21 – 25 September 2022
Decapolis Blog Zambia
This week is monumental, having 5 CfaN Gospel Campaigns happening simultaneously, across 5 cities in Zambia, over 5 days!
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda is joined with a team of evangelists preaching alongside him at each site. These evangelists are Bootcamp graduates who he personally trained, equipped, and launched with the CfaN ministry. Each day, Daniel will travel to a new city to preach the gospel. We're believing we'll witness incredible salvations, miracles, signs, and wonders!
Operation Decapolis
Kanyama, Zambia – Day 5
Day 5 – Kanyama, Zambia
What has just happened here in Zambia is nothing short of historic and miraculous.

Day 5
In one week, we conducted 25 nights of campaigns! I’m talking about MASSIVE Gospel Campaigns in 5 different cities across the nation SIMULTANEOUSLY, resulting in HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF SALVATIONS and countless testimonies!
Have a look at this picture which shows one drone shot of each night's campaign in each city. Hopefully, it will give you a sense of the scale of what we have just experienced!
Day 5 – Kanyama, Zambia
For the final night here in Zambia, I flew to Lusaka (the District of Kanyama), where Evangelists Jacob Ebersole and Alejandro Escobar are stationed.

Day 5 – Solwezi, Zambia
In Solwezi, a 9-year-old boy who was blind since he was 3 months old received his sight when Evangelist Virginnia Logan prayed.

Day 5 – Kanyama, Zambia
An Army Arising!
What has just happened here in Zambia is nothing short of historic and miraculous. In one week, we conducted 25 nights of campaigns! I’m talking about MASSIVE Gospel Campaigns in 5 different cities across the nation SIMULTANEOUSLY, resulting in HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF SALVATIONS and countless testimonies!
This is miraculous, not only for the feat of logistics and engineering that it was -- but also for the fact that it was executed by a team that has been trained and mobilized entirely through the Christ for all Nations Evangelism Bootcamp. In each of the five cities, two Bootcamp graduate evangelists were stationed. They preached and ministered four of the five nights in their city. I traveled from campaign to campaign, preaching one night in each location. Have a look at this picture which shows one drone shot of each night's campaign in each city. Hopefully, it will give you a sense of the scale of what we have just experienced!
Keep in mind that not only were the evangelists Bootcamp graduates – the campaign organizers, trainers, mobilizers, and overseers were Bootcamp graduates as well! In fact, the evangelists have been organizers in previous campaigns, which means that we are raising up evangelists fully developed in campaign evangelism! They can mobilize churches, follow up with new converts, preach the gospel and heal the sick! We are on track to train 10,000 evangelists like this IN THIS DECADE!
Not only are these evangelists fully capable in their own right, but because of their training, they are unified to a degree that is unprecedented. They maneuver like a military operation but love one another like a big family. They all have the same heart. They all preach the same Gospel. They all know how to heal the sick and cast out demons. They all work together for the same outcomes in a highly strategic and coordinated way. One evangelist will organize a campaign for his fellow grad, and then they will reverse roles!
In addition to their collaboration with CfaN, they also team up and conduct their own independent campaigns and campaigns all over the world. We are seeing campaigns happening somewhere in the world every week now (sometimes multiple campaigns per week).
This is the fulfillment of a vision that is years in the making and has required literally hundreds of thousands of man-hours to develop. What I am talking about is not merely a good event but the development of a whole new model of campaign evangelism that can shake entire nations with the power of the Gospel. And best of all--this model is completely scalable!
We will soon be conducting 40+ of these Decapolis campaigns per year! And these mass campaigns are not just happening in the big capital cities (where everyone goes) but now we can reach every village and hamlet! Places where no evangelist has ever been, are suddenly being invaded by the Gospel in the most epic fashion!
For the final night here in Zambia, I flew to Lusaka (the District of Kanyama), where Evangelists Jacob Ebersole and Alejandro Escobar are stationed. The field was at absolute capacity, and the atmosphere was electric with faith! After I preached a simple gospel message, Evangelist Alejandro prayed for the sick.
Amazing miracles followed.
In Kayama ...
A 7-year-old boy who had been paralyzed and crippled because of an accident one year ago was carried to the field. Jesus healed him so completely that not only could he walk properly, he was dancing on the platform!
In Solwezi ...
A 9-year-old boy who was blind since he was 3 months old received his sight when Evangelist Virginnia Logan prayed.
And in Kitwe ...
There was a spontaneous outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the end of the service, with many people both being filled with the Holy Spirit and being delivered from demons!
The testimonies we could mention would constitute a very long list. But even what we have heard is only the tip of the iceberg. Everywhere I go, I hear more reports of what God has done! To say that it's overwhelming is an understatement!
Now I am traveling to Cape Town to teach in the Christ for All Nations - School of Evangelism (South Africa), which was just launched this year. We are starting these Schools of Evangelism in every region and major language in the world. They are different from Bootcamp in that, while Bootcamp is designed to teach international/global evangelists, the School of Evangelism (SOE) is designed to train domestic evangelists (that will evangelize their own cities, nations, and regions). This is all part of our comprehensive strategy for a Decade of Double Harvest: 150 million documented decisions this decade and a billion-soul harvest beyond!
Our next campaign takes place in November, when we will return to Ghana for a "Flagship Campaign." Please continue to keep our global team in prayer as we work tirelessly in the harvest fields of the world to win our generation for Christ!
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team
Operation Decapolis
Kasama, Zambia – Day 4
Day 4 – Kasama, Zambia
Tonight, I traveled to the city of Kasama, where Evangelists Joe Turnbull and Tyrelle Smith (both Bootcamp Grads) are stationed.

