Hearing a miracle after 42 years

“I preached for the first time on our second night of the Gospel Campaign. I preached a message around the story of Zacchaeus, focusing on Zacchaeus’s encounter with the mercy of Jesus, which led to his repentance and restitution. The message was crystal clear, “When you come to Jesus, your life will change”. A reverent and Godly fear came over the people as I prophesied the restoration that was taking place in their hearts and lives. The conviction of the Holy Spirit was beautiful, and thousands more gave their whole lives to Jesus - not just a hand in the air but a whole life changed…
On the final night of this great Gospel Campaign, the crowd grew to around 95,000 people…I got on my knees and prayed, “Have your way tonight God; use my mouth for your words and my body for your actions.” As I learned through my training from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and the team at the evangelism Bootcamp - surrendering is the only way. That night I shared a message on “freedom” from Luke chapter 4:18-19 - Jesus’s mission in coming to earth. As the Gospel washed across the field, thousands were set free. For me, one of the most powerful moments was toward the end of the prayer for healing. It was clear the crowd was much bigger than last night, and people were receiving powerfully from God. I told the crowd to wait on God for a moment, and a holy stillness came across the crowd as we gave God time to minister to his people. There was such a natural and genuine hunger for the Holy Spirit. Thousands of people placed their hands on their heads and began to pray in tongues. Through the masses, you could see individual faces passionately praying to God, hungry for his comfort and power. At the end of the Campaign, we prayed a prayer of Blessing over the nation and its people. God loves these people. God loves Zambia!”