Decapolis / Bootcamp goes into action
There is so much happening in Tanzania right now, it almost makes your head spin! Our Bootcamp graduates have hit the ground running, and along with our campaign preparation team, they are shaking Tanzania up for Jesus
The toughest job you'll ever love
Listen to this inspiring and raw video from Robbie Leaf, as he opens up about his experience at the Bootcamp Initiation in Tanzania. So many times we are believing lies about ourselves others have spoken over us, but Jesus wants to tear those lies down so you can fulfill your God-given purpose! If you feel called to further your training to reach the nations, visit cfanbootcamp for more information on our next Evangelism Bootcamp training in January 2021!
Hear What’s Next, Now that the Bootcamp Initiation has Concluded!
The conclusion of the Bootcamp Initiation was only the beginning! The Bootcamp Graduates persevered and saw over 160,000 people surrender to Jesus. But what’s next? While many in the world have slowed down, we are pushing ahead full-force. That’s why November 12-22 I will be in Tanzania for Decapolis, where we will conduct FIVE Gospel Campaigns happening in less than 2 weeks! It’s going to be unlike anything we’ve ever done before, holding more Gospel Campaigns in a shorter period of time. We are not backing down, the Gospel must be preached!
Final week of Bootcamp Initiation!
The third and final week of the CfaN Bootcamp Initiation has come to a close. What powerful and life-changing 3 weeks it has been not only for the Bootcamp Graduates and coaches, but for the thousands of people who received salvation, healing, and deliverance (over 165,000 salvations!) The cities in Tanzania have been rocked by the Gospel, and we are excited for the upcoming crusades in Tanzania in November!
Gospel in action
Our devoted evangelists are applying everything they have learned at the Evangelism Bootcamp as they take the Gospel to marketplaces, schools and villages – wherever people are.
If you feel called to evangelism, be sure to visit cfanbootcamp.org for more information!
Arusha, Tanzania
Reminds me of Acts 3! Paul Maurer shared the following
This man came up to me in the market place today and asked for some money. I didn’t have any money on me to give him but as we were talking I could smell alcohol on his breath, and I knew he was dealing with alcoholism. I shared the gospel with him and asked him if we wanted to repent of alcoholism and be free from it and he said yes.
After leading him in the prayer of salvation and doing deliverance prayers I asked him how he felt and a big smile came across his face and he said “I feel peace.” Later on I heard from a local that he was previously a hard core criminal with lots of crime in his past. This man had an encounter with Jesus today! No one is beyond the saving power of Jesus Christ!
Surpassing 100,000 salvations!
We have now seen over 100,000 people surrender to Jesus after two weeks in Tanzania for the Bootcamp Initiation! We will still have one more week on the ground with the team of evangelists. Please pray for perseverance and continued health for everyone.
Our field director and his team working behind the scenes
Our 4 generators arrive! A big thank you to all our supporters who made this possible.
Finally, our four generators arrived safely to the warehouse in Kenya. All four generators work very well and they will be assigned to designated trucks that will be utilized during our Gospel Campaigns in different cities in Tanzania. Together with his team, our field director is currently preparing more equipment to make sure we are all set for the Decapolis campaigns taking place in Tanzania this November. A huge thank you to all of our supporters for helping us to make this possible!
Planting the Gospel in the best soil of the world
Privileged to share the Good News with such an enthusiastic, young audience!
Jako and Karin Hugo have worked with Christ for all Nations for many years at our Gospel Campaigns. In between the Gospel Campaigns, they would preach the Gospel, and have led thousands of children to Jesus. Right now Jako and Karin are coaches in Tanzania to our Bootcamp Graduates, helping them to do the same!
Business Blessings and Salvation!
When Matias began preaching the Gospel, suddenly this lady’s business increased, an answer to her prayer earlier that very morning. The best part is, because God blessed her business so dramatically and answered prayer, she gave her heart to Jesus!
The Gospel Works Everywhere!
In the dry, dusty conditions outside of Arusha, the Gospel is going forth and bringing life to people! Matias said, “We’re inhaling dust and exhaling the Gospel.” Our Gospel trucks are able to take the Bootcamp graduates and evangelists into remote places to preach and pray!
Bill Ferguson and Robbie Leaf with their translator, Alie. What a testimony of the power of the Holy Spirit from Bill about a man healed and hit by the power of God!
“As we were sharing the gospel and praying for people an older gentleman came over to us and our interpreter said the man was partly blind and had pain in one leg. My teammate prayed for him and he was not healed. We were about to leave and move onto someone else when the Holy Spirit spoke to me about the blind man that was on the side of the road and shouting out, ‘Jesus, Son of David!’ two times and was healed by Jesus. I shared that story with the older man. I told him the same Jesus that healed that blind man is the same Jesus that is here to heal you. When I covered both his eyes with my hands I had him cry out, ‘JESUS, SON OF DAVID!’ two times. He was shot backwards by the Holy Spirit and landed on the dirt road and dust flew up where he landed. He laid there with his eyes closed not moving at all. My first thought was I hope he is still alive as he was not moving. I went over and grabbed his hand and pulled him up. We walked back and forth thanking Jesus that he could now see. All kinds of people circled us. I told my teammate to preach the Gospel to them and he did. There were 27 salvations there and many more healings. So thankful and amazed for all the training I received from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda at the Bootcamp training. I am blessed to be a part of the vision that Reinhard Bonnke had that Africa shall be saved.”
Our Bootcamp Graduates went into the marketplaces and ministered to people one-on-one, and saw salvations, healings, and deliverance! It has only been one week and incredible testimonies are taking place.
The future is bright-God touching the next generation!