This is the city where they've experienced so much opposition, as I've written about in earlier reports (a tree collapsed on the campaign field during the first meeting, and the sound system blew out). This is also the place where the whirlwind kicked up yesterday while our team was filming and the place where the city repented of a crocodile idol in the town.
Day 4 – Kasama, Zambia
Witch doctor set free! During a CfaN campaign this night, a witch doctor came and heard a clear gospel message. She answered the call of salvation and burned all her witchcraft items!!
Day 4 – Kasama, Zambia
After praying over the crowd to receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit, I passed the mic to Evangelist Tyrelle to pray for the sick. Once again, as we've seen each night in each city, many cripples were instantly healed.
Among them was a woman who had been in a wheelchair for 12 years and a girl who was both crippled and mute. Both were totally healed!
Day 4 – Kabwe, Zambia
In Kabwe Evangelist Evelina Smane said that a man who had broken his leg came to the campaign straight from the hospital.

His leg was swollen and in a fresh cast. The man still had his hospital papers in hand when the power of God hit him during the service. The swelling went down, and he was jumping and walking!
Day 4 – Kabwe, Zambia
Also, a woman in Kabwe received prayer on Wednesday. She is 23 years old and had been HIV Positive since birth. On Thursday, she went for a test which came back HIV Negative!!

Day 4 – Solwesi, Zambia
In Solwezi, Evangelist David Rotaermal shared about a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit across the campaign field. It was a beautiful moment that marked the team and the people of Solwezi forever!

