Thursday, 23 June 2016
Demons Manifesting

The first night of our Gospel Campaign here in Mwanza, Tanzania has just come to an end. We are meeting in the biggest open air field in the city, and yet it already seems too small – and this is only the beginning! Have a look at the pictures.
Many thousands of souls were saved tonight along with wonderful miracles of healing. One lady told us that her fist sized tumor vanished during prayer. A man who was paralyzed for two years and that was carried to the meeting tonight, can now walk. A woman’s paralyzed arm and legs were totally healed … and more.
Also, something notable happened: demons were manifesting throughout the meeting – from the time I started preaching until the end – much more than usual. One local bishop seemed disturbed by this, so Peter Vandenberg told him, “The demons make noise when they are coming out.” This comforted him.
This morning, Rev. Peter Vandenberg and I preached in the Fire Conference which was well attended by pastors and church leaders. The Fire Conference will culminate on Saturday morning, and we are believing for a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Please don’t miss any of my daily updates, complete with videos and amazing photos of what the Lord is doing here in Mwanza!
Thank you for continuing to pray for us. There’s more to come tomorrow.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
On Behalf of Reinhard Bonnke, Peter Vandenberg and the whole CfaN team