Day 4
Daniel Kolenda has a personal message for our mission partners
On the last night of the Owerri campaign, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda recorded this heartfelt message to all our faithful CfaN mission partners, without whom we cannot do this work. Take a moment to watch as he shares his heart about 2018, and wishes our precious partners a Merry Christmas.
Day 4
More than 1.2 million decisions for Christ in 2018
We have now arrived at the end of our campaign schedule for 2018 and as we look back, God has been so faithful this year. Not counting this campaign, we have recorded more than 1.2 million documented decisions for Christ in Africa. That is saying nothing of the events we have done in many other places all over the world. Countless miracles have taken place and there are endless testimonies of God’s power. We are standing in awe of all He has done. To God be the glory!
Day 4
He had a dislocation of his leg for 12 years

He had a dislocation of his leg for 12 years. He was healed on Thursday and noticed a clear liquid coming out of his leg that night. Here he is, jumping for joy on Sunday night.
Day 4
Praying to be healed from infertility

17 years ago, she attended the CfaN Campaign in Owerri and lay her hand on her womb, praying to be healed from infertility. She came to the stage with her daughter to testify of her healing.
Day 3
Holy Spirit night
This wonderful clip of highlights is from Holy Spirit night in Owerri, Nigeria, at the CfaN Great Gospel Campaign (6 – 9 December 2018). From the pastors and leaders receiving fresh anointing during the Fire Conference, to moving testimonies of healing, this is an exciting glimpse of God’s awesome power in action.
Day 3
Stomach ulcers and hernias healed
As we so often see during a campaign, when the prayer of healing is spoken over those present, there is sometimes a kind of specific blessing for that place, such as particularly people with a lame leg being healed, or people with chronic back pain and so on. During this campaign, we’ve seen a great many people coming forward to testify that their stomach ulcers have been healed, or that their hernias (lumps in the groin and lower abdomen) have disappeared, along with the pain that they caused.
Day 3
Saturday is Holy Spirit night
In every CfaN Great Gospel Campaign, Saturday night is Holy Spirit night. After Evangelist Daniel Kolenda preaches a Gospel message, and invites people to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, he then preaches another short sermon about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And then the power of the Lord is poured out on the crowd, infusing and equipping people for a life of faith and fruit. Jesus’s promise – that He would send a Comforter – is just as real and exciting and life-changing today, as it was 2,000 years ago. Jesus NEVER changes!
Day 3
The Harmattan canceled our Livestream
Unfortunately, we were unable to establish an uplink with the satellite to share a livestream of the event on Saturday night. At this time of year, there is sometimes a weather phenomenon called the Harmattan, which fills the atmosphere with tiny particles of dust from the Sahara Desert. But the Holy Spirit was NOT blocked from doing His work! The meeting carried on regardless.
Day 2
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Feel your spirit soar with this clip of highlights from Day 2 of the campaign in Owerri. Jesus is still saving people, healing them and setting them free from superstition and demonic bondage, and it’s happening right now in Owerri.
Day 2
Fire Conference
Tomorrow is the final day of the Fire Conference where I will minister with Peter Vandenberg and John Darku. Please pray for a mighty outpouring of the Spirit. (DK)
Day 2
Miracle Testimonies
After I preached the Gospel, many wonderful miracles took place. A woman with a severe infection in her leg, leaving her unable to walk, said that as I was praying tonight, the power of God came over her. She fell to the ground and when she got up she saw how that infection had literally drained right there on the field and she was able to walk perfectly. (DK)
A couple ladies with large lumps in their breasts said that they vanished instantly. Eyes and ears were healed. The lame walked, danced and ran without their crutches! (DK)
One of the ladies who had been unable to walk properly said that as Eddie James was leading the worship, she felt like she had to get up and dance, and when she did, she was healed. She left her walking stick behind and went home rejoicing. (DK)
Day 2
The governor came to the campaign meeting

