If you or someone you know needs healing in their body, I encourage you to read this report and forward it to them because it is full of healing testimonies! Evangelist Daniel Garcia preached in Gongo la Mboto (along with Evangelist Lukas Repert) during Operation Decapolis, and I believe his report below will minister to you.

"I would like to share some of the beautiful things that God is doing in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania (Gongo La Mboto district). I know your hearts will rejoice in how our Jesus is hugging Tanzania with His love, salvation, healing, and deliverance. Tonight was a very special night in my heart. We saw so many children healed.
- A little girl couldn't see and was constantly in pain – Jesus healed her eyes completely, and she was able to see. Her mom was amazed.
- A little girl who couldn't hear started hearing perfectly.
- A lady (who was not even at the campaign) was unable to walk. When she heard through the speakers, 'Be healed in the name of Jesus!' she said that something like lightning shocked her spine and body - healing her - and she came running over to the campaign! She couldn't even walk, and now she was running in front of everyone. The crowd was overflowing with praise to Jesus.
We received testimony after testimony of spines, joints, legs, eyes, and ears being healed. The Healer is the One who gave everything for us: Jesus! We saw a crowd that was hungry to give their lives to this Jesus. How can you not fall in love with Him? He is full of love, kindness, and compassion. But the best part is that He did everything to save us.
My heart was exploding on the final night of the campaign, as I could see Jesus loving Tanzania beyond our comprehension.
The message tonight was about discovering how wide, long, high, and deep the love of Christ is. We cried out that the heart of God is so big, but he has a special space for every single person at the campaign. The love of Jesus is so special, so kind, so gentle, so passionate, so unquenchable - and it is in its utmost expression when Jesus forgave our sins at the Cross.
The Holy Spirit fell with fire among the crowd with salvations, signs, wonders, freedom, and blessings – all of which are just expressions of the unquenchable love of God shouting to the people, 'I love you with all my heart, and I will save you, I will heal you, and I will deliver you.'
- A beautiful little boy testified that he was blind for 11 years, and in front of everyone, he recovered his sight and chased me all over the stage as the crowd praised Jesus for his healing. His mom was amazed that her little boy would be able to run, see, and live differently for the rest of his life. Jesus is burning with love to heal us! I felt to tell the boy that he was going to be an evangelist who will heal the blind in the name of Jesus, who will preach healing to the sick, and that he will become a man who preaches the Gospel to the nations.
- During the prayer, the Holy Spirit said to me, "Tell the crowd that there is a person with throat cancer among the crowd and that He is taking cancer away." A lady came to the front to testify that Jesus did heal her completely from throat cancer. She said that she had so many diseases all over her body that she could not name them all. But she felt the power of God falling upon her, and she said that every disease had left her body. She couldn't stop crying as she was praising the Lord for healing her 100%.
- A woman with diabetes had a swollen, hurt leg and was there at the campaign, believing that she would be healed. She said that the power of God came upon her and she felt completely healed. She went to the doctor to confirm that she was healed, and the doctors said to her that all diabetes was no longer in her body. She came running to the front of the crowd saying, 'I knew that Jesus was going to heal me in this campaign!' Her faith was evident and amazing.
- A woman who had to use a cane for many years said suddenly something shook her back, and she received strength, and she didn't need her cane anymore.
- The Holy Spirit touched a woman who was not able to move her right arm, and she recovered all mobility.

Jesus lavished Tanzania with blessings after blessings, and I knew that this was only one location of the six locations that Jesus was touching with all his love. My friend, we are seeing something historic. All over Dar es Salaam, the people were saying that this city was completely being transformed. We are seeing the power of the multiplication of harvesters, souls, and partners in the ministry. This is only the beginning - an army of evangelists is rising that will shake the nations to its core and will bring Jesus to all those that are dying eternally without Him. This is the time of the Harvest. This is the time for His children to come back to Him. This is a time that the earth will hear a cry in every corner that Jesus saves, Jesus heals, Jesus delivers! Jesus is full of love for Tanzania. We are seeing a nation fall in love with Jesus. We are witnessing the Savior pouring His love over Tanzania. Tanzania is being saved!
We are doing this together, and we love you in Jesus' name.
Warmest Regards,
Daniel Garcia"
Hallelujah! Jesus is so good. We pray you are touched, and your faith is strengthened after reading miracle after miracle that took place in Dar es Salaam. There is still more to come!
Together in the Harvest,
Daniel Kolenda
and the whole CfaN family