Evangelizing / evangelism / evangelistic
Evangelizing - What does evangelism mean?
The Gospel (translation: the Good News) is about the Christian message of salvation, and therefore the redemption of people and all of creation, as well as about the works of Jesus Christ. Evangelizing, or evangelism, includes all activities that serve to proclaim the Gospel. In the Bible, the Gospel is declared in the first four books of the New Testament. Each of these four books contains the story of the life of Jesus Christ from the perspective of evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Evangelizing – How does evangelism work?
In evangelism, it’s not about presenting a doctrine to be learned by heart. Evangelism means sharing the message with people that God became man, came to Earth and shared in death with us, to redeem all of creation. Evangelism also means personally being a testimony of God’s love, drawing attention to God’s Word and making people aware of the worth they have in God’s eyes.
When evangelizing, it’s important that we start with ourselves and show the Word and love of God to others through our lives, our lifestyle and our behavior. If the hope that we have received through the Gospel is apparent in our words and deeds, that brings credibility and authenticity to our evangelism.
Evangelizing – What does the Bible say about evangelism?
Christians are called to evangelize and therefore to share the message about Jesus Christ until He comes again. So, for example, we are told in Matthew 28:19 to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation, making disciples of all men. We must baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey Christ’s commandments.
Mark 16:15 and John 13:35 confirm that evangelism consists of being a witness for Jesus in word and deed, and that the love of God and His salvation message is revealed when we love one another. Moreover, the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:15 that evangelizing does not happen through clever words and human wisdom, but rather through God’s Spirit and God’s power.
In Acts 20:24, it says we must carry out the Great Commission given to us by Jesus until the end: to proclaim the saving message of God’s grace.
In Matthew 5:15-16, we’re told that our light should shine before all people. Then people will see our good deeds and praise our Father in heaven.
Every Christian, regardless of education or training, should be evangelizing, since faith is not based on our earthly wisdom anyway, but rather on God’s power.
Evangelizing – What does CfaN have to do with evangelism?
The main goal of Christ for All Nations (CfaN) is to evangelize the whole world. CfaN is committed to using every opportunity and every technical tool that God provides for evangelism. It is not just about preaching the Good News to people and winning lost souls to God, but also about integrating new converts into the church.
CfaN conducts various large evangelistic campaigns in Africa, for example. Many diverse Christian churches and communities work closely together in different work groups to bring the Gospel to people. At over 100 evangelistic events in African cities from 2000 to 2014, over 63 million people made a decision for Jesus Christ and documented their decision by filling out a decision card.