Sunday, 27 January 2013

It’s not often that I find myself without words, but right now I’m really not sure what to say. I’ve never seen anything before quite like what we experienced tonight.
Often, when a sick person gets healed, it causes a great commotion in the immediate area surrounding that person. When those standing close to the miracle watch it happen right before their eyes, it has a profound impact on them. They often begin to shout, scream, cry, jump, dance etc. and we can usually hear and see from the platform that a miracle has taken place out in the crowd. We’ve actually become quite accustomed to this phenomenon over the years as it regularly happens after the prayer for the sick. But tonight was something altogether different ...
Before I had even gotten up to preach (during the boring announcements), this started happening all over the field a scale that is hard to describe. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as we watched wheelchairs, crutches and walkers going into the air EVERYWHERE! One after another after another after another until the excitement among the crowd of 250,000 rose to fever pitch (even now it’s emotional to recall what happened). The roar of the crowd kept growing louder and louder until those of us on the platform looked at each other with shock and awe! It was hard to believe what was happening!
The blind, the deaf, the mute, the lame and those with all manner of sickness and disease were being spontaneously healed – without a single prayer being said and even before the Gospel was preached. It reminded me of something Evangelist Bonnke has often said, “Sometimes the Holy Spirit cannot wait for we preachers to finish our boring sermons – He itches to do great things!”
Now this amazing and historic event has come to a dramatic close and our whole team is in awe of what Jesus did this week. Nearly a million people attended the 5 days of meetings. The way Abidjan was shaken is like something out of the book of Acts. I can tell you for sure that I will never forget it.
To those of you who helped us financially and who interceded for us – thank you, thank you, thank you! You are a part of the team and the CfaN family. We are co-laborers together in the harvest. We love you, we appreciate you and we thank God for your lives.
We now set our sights on Cameroon where we will be in just three weeks. We are still believing God for the needed finances. Please consider helping us.
Together in the Harvest,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team