Children healed in Kasama, Zambia!

On the third night of the Gospel Campaign Evangelist Joe preached about the blood of Jesus and the power to break every chain in Kasama. To illustrate the cleansing power of Jesus’s blood, he told a story about when he was a little boy, and his mom had given him a brand-new white shirt that he loved and proudly wore to school. After quickly finishing lunch, he went to a nearby restroom and looked in the mirror - admiring his shirt. But when he looked down, he realized that tomato sauce had spilled all over his new white shirt. He tried to clean it, but it got even worse. He ran back home and told his mom, who washed it and made it clean again! In the same way, Evangelist Joe pointed out how sin has stained the earth and people have tried to clean it themselves - by using politics, medicine, military, religion and laws. But they cannot clean it themselves, only the blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse us and make us new again!