Sunday, 21 June 2015
Overflowing Churches!
Tonight, the First Lady of Uganda opened the final meeting of this Gospel Campaign by professing her faith in Jesus Christ and encouraging the thousands in attendance to surrender their lives to Him. Then a very full program began.
We honored the various committee organizers, I preached the Gospel, prayed for the people to receive the Baptism into the Holy Spirit, prayed for the sick, took testimonies, prayed for the boxes of prayer requests (sent in from around the world) and then prayed an extended blessing over the nation, the region and the people. Oh…and I also hosted the Christ for all Nations television program! I’m exhausted but so thankful for what we experienced.
- A mother brought her son who had been born with a hole in his neck. After prayer, she said the hole vanished!
- A woman said that her stomach tumor was healed.
- A man brought his wife, who was mad. She was delivered tonight, and she left in her right mind.
- A girl who was crippled, and who could only move by shuffling along the ground, was healed tonight. She stood up straight and walked perfectly!
Many other wonderful miracles took place. I’m sure the churches will be filled with testimonies of what Jesus has done here this week for months to come. Speaking of the churches, Peter van den Berg told me that 5 or 6 pastors approached him tonight and told him that their churches were overflowing this morning with new converts that received Christ during this week! This is what we are after. We want to see the new believers become disciples of Jesus.
Next week, we will hold a campaign in Chicago at the Allstate Arena, and then we set our sights on Zambia where we will hold our next African Great Gospel Campaign. Thank you for standing with us in prayer this week, and please continue to stand with us as we go into all the world.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team