Six campaigns in six areas over five days… we are blown away by what God is doing across Tanzania! In this update, Evangelist Lukas Repert reports from Operation Decapolis and the campaign field in Gongo la Mboto, where he and Evangelist Daniel Garcia ministered together. Last Friday night, the campaign became a “festival of miracles”, as Evangelist Lukas states below!
“Friday was the third night of six simultaneous Gospel Campaigns in Dar es Salaam. As I prepared to preach in Gongo la Mboto, I was filled with anticipation, ready to break the power of the devil and see people set free! This was the night we would invite everyone at the campaign to burn all of their witchcraft, collected over many years.
The moment I began to pray and break the curses of the devil, it was as if the field turned into a festival of miracles! As items of witchcraft burned in the fire, demons were cast out by the hundreds! The devil had to flee from so many precious souls. The power of the Holy Spirit manifested in a wonderful way, and the blood of Jesus set people free from years of oppression. Deep, supernatural freedom conquered hearts across the campaign field!
The blood of Jesus also came with the power to heal. When I prayed to break the spirit of infirmity, the crowd erupted in praise. We were all dancing and celebrating the miracles breaking out in every direction. There were so many miracles across the field that nearly every person there saw the power of God firsthand. People rejoiced and shouted with gratitude. No sickness and no devil can stand against the mighty power of Jesus Christ!
I did not even have a chance to call people forward to testify because they were already running onto the stage, filled with the Holy Spirit, proclaiming what Jesus did in their lives! Many, many people were healed from paralysis and other sicknesses that had prevented them from walking properly. These precious ones lifted their crutches in the air and threw them aside! The healing power of Jesus Christ forever changed their lives! One man, who was over 80 years old, danced like a teenager across the stage because he was completely healed from all his diseases!
The most impactful testimony of the night came from a woman who had been deaf in both of her ears for over ten years. She came to the campaign wearing hearing aids, not able to hear at all. Then, when I prayed for deaf ears to be opened, suddenly something happened in her ears! She was able to hear like never before. Jesus did a mighty miracle in her life. She came forward and shared her testimony. Then, I tested her hearing on stage without the hearing aids and rejoiced with her over her complete healing! Praise God for his power and his mercy!

On Saturday, I preached in Gongo la Mboto again, and we experienced a move of God. As I shared the Gospel, God did what only He can do. While I preached sin and salvation, repentance and freedom, a heart of stone becoming a heart of flesh, the crowd was so convicted by the Holy Spirit that tension filled the air. People were moved and impacted as the Word of God cut through their hearts.
The most holy moment of the night was the call for salvation. I invited each person to receive salvation through Jesus Christ, and people repented of their sins by the thousands! It literally felt as if the whole crowd was standing on a very thin rope, and each person knew there were only two options: either fall in the arms of Jesus or fall back in the hands of Satan. It seemed like nearly everyone there chose Jesus, falling into the arms of their loving Savior. For many, this was the first time they had ever surrendered their lives to Jesus. Former Muslims across the field filled out decision cards to get connected with local churches. It was their day of salvation!
But that’s not all! The most amazing part was still to come. Jesus had prepared the best for last, as He often does. The second half of the night was focused on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I gave a simple introduction to the topic and shared from Luke 11:11-13. Voices rose in worship to the King of kings. Then we prayed together: ‘Father, fill me now,’ inviting in the Holy Spirit. Before that tiny sentence was even complete, the power of the Holy Spirit spread across the field! People began praying in tongues and received all kinds of gifts from the Holy Spirit.
After the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I began to pray for the sick, and mighty signs and wonders occurred. Jesus opened a man’s blind eye! He showed me his medical reports stating his condition, and he was already scheduled for a major surgery on his blind eye. He wouldn’t need surgery anymore because Jesus healed him completely!
God did many, many miracles before our eyes. Crippled people walked again. Ulcers disappeared; people were healed of all kinds of sicknesses! Praise be to Jesus!”

Jesus Christ won the victory in Gongo la Mboto! Those who came experienced the mighty power of Jesus to save, deliver and heal. As you read these testimonies, receive them for your own life. The same Jesus who performed those mighty miracles and set people free is working in your life too! God bless you.
Yours in the Gospel,
Daniel Kolenda
and the whole CfaN family