Day 2
Jesus is Alive!

The crowd nearly doubled tonight! The word has gone out. Jesus is alive in Calabar, Nigeria!
Tens of thousands responded to the Gospel. Thousands said they’d received a healing (indicated by raised hands). We heard many testimonies of miraculous healing including a woman who suffered bleeding for 10 years due to cervical cancer, a young girl who had a painful ulcer, a young lady with a dislocated hip walking on crutches, a young man with a spinal injury for 17 years and many more. Praise the Lord!
Tomorrow the Fire Conference will come to a close as Peter Vandenberg and I minister and pray for the people to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Please continue to pray for us! We really depend on it.
Also, please don’t miss our Livestream on Saturday, February 17, 2018.
Watch Livestream
Worship will start at 17:30 hrs on the main livestream.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team