Day 4 – Kitwe, Zambia
In Kitwe, Evangelist Dr. Roselyne Aaron preached another powerful message and prayed for the sick.
One boy came to the platform and testified that he was born with a leg longer than the other and couldn't walk properly. During the prayer for healing his leg was restored, and can now walk without any issues!
Day 4 – Kasama, Zambia
I hate these things!
History is being made here in Zambia this week as five cities are being shaken by the gospel right across the nation – simultaneously! In each city, the crowds have swollen to the point of maxing out the fields they're being held on, even creating crowd control challenges for us! And in each city, God is moving in power. The news about the wonders and miracles God is doing have gone out, and everyone is talking!
Tonight, I traveled to the city of Kasama, where Evangelists Joe Turnbull and Tyrelle Smith (both Bootcamp Grads) are stationed. This is the city where they've experienced so much opposition, as I've written about in earlier reports (a tree collapsed on the campaign field during the first meeting, and the sound system blew out). This is also the place where the whirlwind kicked up yesterday while our team was filming and the place where the city repented of a crocodile idol in the town.
After I preached tonight, a witch doctor came forward and surrendered her life to Jesus. Then she brought a bag of "juju" and some other blankets that were used for witchcraft rituals, and she threw them into our fire barrels! She stood before the massive crowd and publicly professed her faith in Christ and said she would serve Him "forever and ever." Have a look at the video above.
After praying over the crowd to receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit, I passed the mic to Evangelist Tyrelle to pray for the sick. Once again, as we've seen each night in each city, many cripples were instantly healed. Among them was a woman who had been in a wheelchair for 12 years and a girl who was both crippled and mute. Both were totally healed!
Meanwhile, in the other cities...
In Kabwe ...
Evangelist Evelina Smane said that a man who had broken his leg came to the campaign straight from the hospital. His leg was swollen and in a fresh cast. The man still had his hospital papers in hand when the power of God hit him during the service. The swelling went down, and he was jumping and walking!
Also, a woman in Kabwe received prayer on Wednesday. She is 23 years old and had been HIV Positive since birth. On Thursday, she went for a test which came back HIV Negative!!
In Solwezi ...
Evangelist David Rotarmel said, "There was such a tangible outpouring of the Holy Spirit...THEN SOMETHING HAPPENED: Truly, Jesus has stepped into the field, and without anyone speaking or without any music, miracles over miracles started breaking out. You could tangibly feel the fear of God all over the whole field as He was moving and doing what He wanted to do. For over 20 minutes, the King of Kings has taken over the meeting where nothing became impossible anymore--this moment has marked us forever."
In Kanyama ...
A woman who was deaf for over 30 years was healed as Evangelist Alejandro Escobar prayed. He told me, "She gave her testimony with tears in her eyes and the full of the joy of the Lord! The crowd went absolutely crazy!" He also said, "After the testimonies, we literally had a pile of crutches just laying at the bottom of the platform! We got to a point where I didn't have to throw the crutches from the stage anymore...the people were doing it by themselves. One lady named Grace had dislocated her foot a year and a half ago; it was completely misaligned, almost 90 degrees to the right. The Lord put it back into place! She threw her crutches into the air after shouting, "I HATE THESE THINGS!"
In each city, God is moving powerfully. The testimonies are almost endless. AND our decision card count – just from tonight – (Night #4) is 115,557! We are rejoicing!
Sunday night is the last night of this “Operation Decapolis” Campaign. Please pray for one more massive harvest across the nation of Zambia.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN Team
Day 3 – Kitwe, Zambia
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda was in the city of Kitwe
Day 3 – Kasama, Zambia
In Kasama, Evangelist Joe Turnbull witnessed a man who had blindness in his left eye for 12 years, but after prayer for the sick, his eyesight was completely restored!

Day 3 – Solwezi, Zambia
In Solwezi, Evangelist Virginnia Logan preached a clear gospel message to the tens of thousands in attendance, and many testified to incredible healing in their body! They celebrated by praising Jesus and dancing together.

Day 3 – Kanyama, Zambia
A HIV+ prostitute by the name of Grace received Christ last night. After the campaign, she went to the doctor and was tested. Her test returned negative, so she retested again—and again (three times in all). She has the confirmation—she is HIV NEGATIVE!

Evangelist Jacob Ebersole said, “literally had all of us crying on stage.”
Day 3 – Kasama, Zambia
Evangelist Joe Turnbull saw three blind people receive their sight, including one with verification from a doctor.

Also, in Kasama, the crowd, along with a member of the royal family (of a local tribe) and local bishops, repented of a large idol of a crocodile in the middle of town and someone burned an effigy of that crocodile in the fire-drums as witchcraft paraphernalia was being torched. This is the same city where the tornado sprung up.
Day 3 – Kitwe, Zambia
Tonight I preached in the city of Kitwe, where Evangelists Roselyne Aaron (Nigerian) and Braidwood Rathbone (Australian) are stationed.

