Saturday, 8. November 2014
Preaching in the Rain

Tonight the crowd grew to over 300,000 people … and not for lack of rain. As the worship was going on it started to pour. I thought the people might run for cover, but instead they lifted their voices and began to pray. After a few seconds, the rain suddenly stopped and the people began to rejoice and praise the Lord.
After I started preaching, once again it started to pour. I told the people, “If you will stand in the rain, I will stand here with you.” No one moved. The rain did not distract from the message one bit. Thousands upon thousands as far as the eye could see responded to the altar call. Praise the Lord.
Tonight I also prayed for the people to receive the baptism into the Holy Spirit as we did this morning in the Fire Conference. In the morning Peter van den Berg preached the final message and by the time I got up to pray the people were ready. There was such a powerful outpouring of the spirit in both morning and evening meetings.
Tonight we also heard many wonderful testimonies:
- A little crippled/paralyzed girl was healed
- An old man, completely deaf in both ears was perfectly healed
- An old woman, totally blind in both eyes could see
- Lots of cripples were healed and much more
It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is the final meeting of the final campaign of 2014. We are pushing for one more massive harvest. Please lift us up in prayer as we cross the finish line here in Kumasi, Ghana.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and the whole CfaN-Team