Fire16 in Winterthur, Switzerland
A Unique Event
CfaN’s Fire Conference, “Fire16,” took place in the Eulachhallen in Winterthur, Switzerland on 10 and 11 June 2016. Daniel Kolenda, Todd White and Peter Vandenberg brought the messages over the two-day course of meetings.
The Swiss Fire Conference was a real highlight for the CfaN team and a special blessing for the attendees. We extend a very warm “thank you” to all of our volunteers and supporters in and around Winterthur. Our team will always fondly remember the openness and hospitality of the Swiss people. Cooperation between the local churches and ministries was absolutely outstanding. We enjoyed a tremendous concert by Hillsong, as well as a very successful Kids Festival. Well over 12,000 people accessed our live-stream. All of this made these two days a truly unique and special event.