Day 3 – Kasama, Zambia
Earlier today, one of our team members (also a Bootcamp Grad) was being interviewed when a small tornado rose up on the campaign field and destroyed our hospitality tent behind her in full view of the camera. It’s so wild! Watch:
Day 3 – Kitwe, Zambia
I preached a very simple, clear Gospel message, and tens of thousands responded, INCLUDING AN ENTIRE GANG that is well known in the region (I won't mention the name of the gang for security reasons).

They publicly testified that they had been terrorizing people in the region for many years, but tonight they all surrendered their lives to Jesus! They announced that they will never go back to their old ways!
Day 3 – Kitwe, Zambia
After preaching and giving the altar call, I asked Evangelist Roselyne to pray for the sick, and mighty miracles happened.
Again, as we’ve seen in each of the other nights and each of the cities, an overwhelming number of cripples are being instantly healed. See a dramatic example of what we’re seeing every night!
Day 3 – Kitwe, Zambia
Crocodiles, Gangs & Tornadoes
Tonight was the third night of our Operation Decapolis Campaign here in Zambia, where 5 campaigns are ongoing in 5 different cities over a 5 day period—simultaneously! Each day I travel to a new city, and each night I preach in a different campaign. In each city, two other evangelists (CfaN Bootcamp Grads) are stationed for the entire week and carrying the ministry in their city the other four nights.
The enemy is pushing back violently on all fronts. But we are pressing on even more violently. Our team is absolutely resolute and determined to “take it by force” here in Zambia!
Earlier today, one of our team members (also a Bootcamp Grad) was being interviewed when a small tornado rose up on the campaign field and destroyed our hospitality tent behind her in full view of the camera. It’s so wild!
Despite the many challenges, we are not only advancing, but we are seeing supernatural breakthroughs in all five cities!
Tonight I preached in the city of Kitwe, where Evangelists Roselyne Aaron (Nigerian) and Braidwood Rathbone (Australian) are stationed.
I preached a very simple, clear Gospel message, and tens of thousands responded, INCLUDING AN ENTIRE GANG that is well known in the region (I won't mention the name of the gang for security reasons). They publicly testified that they had been terrorizing people in the region for many years, but tonight they all surrendered their lives to Jesus! They announced that they will never go back to their old ways!
After preaching and giving the altar call, I asked Evangelist Roselyne to pray for the sick, and mighty miracles happened. Again, as we’ve seen in each of the other nights and each of the cities, an overwhelming number of cripples are being instantly healed.
Meanwhile at the other sites...
In Kasama...
Evangelist Joe Turnbull saw three blind people receive their sight, including one with verification from a doctor. Also, in Kasama, the crowd, along with a member of the royal family (of a local tribe) and local bishops, repented of a large idol of a crocodile in the middle of town and someone burned an effigy of that crocodile in the fire-drums as witchcraft paraphernalia was being torched. This is the same city where the tornado sprung up (above).
In Lusaka (Kanyama)...
A HIV+ prostitute by the name of Grace received Christ last night. After the campaign, she went to the doctor and was tested. Her test returned negative, so she retested again—and again (three times in all). She has the confirmation—she is HIV NEGATIVE! Evangelist Jacob Ebersole said, “literally had all of us crying on stage.”
In Solwezi...
A father brought his two-year-old child who had a growth on her neck the size of an apple. The father was told it would require surgery to remove, but tonight, during the prayer for the sick, it completely vanished!
The testimonies could go on and on, but suffice it to say that Jesus is alive and mighty things are happening in Zambia. Please keep our team in prayer as we press forward over the next two nights! The best is yet to come!
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Alongside the whole CfaN Team)
Day 2 – Solwezi, Zambia
Recap of second day in Solwezi, Zambia
Day 2 – Solwezi, Zambia
This morning I traveled to the city of Solwezi, where Evangelists Virginnia Logan and David Rotaermel (both CfaN Bootcamp graduates) are stationed.