The Holy Spirit is ministering to the next generation in Tanzania! Bootcamp Graduates and an entire team of evangelists are witnessing thousands of children surrender to Jesus and receive the power of the Holy Spirit.
More testimonies coming in!
Lauren Clark shared how one lady had horrible pain in her foot, knees, and hips for 4 years and Jesus completely healed her! After receiving healing, she was so happy and started yelling her name and where she was from, telling people she was completely healed! Jake Teachey prayed for the sick and many were healed! Kole Purdy said he felt the fire of God and anointing while he was preaching. Tanzania will never be the same in Jesus name!
Bootcamp Initiation
This is what it’s all about.
God is raising up an army of evangelists to reach the next for generation for Jesus! This is what it’s all about.
Parking the truck and Preaching Jesus!
Right now in Tanzania we have evangelists - men and women, working together to minister and conduct outreaches in marketplaces, schools, and on the streets. This video shows only one of several teams on the ground. Please continue praying the Holy Spirit guides all their planning as they go out to preach and pray for the sick!
Orientation and Overflow!
Not your average evangelism orientation! Hear from Levi, the Christ for all Nations Administrative Dean, as he describes what happened when the fire-filled evangelists prepared to go out and preach the Gospel!
To learn more about the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp, visit cfanbootcamp.org
Over 20 evangelists hit the ground in Tanzania!
Recent Bootcamp Graduates have hit the ground in Tanzania! They have been trained, equipped, mentored, and now the final part of their training is here: Bootcamp Initiation! For the next 3 weeks, graduates will be conducting outreaches and ministering as a part of CfaN’s vision for multiplication of evangelists and the Decade of Double Harvest! We are just getting started, so be sure to check back often for updates and recaps of all that God is doing in Tanzania through these powerful men and women of God over the next few weeks.
Preparations continue in Arusha, Tanzania for an upcoming Gospel Campaign!
Over 300 pastors from different denominations united together in Arusha, Tanzania for an upcoming Gospel Campaign! Hear from Denis Artyushevskiy, a recent Bootcamp Graduate, on the exciting developments in Arusha.
Update from Jared Horton on the ground in East Africa! Please pray as they continue to prepare for upcoming Gospel Campaign!
Uniting for the Gospel!
Hear how God is uniting people from different backgrounds for the sake of the Gospel and upcoming crusades in Tanzania!
Lukas Repert
The preparation continues!
This week our team on the ground in Tanzania trained recent Christ for all Nations Bootcamp Graduates, who are now assisting us in preparations for the upcoming Gospel Crusades. Watch this brief update and please keep the team in prayer! #DecadeofDoubleHarvest
Preaching live on the radio
When I got to my city on Saturday evening after 14 hours of driving, the local organizer told me that he had completely forgotten to let me know that I would be preaching live on the radio in 40 minutes. Naturally, I accepted with thanks and preached the Gospel with all my strength!
An apprenticeship in campaign organization
Last Sunday, another 7 Bootcampers who were with me at Bootcamp this year arrived. They came to help us organize the campaigns. On the one hand, they will be leading people to Jesus before the campaign even happens. And on the other hand, they’ll be part of the practical local organization (as an apprenticeship in campaign organization).
In general, our operation in Tanzania is broken up into various parts:
- We have 7 Bootcampers who are doing their practical training here as “directors”. For the next 4 months, they will mostly be here in the city allocated to them.
- Mid-September, another group of 26 Bootcampers is coming to do their practical post-Bootcamp initiation. For 3 weeks, this group will conduct school outreaches, preach on Gospel Trucks and do street campaigns.
- At the end of October, yet another group of students doing their practical training will arrive, who have been allocated to hospitality, transport and campaign marketing and promotion. This group consists of around 13 people who will be supporting us in the organizing, as well as helping us with visiting schools, preaching on the Gospel Trucks and in the street outreaches.
Over the past week, we’ve been training the newcomers and talking through our strategy for the coming weeks. It was primarily about laying the right foundation for a successful Gospel campaign, in that we must build good relationships with the churches and fellowships in the various cities, so that everyone feels they are heartily welcome to participate in our campaign.
On Saturday, it came to an end, and our time together as a team in Arusha was over. We dispersed to our respective towns to continue with our work there. Every city has a local organizer who has been chosen by the local churches to support us in the campaign organization.
Preparing for 5 Gospel Campaigns in Tanzania
Tanzania Blog
We're on the ground in Tanzania!
Hello dear CfaN family and partners,
I am Lukas Repert, some of you know me from the coverage of the boot camp in the USA earlier this year. Together with 51 other participants I successfully completed the boot camp. Now it is time to put what you have learned into practice!
For this reason I travelled to Tanzania at the beginning of last week to take advantage of the brilliant opportunity to help prepare five major evangelistic campaigns together with the CfaN team. In mid-November we want to take advantage of the open doors which God is giving us here to preach the Gospel in Tanzania!
My job here is to oversee the preparation of two of the five campaigns as Director. I have been training five suitable organisers from the cities concerned, together with my colleague, Director Jared Horton and Executive Director Bret Sipek, over the past week. Together with their help we want to make God's work possible here and now.
We had a wonderful time this week and I fell in love with the country of Tanzania very quickly! The people here are especially warm and full of joy. It is simply wonderful and we experience a remarkable hospitality everywhere we go. The landscape here in the city of Arusha where we are staying is breathtaking, because you can always see Kilimanjaro in the background.
Soon seven more graduates of the boot camp - who were personally selected by Daniel to accompany the whole preparation - will join us and actively participate.
I am looking forward to taking you on this journey again and to giving you a deeper insight into the evangelistic preparation in the coming four months.
See you next week
Kind regards