Today I want to share a special report with you. Normally, my executive assistant Rob Enge is busy at campaigns with serving, but he is an evangelist, and for the first time, he preached at a Gospel Campaign during Operation Decapolis! Rob was stationed in Mbagala (along with Evangelist Roselyne Ayeola) and below you can read his exciting report!
“Before arriving in the city of Mbagala, I was receiving updates from our Campaign Director of the many challenges they were facing in the region. NEVER before have the churches been able to host such a gathering due to another dominant religion in the region. Permits were never granted. Access to a meeting location was always denied. As is often the case, our Christ for all Nations (CfaN) and Decapolis Team pressed onward, believing by faith this was Mbagala’s time of destiny. Overcoming each and every obstacle, the favor of the Lord met our team at every turn. Our permits were approved by the local government, and the field where our campaign would take place was released for use. At the field dedication, where the bishops, pastors and local partnering churches gather to pray for the campaign before it commences, a witch came to see what was happening. As the power of God was moving, she fell to her knees. One of the pastors prayed for her and she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior! She immediately turned over all of the witchcraft items that she had brought with her to the field (see photo below). History was being made, even before a word was spoken from the platform.

On night two of our Gospel Campaign, before I preached the Gospel, I encouraged all of those in attendance to come the following night. Reason being, my co-Evangelist Roselyne Ayeola would be preaching on the blood of Jesus. Additionally, she would be breaking curses over the people and the region. It’s at this time that we collect and burn any witchcraft items in the possession of the new converts. It’s a declaration that Satan is defeated, and his power is broken over their lives. I then shared about what took place at the field dedication and how a witch had recently been born again, turning over her witchcraft items. I then held some up for the crowd to see and I was the first to throw them in the barrel. The crowd erupted with joy! After this miracle, the hearts of the people were so open to receive the Gospel. I shared from the book of Luke and about the story of Zacchaeus. It’s a beautiful story of God’s heart for those who make the wrongs right. After preaching, I called sinners to repentance. Thousands raised their hands after the call for salvation. I then prayed for the sick. As He always does, Jesus demonstrated His power. Here are a few of the amazing testimonies that we received:
- A woman that had been deaf in her right ear for 2 years testified that during the time of prayer, she heard an explosion of sound. Afterwards, she said she could now hear out of her right ear. I had her cover the good ear (on her left side), stood farther away from her, and had her repeat the words I was saying. She was able to do so without an issue.
- A woman shared how one of her legs was shorter than the other. She had a terrible limp when she walked due to this imbalance, and it was difficult to walk. During the time of prayer, she said the shortened limb grew out. She stood on the platform and showed the people how both of her legs were perfectly straight and aligned. She rejoiced as she told us of her miracle by walking and dancing on stage with joy and no pain.
- A mama came up with her young daughter and shared how she had been deaf in both ears for 10 years. When I asked the daughter what happened during the time of prayer, she could barely utter the words as tears filled her eyes. She was so happy! She said that she felt something going in and out of her ears. Then suddenly, that sensation stopped, and she could hear out of both ears.
- A woman who had a large tumor on her side testified that during the time of prayer, it miraculously vanished. It had troubled her and caused her much pain for 2 years. She added how the doctors told her that due to the tumor, she couldn’t conceive. I prayed for her and declared that Jesus doesn’t only perform partial miracles, but that in 9 months she’d deliver a healthy baby, in Jesus’ name!
Night four was a night of dreams fulfilled! Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, Reverend Peter Vandenberg and other members of our CfaN and Decapolis team joined Evangelist Roselyne and I in Mbagala, as they had been traveling from another city where an additional campaign was taking place simultaneously. A first to ever happen in the ministry and most likely ever in the history of the world!

Reverend Peter Vandenbrg surprised me moments before the start of the campaign, asking me if I would introduce Evangelist Daniel Kolenda. This would be the first time I’d have such an honor. In front of tens of thousands of people, I welcomed and introduced a hero of mine to the platform. It was a moment I will never forget. After Evangelist Kolenda preached a crystal clear Gospel message, resulting in thousands surrendering their lives to Jesus, he asked me to pray for the people to receive the Baptism into the Holy Spirit. As the Executive Assistant to Evangelist Kolenda for 7 years, I’ve had the opportunity to watch him usher multitudes into the presence of Jesus, witnessing them receive the promise of their Father and now, he was allowing me the privilege. As I witnessed Evangelist Kolenda do so many times, I told the people to fix their eyes on Jesus and open their hearts to receive this free gift. All over the field, thousands began to receive the Holy Spirit and the evidence of new tongues. Even the young people in attendance were being filled with the Holy Spirit (see photo below). This image has seared my heart, and will serve as a constant reminder that there is no junior Holy Spirit. As the power of God was falling across the field, our ushers were running, trying to carry so many people who were touched by the Holy Spirit and getting freedom from demonic oppression to a prayer tent. It was overwhelming!

Upon arrival to the field on the final night, we noticed that the crowd size had grown considerably. My heart flooded with joy in knowing that I was going to be able to cast the ‘Gospel Net’ far and wide, one last time to the people of Mbagala. The salvation message I preached on was about spiritual laws, based out of Romans 8, where it talks about the law of sin, the law of death and the law of salvation. I shared how the laws of sin and death will pull you down to the lowest point, but Jesus’ heart is so beautiful, He will rescue us from our sinful life. Through the use of illustrations, the people could see that the nail-pierced hands of Jesus give them the power over sin and death. The response to the call of salvation was the best we’d seen yet! Afterwards, I once again prayed for the sick. Incredible miracles took place! We witnessed wheelchairs and crutches being lifted in the air. The crippled were walking. A woman who had been blind in her right eye for 9 months received her sight. When seeing and hearing this, the crowd erupted! It led to a joyous celebration.
Before we concluded, I prayed for the nation, the President, the local government, the surrounding regions and cities, as well as the local churches and all those in attendance. I then invited all of our CfaN and Decapolis Team members who had labored so hard, some for 3-months, to join us on the platform. I thanked each and every one of them for their labor of love in Mbagala, and that we all shared in the reward that will remain for all of eternity. Finally, my co-Evangelist Roselyne Ayeola felt the Lord gave her a prophetic word for Mbagala. She proclaimed Matthew 5:14 over Mbagala, feeling in her heart that Mbagala is now a city of light, a city where Jesus dwells. She asked the people to turn on the flashlight on their smartphones and turn it up as a prophetic act. Lights lit up everywhere! She then declared that from that day forward, the light of Jesus will shine throughout Mbagala, Temeke and Dar es Salaam and that the people will themselves carry that light everywhere they go. She released it unto them before our team said farewell (see photo below). It was a bittersweet moment.

Immediately upon conclusion of the final meeting, the bishops and the pastors met us, thanking our CfaN and Decapolis Team for coming to Mbagala. They shared that no ministry has ever come to their region, nor had they ever witnessed such a powerful move of God. They felt a seismic shift take place. Strongholds were broken. Dreams had come true. I could relate- as from the time I was 9 years old growing up in church, I was told that I would be an evangelist, and during this week, in Mbagala, Tanzania, that spoken word became a reality. My life will never be the same!
To Jesus Be the Glory!
Evangelist Rob Enge
(Together with Evg. Roselyne and our entire CfaN/Decapolis Team)

Hallelujah! God is faithful to bring the dreams in our hearts, even since childhood, to pass in His perfect timing! Be sure to look out for impactful reports in the coming days!
Together in the Harvest,
Daniel Kolenda
and the whole CfaN family