Day 2 – Solwezi, Zambia
The lame walk in Solwezi, Zambia
In all five cities where we are holding simultaneous campaigns this week in Zambia, we are seeing explosive growth and hearing amazing testimonies of God’s power!
This morning I traveled to the city of Solwezi, where Evangelists Virginnia Logan and David Rotaermel (both CfaN Bootcamp graduates) are stationed.
I preached a strong message about what it means to follow Jesus. It was a call to repentance and surrender, and it was met with an overwhelming reaction. The huge crowd seemed to respond as one, calling upon the name of Jesus with passion, conviction, and sincerity. It was enough to take my breath away.
Then I asked Evangelist Virginnia to pray for the sick. The power of God swept over the field, and many miracles took place, most notably, many lame people walking!
Tomorrow I travel to the third city where momentum has already been building, to stoke the fire and encourage the team there. What a joy to serve the Lord.
Please continue to pray for all 5 teams across Zambia.
Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN Team)
Day 1 – Kabwe, Zambia
This video shows the first site that Evangelist Daniel Kolenda preached in Kabwe
Day 1 – Kabwe, Zambia
Afterward, I prayed for the sick, and immediately miracles began to break out all over the field.
One man ran out of the crowd holding crutches above his head. He had been crippled for two years, but tonight, he was able to run and jump. He was totally healed!
Many other cripples were healed as well. Deaf ears opened, pain vanished from all parts of the body, and there was much rejoicing on the field.
Day 1 – Kabwe, Zambia
Operation Decapolis begins
Another “Operation Decapolis“ campaign has just begun, this time in the nation of Zambia. This means we are conducting 5 campaigns in 5 different cities simultaneously this week. In each city, there are two Evangelists stationed (Bootcamp graduates). Between them, they will preach four out of the five nights in each city. I travel to each city to preach on the fifth night of each campaign.
Tonight, I started in the city of Kabwe. Right from the beginning, we could feel the hunger of the people. I preached a simple gospel message, and the response was overwhelming. So many children were responding to the invitation that we struggled to hand out all of the follow-up literature!
Afterward, I prayed for the sick, and immediately miracles began to break out all over the field. One man ran out of the crowd holding crutches above his head. He had been crippled for two years, but tonight, he was able to run and jump. He was totally healed!
Many other cripples were healed as well. Deaf ears opened, pain vanished from all parts of the body, and there was much rejoicing on the field.
In each of the other four cities, huge crowds gathered, and wonderful miracles took place. We will be sharing these reports with you in the days to come.
Tomorrow I will travel to another city and send my report from there. Please continue to pray for me and our whole team of more than 20 evangelists and dozens of organizers, technicians, and support staff.
Help with the Decade of Double Harvest.
All For Jesus,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Alongside the whole CfaN Team)
Winfried Wentland
We are through both borders and are back on the road heading south.

Road conditions have changed

5 cities in 5 days! Decapolis Update
We’re on our way to Zambia!

A little while ago, we asked our partners to come alongside us to make a Decapolis event possible in Zambia – and that’s exactly what you did!
We want to say a heartfelt thank you to every partner who joined us in prayer and helped with the finances. Together, our European partners raised € 85.819!
Because of you, and partners like you all around the world, hundreds of thousands in Zambia will hear the Gospel next month.
We have committed to reaching five cities for this Decapolis, from 21 – 25 September. For the people of Kasama, Solwezi, Kabwe, Kitwe, and Kanyama (in Lusaka), this will be an unforgettable opportunity. Many thousands will be saved. The sick will be healed, in Jesus’ name, and the local churches will never be the same.
Look out for the ministry reports coming your way next month. And please don’t stop praying for us! Pray for our teams as they finish the preparations and begin pre-campaign outreaches. And pray for those in Zambia who are lost without Jesus, for sinners to come home.
Together with you for the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
with the international CfaN team