it can be almost impossible to communicate personally. Weather, dust and heat all contribute to equipment malfunctions and breakdowns. So many difficulties – and all this, for some of the evangelists, as they’re getting up in front of people to preach for the first time!
It takes a brave soul to do that, as well as a good backup team to support and help. Each team of 2 evangelists also has a driver who knows local conditions, the local coordinator (usually a pastor or elder), a translator, and a CfaN representative. Our African campaign director, Rev. John Darku, has tirelessly been there for nearly every village campaign, helping things to run smoothly, sacrificing family time and his own rest for the Gospel.
A ministry that multiplies
No one man or even one ministry can win the world for Jesus! We all know that, but what does it mean, practically? It means we must multiply. We must train up evangelists who will themselves act on the call of God and head into all the world to preach the Gospel. It means we must take everything we have learned over the years, and freely share and teach. We cannot only be preachers – we must be teachers, too, so that what God is doing through CfaN may be multiplied in Africa, and all over the globe. The greatest time of harvest in all of history is happening right now!
Kingdom strategies for Kingdom goals
As we prayerfully and carefully grow this new, exciting arm of the ministry, we are deeply committed to making sure it is done responsibly and faithfully. We are so thankful for you, our mission partners, who stand with us as we grow. Every prayer, each donation that you entrust to us, helps us to enact Kingdom strategies for Kingdom goals. And those goals are so simple… We want to see people come to Jesus, and we want to see an army of evangelists preaching the Gospel everywhere! With your help, we can accomplish great things for God.
Together with you in Jesus,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
with the entire CfaN team