Saturday, 28 March 2015
Howling Demons!

This morning the Fire Conference concluded with a powerful message from Peter van den Berg. Over the years, Peter has preached to millions of pastors and church workers through the Fire Conferences. His messages are some of the most poignant I’ve ever heard. There were so many that were gloriously filled with the Holy Spirit, and we even heard a healing testimony. The Holy Spirit is a healing spirit!
Tonight after preaching the Gospel, we also prayed over the many new believers to receive the Baptism into the Holy Spirit. What was extraordinary was the number of people that began manifesting demons. Throughout the rest of the night, through the healing testimonies and prayers, eerie cries and howls could be heard from our deliverance tent (we call it “The Snake Pit”) where demons were being cast out and people were getting set free. It seems that when the Holy Spirit falls, the demons become highly uncomfortable!
Wonderful miracles also took place:
- A crippled man, whose legs were crushed in an accident 8 years ago, was dancing and rejoicing on the platform!
- A woman with severe infections in her mouth, so painful that she had difficulty chewing, suddenly felt the power of God come on her. She could slap her cheeks – all pain was gone.
- A demon possessed boy was delivered and filled with the Holy Spirit!
Tomorrow our campaign will conclude here in Douala, Cameroon. Every night the crowd has been nearly doubling. There is great momentum here, and we are believing for one more huge harvest tomorrow. Thank you for continuing to pray for us.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN team