Evangelist Jacob Ebersole reports from the Christ for all Nations Operation Decapolis Campaign in Jangwani, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania!
“Flying into Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, my heart began to race as I knew the Lord was about to do something very special. I knew the area we were getting ready to minister in was a place of religious strongholds. Our heart cry as a team, led by our campaign director Richard Fullwood, was to see iron walls fall down, barriers broken, and the region of Jangwani changed forever. On the first day of the campaign, I preached from Romans 10:13, ‘For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’ I’ll never forget the moment when I asked the entire crowd to shout this verse as loud as they possibly could! I believe everyone within a mile radius heard the roar from the campaign field, and I believe this was the beginning of what would soon result in thousands upon thousands of people being set free, delivered, and healed.

Night after night, God made Himself known on that field as my co-evangelists Jim and Kathy Leamon ministered with power and authority. On the third night, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda came and preached on the Blood of Jesus. This was a historic night for Jangwani as I believe major breakthrough took place in the city. We celebrated demonic curses being broken, witchcraft being burned in the fire, and thousands being added into the Kingdom of Heaven.
On the last night of the campaign, I preached a sermon called “Come to the table.” I used two tables as an illustration. On the left side of the stage, there was the devil's table. On the right side of the stage, there was the table of Jesus. Minute by minute, the anticipation grew as every man, woman, boy, and girl listening to my voice knew in their heart which table they had been sitting at in their lives
Right before I gave the altar call, I stepped off the stage, went into the crowd, and began to preach from the camera tower, which was right in the midst of the massive crowd that night. It brought tears to my eyes as I witnessed thousands of people respond to the Gospel. I believe generational curses were broken all across that field as thousands were pulled off the devil’s table and put at the feet of Jesus. We dedicated that city to the Lord as a team and declared that Jangwani now belongs to Him. Hallelujah!

Right after that, the Kingdom of Heaven began to rain down on that field as captives were being set free and religious strongholds began to shatter. I went into the audience to lay hands on people as the Holy Spirit began to fall, and I can even remember something shifting within myself. I had always had a deep love for the people of Africa, but that night something changed. Looking into the eyes of a sea of people so hungry for truth, so hungry for Jesus, I fell in love with this continent more than ever before. Thank you, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and the entire CfaN team, for this amazing opportunity. I'll never be the same again.
After each sermon, I prayed for the sick.
Here are just some of the miracles that took place on the first and last night of the campaign:
- There was a man who fell off a big truck in 2007 and injured his back severely. He had been in excruciating pain for years and years, so much so that it was even difficult for him to stand. It was also very difficult for him to sit down. He came on stage with the BIGGEST smile on his face and told us what had happened to him. He saw the campaign posters around the city, so he decided to come and believe in his healing. The crowd shouted in celebration, and he told us that while the evangelist was praying, he could feel that his pain had gone away!! He stood up straight and started to do squats, demonstrating what the Lord had done.
- A Muslim woman had pain in her chest who came on stage to tell us what had happened. This was one of the highlights of the entire campaign for me! She saw the billboards for the campaign but wasn’t sure if she would come. Her Christian sister encouraged her to go to the campaign, but as a Muslim, she wasn’t sure. She felt a prompting to attend the event, so she did, and as the evangelist was praying, she was HEALED! I’ll never forget when she shared her testimony. I asked her who had healed her, and she replied, ‘Jesus Christ’ right in front of a mosque that was across the street. AMEN!
- Silvia had a tumor in her stomach. She had two surgeries and was told by the doctor she would need a third one. When the evangelist was praying Thursday night, she reached down to feel if she had been healed and the tumor wasn’t in her stomach anymore!! She said she could not feel it anymore!! Hallelujah.
- Martha was standing at the back of the field when the evangelist prayed for people who had been in car accidents. She had fractured her leg in an accident which caused a massive swelling. She said she couldn’t find any help at the hospital, but on this night, something happened. She felt a burning go through her leg, looked down, and realized that the swelling wasn’t there anymore!
Jacob Ebersole”
Hallelujah! Our God heals our infirmities, He turns our sorrow into joy, He breaks down strongholds, and our mighty God brings breakthrough!
If you need prayer in any area of your life, or you’re believing for a miracle of salvation or healing for a friend or family member, know that you can always submit a prayer request to us online!
Together in the Harvest,
Daniel Kolenda
and the whole CfaN family