Here we have Evangelist Joe Turnbull’s report from the Christ for all Nations Operation Decapolis Campaign in Kigamboni, Tanzania. Evangelist Joe’s wife, Christa, was also able to join him for the campaign in Kigamboni!
“It was a true honor to be called to the city of Dar es Salaam to preach alongside Evangelist Daniel Kolenda in Operation Decapolis for Christ for all Nations. I was paired in the district of Kigamboni with Evangelist Randy Roberts. On the way to the campaign field, I was in amazement because it was only a year and a half ago that we were sitting next to each other in the first class of Christ for all Nations Bootcamp 2020. Now we were following behind a police escort, crossing over on a boat ferry, to a campaign field where we would preach to thousands of people.

The first night was truly remarkable as we walked up on the campaign stage. I knew it was time for Kigamboni to experience the power of the Gospel and for mighty miracles to touch their lives. As I began to preach, I felt a deep connection with every person on that field. As we got to the end, I knew they understood the Gospel and were ready to receive Jesus. Hands all over the field began to lift for salvation, and the counselors were spread out throughout the field like a net ready to catch the fish. As the counselors were helping the new converts fill out the decision cards to get them connected to a local church, suddenly, people started carrying the sick to the front of the stage.
Within minutes, hundreds of sick people were in front of the stage who couldn’t walk, hear, or see. The people came just as advertised to receive their miracle for Jesus! I knew in that moment that Jesus was going to meet them right where they were at. So, I began to pray and believe, commanding people from the stage to get up and walk, for deaf ears to open, the blind to see, for mental illnesses, back pain, and shoulder pain. I prayed for everything God put on my heart with all that I had. At that moment, people with crutches started raising them above their head, and the crowd began to cheer, and faith grew more. People got up from lying on the ground, and others that were standing fell over from the power of God that was falling on the field.

Truly, a move of God was happening on the first night, and lines of people came to the side of the stage to testify.
- One lady came up with her mother, an eyewitness, that she could not walk for four years without a cane. One of her legs was lame, and she couldn’t even stand without holding onto it. I asked her to walk to me without her cane - 1 step, 2 steps, 3 steps, 4 steps - the crowd erupted in the place! I then moved forward with the microphone to ask her name, and then the mother looked at me and told me that her daughter was deaf and could not hear out of both ears. Jesus put me on the spot in front of thousands of people, but I knew the secret as Evangelist Daniel taught in class, “Put Jesus on the spot.’ So I did in front of everyone - I prayed for her ears to open, and then all of a sudden, her ears opened up. I tested the healing in front of the whole crowd, and the people knew at that moment that Jesus was in Kigamboni.
From the first night until the final night, the crowd grew each day! Multitudes came to the field of Kigamboni, and mighty miracles swept across the land, and a massive harvest was pulled in.
- Kisiwani had problems with her eyes for 3 years, and she couldn’t see anything. She was practically blind and had to have someone lead her to the campaign. When the evangelist was praying, she felt something like a wind blowing in her eyes. She was completely healed, and now she can see perfectly.
- Mariam had a tumor in her right breast for 6 years, with swelling and pain. During the prayer, she felt like a cold feeling through her body, and then the pain and the swelling went away.
- Fatuama had pain in her ears and would hear banging in her ears all the time. She couldn’t hear at all when people talked to her. When the evangelist said to put your hand where you have pain, she put her hands on her ears, and she was fully healed.”
We pray you have been blessed by reading the powerful reports and testimonies from the evangelists preaching at Operation Decapolis. The Lord is truly raising up an army of evangelists to bring millions of souls into the Kingdom of God for the Decade of Double Harvest! We could not do this without your continued prayers and support.
Together in the Harvest,
Daniel Kolenda
and the whole CfaN family