Tonight, the governor, his wife and their entire government entourage attended the campaign and were present throughout the service as I preached the Gospel. Afterwards, the governor asked if we would come back again. We clearly have an open door here in Imo State. (DK)
Day 2
Staff Christmas Dinner
In the afternoon, we met with our amazing team members for a make-shift Christmas dinner. This is our yearly tradition. It is a time of joy, laughter and thankfulness to God for His goodness this year. Several of our team members faced death over the last months on different occasions as they transported our equipment through war zones. Our trucks have bullet holes in them as an enduring testimony to the Lord’s faithfulness and protection over the team. Most of all, we thank the Lord for another year of historic harvest! (DK)
Day 2
We met with the Governor of Imo State
We have some really interesting pictures of our adventures for you to enjoy today. It began with a visit to the Governor of Imo State here in Owerri, Nigeria. At the governor’s mansion, I was invited to speak to the governor, the first lady, the deputy governor and all the top cabinet leaders of the state. It was a precious opportunity to represent Jesus to those in high places. After our visit, the governor and I appeared in a press conference together with all the regional media, where I was able to invite the public to come to the campaign. (DK)
Day 1
In this highlights video from the first night of the campaign in Owerri, you can watch an excerpt of Evangelist Daniel Kolenda’s preaching of the Gospel, and see some of the healing testimonies. These highlights are from the first night of the campaign in Owerri.
Day 1
A fitting way to celebrate
Yesterday marked the 44th anniversary of the founding of CfaN. December 6th, 1974, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and his wife started this amazing journey that has resulted in more than 78 million people coming to Christ in some of the largest evangelistic events in history. And what better way to celebrate than with a Gospel Campaign. Last night was the kick-off of our campaign here in Owerri, Nigeria – the final event of 2018. I’m here, as always, with Peter Vandenberg and joined once again by Eddie James, who is leading us in worship.
Tonight, the opening crowd was quite small compared to what we are used to, but the power of God was moving mightily on the field. I’m sure we will see the crowds surge throughout the week. After I preached the gospel and prayed for the sick, we heard testimonies of amazing miracles.
A young man with a lump protruding from his stomach said that during prayer it suddenly and completely vanished!
An elderly man told us that his right hand had been frozen and paralyzed for over a year. Last night, he was healed completely. As he stood on the platform moving it freely he said, “Even now, I can feel warm blood flowing into it.”
A man and a woman, both with debilitating, (and in one case painful) eye problems, were both healed.
These are a small sampling of the thousands of people that had testimonies of healing – and this was only the first night!
Please pray for us as we plow the ground here in the beginning of this campaign. Pray for a breakthrough in every area. Pray that Jesus would continue to display His power through mighty signs and wonders. Pray that Owerri will be shaken by the Gospel. Pray for a massive harvest of souls and finally, for the protection of our team.
For one year he couldn't close his right hand. He can do that now.

An elderly man told us that his right hand had been frozen and paralyzed for over a year. Last night, he was healed completely. As he stood on the platform moving it freely he said, “Even now, I can feel warm blood flowing into it.”
A young man with a lump protruding from his stomach said that during prayer it suddenly and completely vanished!

Owerri, Nigeria
Getting ready!
A brief clip of our team setting up and getting ready for the CfaN Great Gospel Campaign in Owerri, Nigeria. Daniel Kolenda and Peter Vandenberg arrive and greet the local people.
Made it to Owerri real good this afternoon

Owerri Campaign
We’re back in Nigeria

Owerri is the capital city of Imo State in Nigeria. It was founded in the 14th century and has been populated ever since. Owerri was the last capital of the Republic of Biafra in 1969, before Biafra once again became part of Nigeria.
There are about 1.4 million people in Owerri, living in an area of roughly 100 square kilometers. Over 90% of the people are Igbo, and speak Igbo, though English is the official language.
This used to be a subsistence farming area, and it is still a marketing hub for palm products, maize, yams and cassava. These days, the area is also known as “Heartland” and is famous for its many hotels, casinos and entertainment companies. Owerri sits at the crossroads of regional roads that link other major cities like Port Harcourt and Onitsha. Like many other places in Nigeria, Owerri sits atop vast reserves of oil and natural gas.
Christianity only reached this region about one hundred years ago. There is a strong Catholic presence in the area, with many of the local people identifying as Catholic. There are also many Muslims living here, as well as people who continue to practise local traditional religions.
Owerri is a rain forest area, receiving an astonishing average rainfall of 2,219mm every year. Temperatures are warm to hot almost all year round, with an average temperature of 26,4 degrees Celsius.