Unlike anything we’ve experienced

The fourth day of the Gospel Campaign was a truly Holy day, and in Evangelist David's words, “unlike anything we have experienced before.” On this night of the Campaign, David was sharing from the passage, Psalm 51, where King David cried out to God, “Create in me a clean heart…” And so, with urgency, he preached the need for the Lord to create a clean heart in us. When the time came to give the altar call, suddenly, hands all over the field were raised, and together people began to cry out to the Lord, acknowledging their need for Him to create in them a new, pure heart.
David reported: “We felt the Holy Spirit and a fresh outpouring of His presence. Those who were hungry and thirsty for Jesus were filled. We began praying for the sick, and the only explanation for what happened next was that King Jesus Himself stepped onto the field as miracles began to break out all over the field.
We celebrate along with the people of Zambia all the Lord has done. Every life surrendered, every decision to follow Jesus, every healing, and every moment a man, woman, and child encountered the Father’s love. We are confident in this – God, who began a good work, is faithful to complete it!”