Lagos, Nigeria
Reinhard Bonnke is returning to Lagos one more time. Together with Daniel Kolenda and Peter Vandenberg, his primary goal in this time is to pass the torch to the next generation of local evangelists, ushering in the start of our “Decade of Double Harvest”. We’re excited about the premiere of our new, giant LED screens. With these screens, vastly more visitors will be able to see the preacher on the stage and witness the healing testimonies for themselves. Huge and heartfelt thanks to all those who donated!
Countless numbers of our Nigerian brethren from local churches are also preparing themselves to win the people of Lagos for Jesus. Everywhere in the city, posters are being hung and flyers distributed. In the daily newspapers, on the radio, and through every possible social media channel, people are hearing the news about the event. And most important of all are the personal visits and invitations to the campaign. To accomplish this goal, the participating churches have created “Operation Andrew”. Every member of every church is encouraged to invite at least 10 unsaved family members, friends and acquaintances.
Of all the many tasks that we face, these four are critical for us:
1. A field for hundreds of thousands of people

The enormous campaign venue must be prepared for the visitors. This task should not be underestimated. Take into consideration that it must be a huge area that, in this overcrowded metropole, has somehow not been built on, is available for our use, and at the same time, easily accessed in traffic. This is a very real challenge in a region where practically every piece of land is either built on, or being used for agriculture.
Our West Africa team, led by John Darku, spent a long time seeking a suitable site that had not been covered in informal slum shacks. The disadvantage of this ground, and why it was still available, is that it lies in a wet, swampy area. There was no choice but to do extensive preparation and in places, to dry out the ground. That’s something our team has plenty of experience with, but it takes a certain amount of time. Nevertheless, we are convinced that the positioning makes this an excellent choice of venue. Our goal is not to avoid hard work upfront, but rather to have a venue that is easily reachable for people coming from every direction.
2. Premiere in Lagos: Not just hearing, but also seeing!

All the technical equipment, including the stage, the speakers, the lights, the giant LED screens, the masts and the necessary tech to control it all, must be brought to the site and installed. We shipped some of the equipment that we have on hand in East Africa, all the way to West Africa – the size of this event means we need the extra equipment, but we’ve avoided extra costs by not buying anything new.
6 million “Now that you are saved” booklets
3. Now that you are saved

Millions of follow-up booklets had to be transported to the site. To secure enough of the booklets in time, months before Lagos 2017 and the campaigns to follow, we ordered a total of 6 million “Now that you are saved” booklets.
Each one of these 32-page booklets contains a decision card and duplicate, which is filled in and signed personally by each person who decides to accept Jesus as their Savior. The cards are collected and passed on to the follow-up committee of participating local churches, for further processing. The booklet contains important advice for the first steps of faith.
The “Now that you are saved” booklets are a vital component of CfaN’s evangelistic campaigns and the definitive key to truly effective follow-up work.
500 booklets - including print, transport, warehousing and distribution – cost only 100 euros.
The follow-up is a vital stepping-stone to bring new converts into lively, biblically-sound churches. That’s why all counselors are trained and prepared for this important work. During the meetings, counselors are strategically placed in the crowd throughout the arena. Each one of them carries some follow-up booklets with them. Immediately after the altar call and the salvation prayer, they hand these to new converts standing nearby, counsel them and help them to fill out the decision cards.
4. Urgently needed now: your intercession and your financial help
Prayer has very high status in the Bible. Evangelism without intercession is like dynamite without a detonator.
Intercession is not a replacement for evangelism, because they complement each other. Intercession means calling out to God on behalf of the unsaved – asking him to save them from their sins. Evangelism means telling the lost about God – calling on them to end their enmity with Him, and be reconciled to Him.
Evangelism and intercession need each other! Together, they carry the Gospel to the world.
Countless Christians in Lagos are praying with total commitment for the campaign. They really want to win Lagos for Jesus. Through your prayers, you too can play a practical, active role. The promise of the Lord holds true for you and for me:
“And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life”
(John 4:36)
If ever we needed your help in praying, it’s now!
Please pray with us for:
- the technical team: setting up the stage, sound system, generators, speakers, light masts, etc.
- protection from all attacks (including spiritual) and technical breakdowns
- good weather: no rain or strong wind, no extreme heat or dust, no weather that prevents people from attending the meetings
- many hundreds of thousands of real, life-changing conversions
- bountiful healings to follow the preaching of the Word, confirming the truth of the Gospel
- liberty for those who are trapped in animism, witchcraft, curses, doubt and all manifestations of the evil one
- effective and engaging follow-up, quickly integrating new Christians into strong churches in their areas
- and please pray urgently for the release of the necessary financial resources
The only light
People are either in darkness or in light. That is how God sees the world. In Christ we are in the light; without Christ we are in darkness. The gospel light is not just a better light. It is the only light. Jesus is the light of the world – no one else. He is the absolute Absolute.
For God, who said, Let light shine out of darkness, made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6)
Reinhard Bonnke
Please support us with your donation!
You can help make the Lagos 2017 campaign a real success
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for standing with us and praying for the CfaN Gospel Campaign in Lagos. There is no greater investment than supporting the preaching of the Gospel.
“…he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life” (John 4:24)
Africa shall be saved!
Thank you for all your support!