Day 4
Breaking Ground!

We recently received this message from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda direct from Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso:
The final night of the last Gospel Campaign of the year has just come to a glorious conclusion. The field was packed tonight. When I asked how many were attending for the first time, it was the overwhelming majority! I met a lady who said that she had been listening by radio a couple nights ago. She had terrible pains in her chest for several days and thought she was going to die. When I was praying for the sick, she stretched out her hand in faith and touched the radio. Immediately, the power of God hit her and all the pain left. From that time, until now, she is completely well!
Sometimes we go to a region where it is obvious that the people are accustomed to church or even evangelistic meetings. In those settings, a campaign can feel like a big church service where everyone knows how to respond and behave. In other places, it is apparent that we are breaking new ground. Those settings can be a bit more challenging … but that is what we are built for! That was the case here in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. A huge number of those that attended were Muslims and Animists. Even many of the Christians seemed to be experiencing our hot Holy Spirit brand of ministry for the first time. In the beginning, they seemed to watch with cool curiosity – hesitant to participate and maybe even a bit skeptical. But as the week went on, a transformation took place. By the time the night was over tonight, it was like a Holy Spirit party. The massive crowd was overflowing with uninhibited joy. They were dancing, shouting and singing because of the great things they have seen, heard and experienced. The power of God blasted so many people and touched the whole region. I am sure that Bobo-Dioulasso will never be the same again!
Our next campaign is in January already. In the meantime, we are looking forward to a restful Christmas holiday season with our families. It is with great joy and thanksgiving that we look back on a year of remarkable harvest. The final statistics are not yet in, but I anticipate it will be close to 2-million people that have received Jesus over the last 12 months of Gospel Campaigns. It is a staggering thought. What an honor it is to bring the love of God to multitudes of people. We could not have done it without you. We are standing shoulder to shoulder with you in this harvest and we thank God for you.
So from all of us at Christ for all Nations – from Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Peter Vandenberg and myself – we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year, filled with the blessings of God and the wonder of His love.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team