“Earlier today, as Evangelist Richard was sharing testimonies of powerful miracles that took place, I was standing next to the sound booth on the stage, praying in the Spirit. Suddenly, I saw a man in the crowd who really caught my attention. I noticed that he was wearing a Christ for all Nations shirt, and I felt a prompting to go talk to him - but I didn’t know why. I went down from the stage and approached him. He told me his name was Chipanama, and he was a pastor. He began sharing that when Reinhard Bonnke was in Zambia in 1981, he was there to help organize the Gospel Campaign, which took place in a yellow tent. He pulled out the documents and flyers he was given and began sharing them with me. He was even wearing the same shirt they gave him back in 1981!
What a gift it was from the Lord that I was able to meet this man tonight! You see, my friend, I was born in 1991… and this man had organized a Gospel Campaign in 1981. I was not even born when he saw God's move 41 years ago in Zambia. But now, I get to carry on the legacy and preach here at a CfaN Campaign! Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke went to be with the Lord in 2019, but the legacy of the harvest continues. Reinhard didn’t preach his own ideas or ministry— he preached Jesus.
My heart is filled with so much gratitude that I get to be a part of something so much bigger than me. I’m a part of the wonderful legacy of harvest! Did I ever think that 2 years ago, when I graduated from the very first Evangelism Bootcamp, I would have the opportunity to preach the Gospel to tens of thousands of people together with Evangelist Daniel Kolenda on the same stage? Not in my wildest dreams. Jesus made a way, and I am grateful for it…Will you allow the Holy Spirit to move through you? Don’t tell God what you can’t do for Him or what you are lacking; most importantly, don’t be afraid of where He is taking you or what He has called you to do. The Father knows who you are and what you are capable of doing, so if He called you, He will equip you to do what He has called you to do for Him on the earth. Go wherever He is sending you, do whatever He tells you to do, and say whatever He tells you to say, KNOWING that He is with you. Let His Holy Spirit work through you!”
A man broke his leg yesterday and went to the hospital. He came to the field straight from the hospital with his medical record papers in his hands. His leg was swollen and in a cast. During the service, he felt the power of God. His swelling went down, and he was walking and jumping. Glory to God!