Techiman, Ghana
Unstoppable fire
CfaN Bootcamp graduate Ester Tshimuanga planned her very first Gospel campaign in Techiman, Ghana from 23 to 27 August 2023. Throughout her time at Bootcamp, God gave her vision and passion for Gospel campaigns in Africa and around the globe. There was a fire inside of her that no one could stop! She boldly began plans to reach Techiman, Ghana, a city of approximately 110,000 people. Her team was composed of seven CfaN evangelists, including three Fire Campers, three School of Evangelism graduates, and herself, a Bootcamp graduate. SOE graduate Albert Anokye Bempah was the Campaign Director. His heart for souls, passion for the church, and hard work helped make this event possible. Ester was grateful to God for bringing the best team around her. Planning the campaign was one of the most stretching things she had ever done, but beyond worth it!
I went through all the emotions as I planned and prepared my first large Gospel campaign. It was intense, but as soon as I saw the first people come to Jesus through the invasion team preaching in the city before the campaign, I started to cry and said to myself, “It was all worth it!” No matter the intensity, no matter the challenges, no matter how hard it is, a soul stepping into eternity has no price. If I know that whatever I do can lead people to Jesus, even if it’s intense, and hard, and challenging, it will be worth it 300%. Because it’s not about me, it’s about people meeting Jesus. Let’s die to ourselves so others can live! Let’s put our shoes on, and let’s get people saved!
Evangelist Ester Tshimuanga
Gospel invasion and event
The team had a three-week Gospel invasion leading up to the campaign with youth campaigns, market outreaches, business meetings, a women’s conference, and evangelism training. Ester had radio interviews and a press conference to promote the event. The city was already being shaken by the Gospel with thousands coming to Christ before the campaign even began!
From the first night until the last night of the campaign, Jesus came and transformed lives! There were many salvations, healings, and deliverances. During the five days of the event, Ester preached eight times. Each time the Gospel was preached, the power of God moved among the people. As people shared their healing testimonies, there was great rejoicing with dancing and singing!
In total, for the whole initiative:
- They conducted 121 outreaches
- They preached to 60,221 people (more than half of the city)
- They saw a total of 25,025 documented salvations (almost one quarter of the city)
Gospel truck
The Gospel truck that Ester used as the stage for her campaign has a special history. This Gospel truck was used at the Farewell Fire Conference of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke in Hamburg in 2019. We had a Gospel event in Hamburg at the Hansaplatz where Todd White preached the Gospel with fire. Now the very same truck was a platform for the Gospel to go forth in Ghana with a Bootcamp graduate carrying the torch of Evangelist Bonnke’s legacy. God is truly fulfilling the dream of a generation of end time harvesters!
Blessing the city

During the last night of the campaign, Ester had the privilege of praying and pronouncing blessings over Ghana and Techiman. The whole team as well as the spiritual fathers of the city gathered on the stage to pray for Ghana. This was a special moment. The spiritual leaders, bishops, and pastors of Techiman supported Ester and the team with trust and encouragement. They were hungry for Jesus to touch their city and nation!
Healing Testimonies